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If The Playoffs Started Today 10/25/11

The Gipper

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If the playoffs started today, the following teams would be in:


AFC Division winners:

AFCE Patriots 5-1 would have home field advantage

AFCN Steelers 5-2

AFCS Texans 4-3

AFCW Chargers 4-2

Wildcards: Buffalo and Cincinnati, both 4-2 and both have the tiebreaker over 4-2 Baltimore with the better conference records.

(that loss last night to the Jags took the Ratbirds from the #1 seed to out :P


NFC Division winners:

NFCE Giants 4-2

NFCN Packers 7-0 would have home field advantage

NFCS Saints 5-2

NFCW 49ers 5-1

Wildcards: Lions at 5-2, Bears 4-3 (own tiebreaker over the 4-3 Bucs and Falcons)

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If the playoffs started today, the following teams would be in:


AFC Division winners:

AFCE Patriots 5-1 would have home field advantage

AFCN Steelers 5-2

AFCS Texans 4-3

AFCW Chargers 4-2

Wildcards: Buffalo and Cincinnati, both 4-2 and both have the tiebreaker over 4-2 Baltimore with the better conference records.

(that loss last night to the Jags took the Ratbirds from the #1 seed to out :P


NFC Division winners:

NFCE Giants 4-2

NFCN Packers 7-0 would have home field advantage

NFCS Saints 5-2

NFCW 49ers 5-1

Wildcards: Lions at 5-2, Bears 4-3 (own tiebreaker over the 4-3 Bucs and Falcons)

And where are we?

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You guys aren't even mentioned in the playoff picture...why did you guys post this?



Because it is information that might be interesting to many. Because it is a feature I generally do each week starting about this time of the season. Because not everything that is discussed on here has to solely do with the Browns.


One feature I didn't do this week is my weekly trivia quiz on the Browns opponent. I didn't do it this week because I am leaving town and wouldn't be back for over a week to give the answers. Based on what I have seen, Browns fans may have done better on 49er trivia than 49er fans.


Are you guys really that dull that you cannot fathom that anyone would actually follow the happenings in the league even if their team isn't involved?


Also, as part of this feature I eventually post which teams are eliminated from the post season picture. No one is eliminated yet. Not even the Colts, Dolphins and Rams. And by no means are the Browns eliminated. For all I know, next week, if they win, they will be right in the picture.

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We have a separate board for talk concerning topics not directly about the Niners. There is more to our website than just the Red Zone.



In the words of Joe Theisman, we don't give a flying fadoodle what you have on whatever board you patronize. We have separate boards for separate things over here as well in case you haven't noticed. But our admins are not SoupNazis over the matter. We can talk football or whatever we want. Occasionally a thread will get redirected because it is non-football related, but any football posts....even if not specifically Browns, will generally end up staying here. Why not? It is sort of a free for all. Who wants to be reined in by some straitjacket policy. After all, this is frikking America.

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