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Ok people. Niner fan from jersey here, not from SF. so i dont wanna hear any Gay jokes.. cause i kno thats all ya guys got.. But yea.. I have been reading all this crap.. And you guys are just as bad as the trolls here.. Talking to much crap.. Like you guys seriously think browns are gonna win? lmao.. i cant WAIT till sunday.. I will be all over this board for WEEKS spamming just to piss u all off.. this is what its been like for our first good start in years.. 5-1.. so far we got 5 "you guys mugth have a good d.. but your o SUCKs" Look. half of you dont know crap about the niners so dont call them "overratted"

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Ok people. Niner fan from jersey here, not from SF. so i dont wanna hear any Gay jokes.. cause i kno thats all ya guys got.. But yea.. I have been reading all this crap.. And you guys are just as bad as the trolls here.. Talking to much crap.. Like you guys seriously think browns are gonna win? lmao.. i cant WAIT till sunday.. I will be all over this board for WEEKS spamming just to piss u all off.. this is what its been like for our first good start in years.. 5-1.. so far we got 5 "you guys mugth have a good d.. but your o SUCKs" Look. half of you dont know crap about the niners so dont call them "overratted"


Um your trolls started the flaming with the juvenile "we're great, you suck" stuff. Unfortunately, some of the folks here responded in kind.


Count on this, The Mods will allow gloating for about 6 hours- assuming you win- which isn't a given. That will be the end of it, I assure you. Nothing worse than an obnoxious winner.

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oompa loompa doopety do, have I got another question for you..... Does everyone in Jersey really have orange skin?


Did you really just tell us not to talk crap about the niners because we dont know anything about them while trash talking the Browns at the same time even though your clueless about them to?


Not only did you just admit that your a bandwagon niner fan but your also a huge hypocrite at the same time.

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Ok people. Niner fan from jersey here, not from SF. so i dont wanna hear any Gay jokes.. cause i kno thats all ya guys got.. But yea.. I have been reading all this crap.. And you guys are just as bad as the trolls here.. Talking to much crap.. Like you guys seriously think browns are gonna win? lmao.. i cant WAIT till sunday.. I will be all over this board for WEEKS spamming just to piss u all off.. this is what its been like for our first good start in years.. 5-1.. so far we got 5 "you guys mugth have a good d.. but your o SUCKs" Look. half of you dont know crap about the niners so dont call them "overratted"


A Joisey Niner Fan? LMAO. Not a Jet or a Giants, or even an Eagle Fan? You must be a rarity at the local bar on Sunday, strutting around in your red jersey. How many times have you gotten your ass kicked?:lol:

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Ok people. Niner fan from jersey here, not from SF. so i dont wanna hear any Gay jokes.. cause i kno thats all ya guys got.. But yea.. I have been reading all this crap.. And you guys are just as bad as the trolls here.. Talking to much crap.. Like you guys seriously think browns are gonna win? lmao.. i cant WAIT till sunday.. I will be all over this board for WEEKS spamming just to piss u all off.. this is what its been like for our first good start in years.. 5-1.. so far we got 5 "you guys mugth have a good d.. but your o SUCKs" Look. half of you dont know crap about the niners so dont call them "overratted"

You are a riot!Are you for real? You come in here for your first ever little newbie post and bam! You're a instant Asshole, and funny at that. I like you typing like you're talking "jersey" HA! good stuff. Good luck you little asshole its a mean world out there try to work on doing a better post on number 2.

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Ok people. Niner fan from jersey here, not from SF. so i dont wanna hear any Gay jokes.. cause i kno thats all ya guys got.. But yea.. I have been reading all this crap.. And you guys are just as bad as the trolls here.. Talking to much crap.. Like you guys seriously think browns are gonna win? lmao.. i cant WAIT till sunday.. I will be all over this board for WEEKS spamming just to piss u all off.. this is what its been like for our first good start in years.. 5-1.. so far we got 5 "you guys mugth have a good d.. but your o SUCKs" Look. half of you dont know crap about the niners so dont call them "overratted"


WTF is wrong with you ? This is the internet and everyone talks crap and if u dont have a thick skin u shudnt be in ! If u think that what is written here is so bad that u registered yourself and created a thread then I see a hyper sensitive person in you .... and you know the kind of people who are hyper sensitive ? prudes and gays !!!! Feel free to spam our board and see if we care. Even we cant wait till Sunday cos whether the Browns win or lose we will be here to abuse the crap out of your lot (we will be nicer to the sensible and respectful 49er fans, but faggots will get squashed like maggots!).

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Ok people. Niner fan from jersey here, not from SF. so i dont wanna hear any Gay jokes.. cause i kno thats all ya guys got.. But yea.. I have been reading all this crap.. And you guys are just as bad as the trolls here.. Talking to much crap.. Like you guys seriously think browns are gonna win? lmao.. i cant WAIT till sunday.. I will be all over this board for WEEKS spamming just to piss u all off.. this is what its been like for our first good start in years.. 5-1.. so far we got 5 "you guys mugth have a good d.. but your o SUCKs" Look. half of you dont know crap about the niners so dont call them "overratted"



I'm a die hard niner fan and I even think this post sucks! So thanks a lot you just made the rest of us true niner fans look like assholes too. I'm going to say to this idiot that talking crap goes with the territory, if you can't handle it than don't dish it out.

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Ok people. Niner fan from jersey here, not from SF. so i dont wanna hear any Gay jokes.. cause i kno thats all ya guys got.. But yea.. I have been reading all this crap.. And you guys are just as bad as the trolls here.. Talking to much crap.. Like you guys seriously think browns are gonna win? lmao.. i cant WAIT till sunday.. I will be all over this board for WEEKS spamming just to piss u all off.. this is what its been like for our first good start in years.. 5-1.. so far we got 5 "you guys mugth have a good d.. but your o SUCKs" Look. half of you dont know crap about the niners so dont call them "overratted"


Pot meet Kettle.

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Ok people. Niner fan from jersey here, not from SF. so i dont wanna hear any Gay jokes.. cause i kno thats all ya guys got.. But yea.. I have been reading all this crap.. And you guys are just as bad as the trolls here.. Talking to much crap.. Like you guys seriously think browns are gonna win? lmao.. i cant WAIT till sunday.. I will be all over this board for WEEKS spamming just to piss u all off.. this is what its been like for our first good start in years.. 5-1.. so far we got 5 "you guys mugth have a good d.. but your o SUCKs" Look. half of you dont know crap about the niners so dont call them "overratted"


You're from Jersey? I'd rather be with the gays in San Fransisco than in Jersey.



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I'm a die hard niner fan and I even think this post sucks! So thanks a lot you just made the rest of us true niner fans look like assholes too. I'm going to say to this idiot that talking crap goes with the territory, if you can't handle it than don't dish it out.


agreed...from another niner fan. some fans should just keep their mouths shut.

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Ok people. Niner fan from jersey here, not from SF. so i dont wanna hear any Gay jokes.. cause i kno thats all ya guys got.. But yea.. I have been reading all this crap.. And you guys are just as bad as the trolls here.. Talking to much crap.. Like you guys seriously think browns are gonna win? lmao.. i cant WAIT till sunday.. I will be all over this board for WEEKS spamming just to piss u all off.. this is what its been like for our first good start in years.. 5-1.. so far we got 5 "you guys mugth have a good d.. but your o SUCKs" Look. half of you dont know crap about the niners so dont call them "overratted"


I watch Niner games on the reg as I have VD on my fantasy team, and a close friend is a Niners fan. Your D is good, not great. and Alex Smith sucks a dick (sound familar jersey girl)You beat some crap teams, and a couple team you caught sleeping because they overlooked you .... much like what is going to happen to the niners this week (atleast if they are anything like there fans)



PS Can someone change her user name to snookie??

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