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Us Economy Expands At 2.5 Percent Annual Rate

Pumpkin Eater

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That would be nice.... but it is just an almost meaningless number, unless it translates into


private sector jobs booming to avoid a bust.


I don't see it while dirtbag Obamao the Terrible is president.


What a disgrace.

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It's good that it's a positive number, and better than many expected, but it's not nearly good enough. That won't make a dent in unemployment.


It's going to take a long time to get out of this.


I mean, are we ever really going to "get out of this?" The average human is obsolete.

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So does this mean that we are out of the red?


Someday we may be able to catch China who averages 19.% growth.


Unemployment numbers came out and there were over 400,000 new claims first time filers. This is the norm under the current regime.

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I mean, are we ever really going to "get out of this?" The average human is obsolete.


Well, that's assuming that person - or the person coming up next - can't do something other than the job that was made obsolete. And that's what we've got to start addressing. We've got to start producing better workers, and re-training the old ones.


You want a scary statistic? Even with 9.1% unemployment, there are two million jobs available in the economy right now, but firms can't find qualified people to do them. And that goes to what you're talking about. These are mostly jobs for people who don't have college degrees, but need advanced manufacturing skills. We don't create enough of those workers anymore. And if firms can't find them here they'll either go where they can find them or lose out to a foreign business who can.


But yes, while I don't think 9% unemployment is the new norm, it's going to stay north of 7-8% for a while. Because not only does this country not turn on a dime, right now it's not even turning. You simply can't get meaningful legislation through Congress anymore. Without sounding like Newt Gingrich, the political system needs fundamental reforms. (That will never happen.)

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It's good that it's a positive number, and better than many expected, but it's not nearly good enough. That won't make a dent in unemployment.


It's going to take a long time to get out of this.


Actually I would guess it will take about 1 generational cycle.

Then at that point, it will just be the new reality.


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As to your other point, about how businesses are dying to get qualified people to do all these millions of jobs, that shouldn't take more than a few years.


It looks like the protesters

, at least the ones who are unhappy about having student loans and no job waiting for them, picked the wrong field of study. The next group a freshman will be able to study for something that's needed.


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Like I said, most of those two million jobs aren't the type of jobs college graduates do. There's no major for installing smart meters and operating line equipment at a Cat factory. So you're just fishing for something bad to say about protestors. Congrats.


College graduates have an unemployment rate at 4.5%, which is basically full employment. Recent graduates have a much higher rate of unemployment, but that's not because they don't have marketable skills. It's because firms aren't adding new hires. Eventually, those people should be okay. But while you dismiss the issue, because that's what you do, the rising cost of college education is a worrisome thing because in this economy, as shown by those unemployment figures, you need a college degree more and more. But paying for college without being buried in debt is getting harder and harder to do, especially for people at the lower rungs. So, at the time we need to get more of our people a college education, we're pricing more and more people out of it. This creates even more imbalance, even more inequality.


If you believe in working towards equality of opportunity - and even you should, though you don't seem to care - giving talented students access to an affordable college education should be toward the top of your list of priorities. The earlier student loan bill Obama passed was a good step, but we've got to do more.


And we've got to do more for workers who don't have degrees so they can fill those two million jobs. This is what Vapor was talking about. If we've got two million jobs out there and lots of unemployed workers who want to do them, but don't have the skills, maybe there's a way to encourage those employers to train those workers. When you hear some people talking about job re-training programs, that's what they're talking about.

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Like I said, most of those two million jobs aren't the type of jobs college graduates do. There's no major for installing smart meters and operating line equipment at a Cat factory. So you're just fishing for something bad to say about protestors. Congrats.


Better still!

No degree needed.


So full employment.

So why bellyache?





And we've got to do more for workers who don't have degrees so they can fill those two million jobs. This is what Vapor was talking about. If we've got two million jobs out there and lots of unemployed workers who want to do them, but don't have the skills, maybe there's a way to encourage those employers to train those workers. When you hear some people talking about job re-training programs, that's what they're talking about.

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Steve, I really hate to break it to you, but some of these problems you can't resolve with a one-line quip. Boy, I wish we could, and everyone understood your genius, but they're a bit more complex than that.


These companies have to hire workers and train them for months just to get them up to speed. Right now, they're not making that investment. Or they're finding these workers elsewhere. This is a huge problem. It's going to take more than a waft of your hand to solve it.


"Full-employment, why bellyache" I don't even understand. Only about 30% of our country has a degree. That leaves 70% in the "not full employment category." Hence, the "bellyache."

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You want a scary statistic? Even with 9.1% unemployment, there are two million jobs available in the economy right now, but firms can't find qualified people to do them. And that goes to what you're talking about. These are mostly jobs for people who don't have college degrees, but need advanced manufacturing skills. We don't create enough of those workers anymore. And if firms can't find them here they'll either go where they can find them or lose out to a foreign business who can.


But yes, while I don't think 9% unemployment is the new norm, it's going to stay north of 7-8% for a while. Because not only does this country not turn on a dime, right now it's not even turning. You simply can't get meaningful legislation through Congress anymore. Without sounding like Newt Gingrich, the political system needs fundamental reforms. (That will never happen.)



Thats a bull crap statement, show some facts or stop lying. If jobs are going over to foreign countries it is due to all the bullcrap regulations placed on american businesses. We need more than just fundamental reforms we need to start using common sense and elect business minded professionals and stop electing career politicians.


It is time to elect someone who has made their way through the private sector and hasn't been a career politician who has been bought and paid for by some of these idiotic lobbyist.

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So you pull a NPR opinion rag piece out in your defense. Yep one company is complaing... GE is using this as an excuse to continue to hire foreign workers who will stay on the job longer than 40 hours a week.


Maybe its time to go occupy GE?


If the current rate of new unemployment filers is 400,000+ a week, dont you think that we could fill the measley 2 millions jobs within no time at all?


Four in 10 Americans who are unemployed are not confident they will find another job, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll CBS Poll and article


I would speculate that 4 out of 10 unemployed people have allready gone back to school.


But to say we cannot fill 2 million jobe when 13.9 million people are officially unemployed, according to your NPR article is bullcrap. It is an employers market right now and they dont have to compete to get the best workers by paying out the big dollars and offering major benefits.


If anyone is interested in enriching uranium, GE in Wilmington would like to see your resume.



Now to talk about government regulations; I was recently in Florida visiting family when my Uncle told me that they are looking at going forward with building 2 new nuclear reactors along the gulf. He was stating how good that would be for the local economy and how it would provide jobs for the next 20 the 25 years to complete the project. I am wondering when the greenie weenies find out they are going to build a couple of new power plants if they will try to stop the project to save some stupod swamp rat or some other rodent.


Personally I hope the occupy crowd stays busy occupying some starbucks somewhere so they can stay out of policy making decisions and leave the projects that will bring jobs back to this country alone. those idiots are a menace to their own wishes.

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maybe there's a way to encourage those employers to train those workers


That's certainly a problem. My dad is in industrial maintenance and his department is short a few workers. They can't find anyone with the right experience, but they also don't want to train anyone. My guess is they are afraid of not receiving a return on their investment. Perhaps the tax breaks should be going to a company like this so their initial investment could be less.

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That's the idea. It's tough to design, though, because lots of times companies that would have done this anyway take advantage of the credit and soon you're simply handing tax money to companies for no reason.


The tough answer is that these are mostly long-term solutions involving education, not short-term ones that involve tax credits. But Congress, if it does anything at all, almost always prefers the short-term fix.

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I've been in companies that said that lie.


"we can't find qualified people here, so we have to go outside of the U.S."


That's bs.


I was there. Two big companies said that. The ONLY reason I was there, was because at one company,

I was one of few who had the skills to step in and get the software designed and written. At the other company,

I was only there because the other three foreign consultants before me didn't have the American style people skills, didn't have

the user interface design skills that most of the users were used to, and had no or little experience restructuring solfware that did NOT work properly,


and was tedious and confusing to use. The other consultants were all foreign, including my friend from India, who was so good he became a permanent employee. And that was when I was consulting. Before that, THAT company I was with said it all the time. "We can't find anyone, blah blah blah"....


Yet, they interviewed all sorts of Americans for the job, were going to hire three. They hired only me, and two foreign consultants, who worked in the mainframe section upstairs.


THE TRUTH IS: As my supervisor told me personally - the foreign consultants will work cheaper, the co. doesn't have to pay

for their benefits (those were subsidized by their country or foriegn co.), and even though several of them

sucked as people and as programmer-analysts.... they worked hideously long hours.


Libs always think that if you tell a lie often enough, it will be deemed true.


It's nice to have you back Heck. But I don't miss your cherry picked propaganda for whatever lib group you work for.


Face it must once, Heck. The damage ObaMao is doing to our country is horrific. Take off the blinders and look around.

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