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Good Luck To All Browns Fans!


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For one thing, I see too many Niner fans talking crap and I don't like it. Disrespectful and unnecessary. Second, there are quite a few teams expected to lose big today, and that just isn't the case. Even though the Dolphins lost, it was just barely. The Rams playing well over the Saints. Vikings playing great against the Panthers. How about the Cardinals against the Ravens?


Even thought some of those teams came back, it doesn't take away the fact that these HUGE underdogs are really playing well today. All Niner fans assuming an easy win better think twice. Any given Sunday.


GL you guys. If Niners lose, I'll make my own thread and you can dish out all the crow I can handle. I will gladly accept it.

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I care about this game so much more because I talked so much smack. I have alot of skin in this game and now every play that doesnt go our way I will cringe a little more. I will cheer a little louder and in the unlikely event we lose I will cry a little harder.


Thanks for the banter.

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I care about this game so much more because I talked so much smack. I have alot of skin in this game and now every play that doesnt go our way I will cringe a little more. I will cheer a little louder and in the unlikely event we lose I will cry a little harder.


Thanks for the banter.

The 49s won't lose this game, don't worry. You and your kindred have successfully talked crap to the most beaten down and beleagured fan base in all of professional sports. Hope that makes this obvious victory sweeter for you.

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If you think that pass intf call on Haden was legit you know nothing. Good game so far.. 10 points is hardly thr blowout y'all polesmokers were predicting


Let me guess. Im sure that personal foul on goldson was a good call too right? These pussy refs are so quick to call personal fouls.

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If you think that pass intf call on Haden was legit you know nothing. Good game so far.. 10 points is hardly thr blowout y'all polesmokers were predicting

Yeah, I thought it'd be over by the half. I was wrong about that. 17-3 is certainly not over.

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For a beaten down and beleaguered fan base you sure have a few loud mouth cock suckers that have no problem bashing all of us just because a few are dipshits.

i guess you were one of those dipshits?


BTW most cock suckers were born or lived or want to go to your city. we might not have a football team but at least we aren't known as the HOMO CAPITAL OF THE WORLD!



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i guess you were one of those dipshits?


BTW most cock suckers were born or lived or want to go to your city. we might not have a football team but at least we aren't known as the HOMO CAPITAL OF THE WORLD!




Were not even top 10 in the states...but hey, whatever makes you feel better :)

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i guess you were one of those dipshits?


BTW most cock suckers were born or lived or want to go to your city. we might not have a football team but at least we aren't known as the HOMO CAPITAL OF THE WORLD!




You and Zombo love making homosexual jokes, i'd bet you are compensating for blowing eachother off during half time to make you feel better about your shitty team

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so you don't live in SF. why become a niner fan? what did you watch them as a little quiff win a super bowl and decide to become a fan? you know what that makes you? and bandwagon fan/fag.


and dick_tina go fxxk urself pillowbiter.


i got $20 bucks sayin both these douches dress up as woman tomorrow night. the one night you don't have to worry about your wives catching you in their underwear drawer.



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so you don't live in SF. why become a niner fan? what did you watch them as a little quiff win a super bowl and decide to become a fan? you know what that makes you? and bandwagon fan/fag.


and dick_tina go fxxk urself pillowbiter.


i got $20 bucks sayin both these douches dress up as woman tomorrow night. the one night you don't have to worry about your wives catching you in their underwear drawer.




I don't live in SF either, i live an hour away in a small city. But we'll just keep coming back with how your team sucks everytime you say something about being gay or living in SF, because we all know the former is true.

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