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We Should Have Kept Mangini And His System, Holmgren And Shurmer Suck


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Baloney. The Browns need a RT. The Browns can't pass protect with this team for diddley, so it's all short throws. Norwood or Cribbs, and Little are the only possibilities...


Colt threw a few off passes... but he HAS NO FREAKIN TIME TAKING THE SNAP UNDER CENTER.


That's why they may as well just have him in the shotgun the rest of the freakin game.


It's stupid to say all the Browns are bad... the defense kicks ass. Google "goal line stand" maybe...


The Niners are just a very, very, very talented football team. Go look up their draft picks.


This defense is superior to Mangini's... and the playcalling is perfectly fine by me.


It's the lack of blocking and weapons that kill the offense. That, and Colt frantically trying to make any play have a chance.

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Baloney. The Browns need a RT. The Browns can't pass protect with this team for diddley, so it's all short throws. Norwood or Cribbs, and Little are the only possibilities...


Colt threw a few off passes... but he HAS NO FREAKIN TIME TAKING THE SNAP UNDER CENTER.


That's why they may as well just have him in the shotgun the rest of the freakin game.


It's stupid to say all the Browns are bad... the defense kicks ass. Google "goal line stand" maybe...


The Niners are just a very, very, very talented football team. Go look up their draft picks.


This defense is superior to Mangini's... and the playcalling is perfectly fine by me.


It's the lack of blocking and weapons that kill the offense. That, and Colt frantically trying to make any play have a chance.


Keep smoking whatever your smoking Cal. They suck.

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Baloney. The Browns need a RT. The Browns can't pass protect with this team for diddley, so it's all short throws. Norwood or Cribbs, and Little are the only possibilities...


Colt threw a few off passes... but he HAS NO FREAKIN TIME TAKING THE SNAP UNDER CENTER.


That's why they may as well just have him in the shotgun the rest of the freakin game.


It's stupid to say all the Browns are bad... the defense kicks ass. Google "goal line stand" maybe...


The Niners are just a very, very, very talented football team. Go look up their draft picks.


This defense is superior to Mangini's... and the playcalling is perfectly fine by me.


It's the lack of blocking and weapons that kill the offense. That, and Colt frantically trying to make any play have a chance.


Good QB's make a living making over aggressive blitzing defenses pay, its not the O-lines fault when they bring 8 guys everyplay. Until he proves he can pass the ball or make a play under duress the line will continue to have an impossible task.

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Good QB's make a living making over aggressive blitzing defenses pay, its not the O-lines fault when they bring 8 guys everyplay. Until he proves he can pass the ball or make a play under duress the line will continue to have an impossible task.


Ya Colt is inaccurate whenever he has to drop back. I say put him in the shotgun more often even though it isn't used much in the WCO. By the time McCoy drops back he always dumps it off for no gain or leaves a WR open for a big hit..

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Baloney. The Browns need a RT. The Browns can't pass protect with this team for diddley, so it's all short throws. Norwood or Cribbs, and Little are the only possibilities...


Colt threw a few off passes... but he HAS NO FREAKIN TIME TAKING THE SNAP UNDER CENTER.


That's why they may as well just have him in the shotgun the rest of the freakin game.


It's stupid to say all the Browns are bad... the defense kicks ass. Google "goal line stand" maybe...


The Niners are just a very, very, very talented football team. Go look up their draft picks.


This defense is superior to Mangini's... and the playcalling is perfectly fine by me.


It's the lack of blocking and weapons that kill the offense. That, and Colt frantically trying to make any play have a chance.


you are blind, ignorant and stubborn. that's obvious reading some of your posts on the political forum.


how is it stupid to say the browns are bad??? are u Fing kidding me? stupid, why? cuz we don't agree with an old man doing circles in his backyard cutting the lawn sippin on lemonade with blinders on? get real.

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Baloney. The Browns need a RT. The Browns can't pass protect with this team for diddley, so it's all short throws. Norwood or Cribbs, and Little are the only possibilities...


Colt threw a few off passes... but he HAS NO FREAKIN TIME TAKING THE SNAP UNDER CENTER.


That's why they may as well just have him in the shotgun the rest of the freakin game.


It's stupid to say all the Browns are bad... the defense kicks ass. Google "goal line stand" maybe...


The Niners are just a very, very, very talented football team. Go look up their draft picks.


This defense is superior to Mangini's... and the playcalling is perfectly fine by me.


It's the lack of blocking and weapons that kill the offense. That, and Colt frantically trying to make any play have a chance.


Your not serious, right?

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Mik - be smart enough to keep this forum about Browns football. BTW, you don't have the nads to go over and argue stupid stuff on the other board,


then why complain like a sissy?


Yes, I'm serious. It's the oline. The plays don't work, many times, because of the right side of the oline. Bleachreport says exactly what I've been saying...


it isn't like I made it up to get attention.


For instance. the Niners. They drafted their LT, FIRST ROUND, 2007.

They drafted their LOG... FIRST ROUND, 2010

They drafted their C/ROG in the THIRD ROUND, 2005

They drafted their ROT in the FIRST FREAKIN ROUND in 2010.


Excuse me, but that says you must pay attention to your offensive line. And, it's a huge reason for the Niners' success on offense.

Let me ask you guys this:


Even with a solid oline - and a first rounder at qb, and rb, (I think it was), a first rounder at TE, et c etc... and this oline....


how do you figure they only scored 20 points on the Browns... and how the freakin do you think that the Browns kicked their arses on the goal line stand?


Did Gore all of a sudden turn into a bust at rb? Or, do you think that the offensive line forgot how to block?


The answer is: The Niners offensive line and Gore ran straight into our excellent defense that was playing on all cylinders on that goal line stand.


It's about matchups. Colt and his wr's and his right side oline does not match up well with most, if not all, defenses they face. It isn't all on Colt, anymore


than the goal line stand was all on Smith, the Niners qb.


Seriously? Do you think that Colt was a bum and "held onto the ball too long" when Pashos completely whiffed on his block and McCoy got nailed

in that first series?


When Dan Fouts says Colt had absolutely no chance on that play.... I believe that before I believe the hc is a bum, the fo are bums, all the players on offense are bums,

all the coaches are bums, Lerner is a bum, the popcorn sellers are bums, the whole world....


It's baloney. It's more complex than just whining. Colt made some mistakes.... big freakin deal. A lot of qb's make mistakes under pressure.


I have great confidence that if Colt isn't the guy, it will be decided without ignoring the right side of the offensive line failures.


The Browns WILL draft a RT, or sign a good one. Just like the Niners did. FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICKS AT BOTH ENDS OF THE OFFENSIVE LINE AND ROG.


And they have the skills players. And they certainly are winning games. Come ON.

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This thread is hilarious, mostly because most of the posters have no clue as to what is the problem


it is the end zone


we have no PEOPLE who threaten the end zone play by play



but we have zillions invested in five OL's the last 11 years


and twenty uselss DL's

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Yes, I'm serious. It's the oline. The plays don't work, many times, because of the right side of the oline. Bleachreport says exactly what I've been saying...


lmao...do you even realize that the bleacherreport is composed of articles written largely by fans and not professional sports analysts (no offense mikey :) )?


its a chicken or the egg arguement cal....i can easily look up several OLs that are comprised of players from all rounds and undrafteds on successful teams. what you are completely missing is that there are ways to help the OL by way of schemes and playcalls. have you noticed that we are facing 8 or 9 in the box almost exculsively, or that we see as many as 7 coming on the blitz? tell me any OL that can blcok 7 Cal....


so then ask yourself why we see such frequent blitzing....one reason could be that shumur is a complete nincompoop and doesnt adjust his system/scheme to max protect...he just puts alex smith on the right end and has him chip then do a pattern. the guard play has been generally unimpressive...that ill agree with....but to imply that these guys have al of a sudden forgot how to block is simply the easy way out when one cannot see why they're missing blocks. either the blocking schemes are poorly conceived or incorrectly taught....and that is a coaching problem. RB's are missing their pickups and frequently whiffing. add to all this a struggling QB who doesn't understand the system with a pop gun cannon for an arm and it further adds to the ability for defenses to cheat up with no fear of getting burned.


cribbs TD was a miracle and more a terrible play by the CB rather than a good play by the QB. that ball was once again underthrown and should have been picked off....actually i cant remember a single deep pass (25+ yds) by noodles this year that was not either underthrown or a jump ball. sadly, there is only one way to fix this this year....noodles has to start beating the blitz...cause until he does, defenses are gonna blitz the living hell outta him knowing he'll rarely make them pay. i dont care if we field a line of all 1st rounders....there is no way in hell they can routinely block the number of defenders that are blitzing.

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Here's what I don't understand. It's pretty obvious that you have to keep a defence "off balance" in the NFL to have a prayer of winning. You can't be predicable or simple. This isn't High School Football. How does an offence do that? 1) Play action, 2) Screens, 3)mis-direction, 4) pump fake, 5) crossing patterns, 6) The deep threat - keeping them from encrouchment into the box or on-top of the recieivers because it could be a go-route or a post play 7) ... etc. etc.


But the Browns don't do any of this. There is no balance of plays so they become predictable. Why? I know they can execute these plays but they are never called.


Case 1: Browns on their one-half yard line. It's a handoff to the full back followed by a fake mis-direction to the halfback. I think they gained a yard on the play. If they did the opposite, faked to the fullback and tossed the mis-direction to the half back, it goes for 10 yards if not more. Whatch your PVR. The 49ers were totally fooled on the play.


Case 2: Two consecutive passes go for more than 10 yards as Colt hits his tight ends. Why did we have to wait until the game was in the 4th quarter to see those plays. They were needed in the first quarter.


Case 3: Colt throws an terrible interception that killed an important drive. OK so it was a stupid throw into double coverage. But did you see the energy on that throw and the perfect spiral on the ball? Colt can throw the ball 20 to 30 yeards downfield with accuracy (even though people on this board think he can't). Shurmer has got to get his head out of his ass and give Colt the opportunity to make plays like the TD throw to Cribbs.


I don't agree with the board's opinion on the players. We have some quality there. But I do agree that 1) The WCO has got to go! And 2) Shurmer needs to hire an OC and concentrate on being the HC.


And yes, Holmgren is an ass for decisions on both 1 & 2. And yes, this team has digressed.

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I disagree about Bleacher Report but I'm biased.


i do to a point....sometimes the most informative opinions are those who are not financially vested in the game. they tend to be more objective, less controversial, and less shock-journalists. however, many times emotion bleeds into the writing...which i fully understand. one really cant cite the site as a source to make an argument one way or the other....the writer pool is large enough that you can find another article on there that provided the opposite argument.


i like reading your stuff on there, cause i know you go t a level head and you see the game well. not knowing most of the other writers, i can only judge by how/what they write. Yet, its an absolutely great place that not only gives everyone who wants a voice a chance, but a great resource to get away from the mainstream idiots that talk before they think.


i wasnt trying to bag on ya bro...

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Mangini's greatest issue was that he stuck with a bad OC which was his undoing. HAd Daboll been replaced by a half decent OC then we would have been better.


This offense seems like it is capable of doing stuff but the playcalling seems to be so bad that nothing clicks until we get to the 4th quarter and up the tempo and by then it is too late.

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I don't see it as playcalling, with only a few exceptions this season. I used to sit there and call the freakin plays.


Most of us could. Well, except for Rich and Ghoolie.... dry.gif


Seriously, though - all I said was, the bleacherreport article said what I said, and that means,


it isn't just me. It's announcers, other sportswriters, sports hosts on the radio...


The question - why do other teams blitz ? Because they know they will get past the right side of the oline, and they know


that the Browns do not have a dangerous deep threat because even if they did, the oline doesn't give enough time,


and they just cover the short routes, and bingo.


Another thing - "last year's offense was better than this years?" Come on, man.


Last year they had a hugely successful battering ram accounting for most of their success. They had the vet Steinbach healthy.


Little is a terrific talent - that's why they double covered him, especially on that end zone pass. Should Colt have thrown it?


Probly' not. Except the only way to get the ball downfield, is to throw it early, and hope for the best. There is no time at all to


sit there and wait for checkdowns to be open. THAT is the oline.


The defense is the huge bright spot with the Browns this year. That means Holmgren, Heckert and co. are flat out doing


a great job. I look for a CB, WR, RT, OG and LB to be the Browns major picks this coming spring, not in any particular order maybe....depending on whether or not


they can add a major piece of the offense via FA. Luck will obviously be the first pick, it's easy to figure - but the Browns won't pick a qb in the first round -


outside of Luck, the rest of the first round field can't hold a candle to McCoy with the Browns. Go research it.


The attention the Niners paid to their oline, and the squeelers, and stupid, stinkin ratbirds paid to their offensive line lets them


use different skill players, and it still works. Because the blocking is there. When the blocking isn't there - even Gore gets his butt kicked again and again and again


at the goal line. Would an undrafted FA out of whatsamattayou jr. college be as good a rb as Gore? No. But it was Gore running the ball and getting stuffed into the turf


several times in the red zone. Finally, go look at the scores of a bunch of lopsided games around the NFL.


The Browns are playing very close games, despite the offense not working yet. How the freakin can the entire Browns team suck, when the defense


is kicking ass often? The offense needs maybe three impact players out of next years draft. Then watch the different, along with a healthy Hillis.

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