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Why Did Shurmur Punt On 4Th And 2?


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On the road and as bad as you have been on offense all game........you go for it there. Nothing to lose and really nothing to gain. Honestly, if they went for it and got the first down.......most likely that would have been the cum shot.........nothing left after that.

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3rd quarter, we're down 17-3 on the 49ers 40 yard line and Squirter frickin punts the ball?????????????????????


Why? Why? Why? Did he really think we'd get a better oppurtunity to score????


In the end that play didn't hurt us. There was plenty of time left. Here is what I don't understand:


We are down 10 points with 30 seconds left and we have the ball on the niners 30 or so yard line. Shurmur decides to keep throwing the ball and waste out the rest of the clock. A good coach would kick the field goal, preparing for an onside kick afterwards. You need 2 scores either way. At least give your team a chance to win. Odds are you don't get the onside kick, but if you do, you at least are a hail mary away from overtime..


It's little things like this that a first time coach can't figure out in the heat of the moment. That and the WCO isn't working. The offense is actually worse than last year under a defensive minded coach in Mangini..

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In the end that play didn't hurt us. There was plenty of time left. Here is what I don't understand:


We are down 10 points with 30 seconds left and we have the ball on the niners 30 or so yard line. Shurmur decides to keep throwing the ball and waste out the rest of the clock. A good coach would kick the field goal, preparing for an onside kick afterwards. You need 2 scores either way. At least give your team a chance to win. Odds are you don't get the onside kick, but if you do, you at least are a hail mary away from overtime..


It's little things like this that a first time coach can't figure out in the heat of the moment. That and the WCO isn't working. The offense is actually worse than last year under a defensive minded coach in Mangini..


I thought the same thing on kicking the field goal. But I also believe that Shurmer made a big mistake on the 4th and 2. Our D was playing well and the punt may have netted us 30 yards. In the end both teams went 3 and out but the exchange of punts completely changed the ball position in favor of the 49ers. Colt's interception was costly and, of course the other turnover as well.

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Shoulda woulda coulda. Cleveland should always play with the "nothing to lose" mindset. This season is a wash again and I'd love to just see us TRY to win some ball games.Our longest throws downfield are to our tight ends! Obviously with Hillis out again this team looks as if its playing with a limp. I cannot wait for Peyton Hillis to even step foot on the field again, cause that's another offensive playmaker the browns haven't had the luxury of using. Some of the limitations we saw will be gone once Hillis is in. But you gotta admit, without their star running back, the browns O has at least been entertaining somewhat, playing without a real threatening rb. These games are helping one player the most....COLT MCCOY. Once he has a decent run game, it could start to get a little bit simpler for the young qb.

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