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Try For Cohesion And Keep Mccoy, Or Blow It Up Again And Draft A Qb?


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I don't know. I am kind of lost for words about this offense. Is it the o-line, the QB or the WRs?




Bottom line is there is no cohesion. No rhythm. Why does it always take until the 2nd half, and most times the 4th quarter before we get to see some real points go on the board?


Now, there is one of two ways we can go about our team's direction. SUCK it up, lose, maybe for one or two more years with Colt and try for some cohesion while hoping he can turn it around, OR scrap Colt, and draft a QB and start all over. The changing regimes and the QB corral over the last decade has me leaning towards sticking with Colt for at least three years to see if he can turn it around and build some rapport with the offense. Because if not, we are looking at another RAW QB that will take at least 2-3 years to get it going.


This is called growing pains.


We are so dead-set on the instant fix, and were willing to break it down and build it all back up again in hopes of striking it rich and by getting lucky getting a guy in here that can instantly turn this team around.


I say, F-it. Stick with one person, in this case Colt, and try to keep some semblance of continuity going.


What's your thoughts?

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We need some weapons and protection around McCoy. Is Colt the future? Probably not. However, what's the use of bringing in a new QB with the same line and same weapons and letting him fail? Let's build the offense first and worry about the signal caller later.

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Wide recievers suck, we have no running game, the O-line is garbage...

I don't think a quarterback change will matter much.

You can't just draft instant success. You need tools in place.

This offense needs some play makers. The system that they want is pass heavy, but it also requires a running game to keep the defense honest and recievers, who take short passes and make a move up field quickly.

This team is slow.


It takes time for a quarterback to become somewhat confident in throwing and in making it to the next play.

The thing that bugs me, is that unlike some quarterbacks, McCoy after making a mistake, doesn't look like he wants to run the next play or avenge himself. He looks defeated. Poor coaching. It also doesn't help that he has no pocket to work out of. Everyone takes hits, everyone feels pressure, but this shit is ridiculous.


First steps (imo) Offensive line needs some hosses, young ones, not prone to injury.

Secondly, a stud reciever and a worthwhile tight end.

Third, and I think this one is important, since I believe we have broken McCoy and the O-line will take time to address, we need a dual threat quarterback; who is scrappy and does not like to lose.

I was thinking, if we can't find someone already seasoned in the NFL, we might want to consider a Russel Wilson or someone similar for the next draft.

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As much as I've absolutely hated McCoy over the last couple weeks, watching the game today made me realize one thing.


It's not his fault.



It's the shit offensive system we're running. There's no rhythm, no cohesion. Everybody is off. This system they're trying to implement is either too confusing, or just too simple. Either our players aren't understanding it, or it's so simple that opposing teams can find it's weakness on three days of practice.


All this system is is a dink and dunk passing game, coupled with a "three yard and a cloud of dust" running mentality. There's no explosive plays, nothing to stretch the field. There's no imagination whatsoever in the mind of Pat "Aw shucks" Shurmer. No creativeness flowing. He's a blank shell, an empty headed shitsucker.


There's a trend developing of our offense playing like shit in the first three quarters, then turning it on late in the fourth quarter. The reason for this is: once we get into the hurry up situation, Colt's calling most of the plays from the line. He's not being fed the bland, unimaginative shite that Shurmer keeps calling week in and week out. If I see one more slant, I'm going to vomit.


Also, once we get in the hurry up situations, Colt drops into shotgun, where he seems infinitely more comfortable.


Mangini and Co., no matter what anybody wants to say about them, realized Colt's strengths and played to them. Colt's not a Pro Set QB. He looks lost on his three and five step drops. He's uncomfortable in the pocket and his timing is off. But once he's thrown into shotgun, he looks like a completely different QB.


It's time to swallow your pride and switch the offensive system, Walrus. The WCO isn't working, or at least Shurmer's version isnt'. Get your fat ass out of the booth and onto the field during the week. Do what you did best, teach.

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As much as I've absolutely hated McCoy over the last couple weeks, watching the game today made me realize one thing.


It's not his fault.



It's the shit offensive system we're running. There's no rhythm, no cohesion. Everybody is off. This system they're trying to implement is either too confusing, or just too simple. Either our players aren't understanding it, or it's so simple that opposing teams can find it's weakness on three days of practice.


All this system is is a dink and dunk passing game, coupled with a "three yard and a cloud of dust" running mentality. There's no explosive plays, nothing to stretch the field. There's no imagination whatsoever in the mind of Pat "Aw shucks" Shurmer. No creativeness flowing. He's a blank shell, an empty headed shitsucker.


There's a trend developing of our offense playing like shit in the first three quarters, then turning it on late in the fourth quarter. The reason for this is: once we get into the hurry up situation, Colt's calling most of the plays from the line. He's not being fed the bland, unimaginative shite that Shurmer keeps calling week in and week out. If I see one more slant, I'm going to vomit.


Also, once we get in the hurry up situations, Colt drops into shotgun, where he seems infinitely more comfortable.


Mangini and Co., no matter what anybody wants to say about them, realized Colt's strengths and played to them. Colt's not a Pro Set QB. He looks lost on his three and five step drops. He's uncomfortable in the pocket and his timing is off. But once he's thrown into shotgun, he looks like a completely different QB.


It's time to swallow your pride and switch the offensive system, Walrus. The WCO isn't working, or at least Shurmer's version isnt'. Get your fat ass out of the booth and onto the field during the week. Do what you did best, teach.


Exactly! Colt is way more accurate from the shotgun because he has more time to throw and he is used to it from his college days at Texas. I realize we are trying to implement the WCO but you have to use your players' strengths.


Other points of interest:

Norwood showed that he can get open so he should be ahead of Robiskie on the depth chart in my opinion. I thought Carlton Mitchell was going to be on the field today but I didn't ever see him, and Little had a very mediocre game. Ogbonnaya has filled in pretty well but we are really missing Hillis in pass protection (as well as on the ground). Hardesty better not be that hurt or the Browns better be looking to sign Choice..

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There's a trend developing of our offense playing like shit in the first three quarters, then turning it on late in the fourth quarter. The reason for this is: once we get into the hurry up situation, Colt's calling most of the plays from the line. He's not being fed the bland, unimaginative shite that Shurmer keeps calling week in and week out. If I see one more slant, I'm going to vomit.

in really thinking about this, i believe you may be absolutely right. some teams, hell even the stools, run better outta the hurry-up. pressure situations seem to where colt excells, but i never considered it in terms of playcalling.


great observation! and post!

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Time to go after a true Pro QB. Size and strength and guts. McCoy had my vote last year due to toughness behind a crappy set of skill players.


I think the Browns might be making a run either for Luck by trading their entire draft or continuing the SUCK that we have been witnessing.

In the case that they don't make a run for Luck, I am hoping that they draft a true game-breaker at WR in someone like Justin Blackmon or Alshon Jeffrey.


With that said, I don't really give a damn who they draft... JUST EFFING WIN!

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I think the Browns might be making a run either for Luck by trading their entire draft or continuing the SUCK that we have been witnessing.


You've won too many games for Andrew Luck. Since Miami and Indy don't meet this year, it's looking more like a coin flip will decide the winner. Holmgren doesn't strike me as a GM who will trade his entire draft to move up, what 3 or 4 positions.

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The Browns have a QB! McCoy can be a good one if the front office would ever get their heads out of their rears!!! The plan shouldn't be to blow it up and change QB's every other year, you have to put weapons together for him. The browns don't have a WR or TE that could start on a good High School team and the RB's seem not to care anymore!

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Listen, everybody on this board wants Colt to be a great QB, I know I do...The fact is, is that he he not a great QB. I do agree with stciking with him this yr. Fact is we have not drafted a QB that is worthy sinch Tim Couch( yes, I think he was a good QB our O-line got him Killed)



Hardesty going out yesterday killed us, Ogooobloogly was a practice squad player!!!! He did not look like anything special...He is ok



For this offense to work, as horrable our playcalling is..We need Hillis and Hardesty back inthe backfield



I do not want to keep changing coaches every year, but Shurmer WTF please get your head out of your ass please, so you can have a coach last more than 2 yrs

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Timmy, you couldn't have said it any better, and I've been saying the same thing for three weeks now. The way the offense is running now there's zero to no chance for players to be successful unless we were surrounded by superstars. Hell, even if we were the offense would only look mediocre. An offense has no chance to succeed in today's NFL without taking shots down the field to loosen up the defense. I understand the WCO isn't predicated on deep shots, but the garbage we run is not the WCO at all anyway. I know last week in 84 offensive plays we took a whopping 2 shots down the field. Wowie jesus, look what happened this week when we took a shot down the field? McCoy throws a accurate pass for a TD. Like i've said Colt isn't out there wowing me, but he is being set up for failure week in and week out. You can't blame a guy for running the awful plays and not succeeding with them

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Sorry, but I am past this season already. Looking forward to another top 10 pick in the draft that will probably be traded away after ANOTHER regime change. Shurmur is a stop-gap coach that will hopefully be replaced by John Gruden.


I can't stand the impotence of this team right now... it is insulting.

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I don't know. I am kind of lost for words about this offense. Is it the o-line, the QB or the WRs?




Bottom line is there is no cohesion. No rhythm. Why does it always take until the 2nd half, and most times the 4th quarter before we get to see some real points go on the board?


Now, there is one of two ways we can go about our team's direction. SUCK it up, lose, maybe for one or two more years with Colt and try for some cohesion while hoping he can turn it around, OR scrap Colt, and draft a QB and start all over. The changing regimes and the QB corral over the last decade has me leaning towards sticking with Colt for at least three years to see if he can turn it around and build some rapport with the offense. Because if not, we are looking at another RAW QB that will take at least 2-3 years to get it going.


This is called growing pains.


We are so dead-set on the instant fix, and were willing to break it down and build it all back up again in hopes of striking it rich and by getting lucky getting a guy in here that can instantly turn this team around.


I say, F-it. Stick with one person, in this case Colt, and try to keep some semblance of continuity going.


What's your thoughts?

The whole managemant system sucks.....Holmgren, Shurmer, etc. Mccoy will be a very good qb.....but that doesn't mean we couldn't draft another one. My thought would be to sacrifice the future to get the #1 pick....draft Luck, and let him compete with Mccoy for the starting job. But....if we don't repair this oline through free agency or the draft, you will have the same idiots here complaining about how bad Andrew Luck is, and we never should have drafted him.

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If you keep punting coaches/gms every 1-2 seasons, do you think that will result in a contender?


Holmgren has the coach he wants, and you have to give them time to put the system they want and obtain the guys they need to run the system. After 3-4 years it may still not pan out, however, you are far more likely to be successful if you give your coaching/management time to put their system in place. Chuck Noll didn't turn the Steelers into a contender in 1 season.

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As much as I've absolutely hated McCoy over the last couple weeks, watching the game today made me realize one thing.


It's not his fault.



It's the shit offensive system we're running. There's no rhythm, no cohesion. Everybody is off. This system they're trying to implement is either too confusing, or just too simple. Either our players aren't understanding it, or it's so simple that opposing teams can find it's weakness on three days of practice.


All this system is is a dink and dunk passing game, coupled with a "three yard and a cloud of dust" running mentality. There's no explosive plays, nothing to stretch the field. There's no imagination whatsoever in the mind of Pat "Aw shucks" Shurmer. No creativeness flowing. He's a blank shell, an empty headed shitsucker.


There's a trend developing of our offense playing like shit in the first three quarters, then turning it on late in the fourth quarter. The reason for this is: once we get into the hurry up situation, Colt's calling most of the plays from the line. He's not being fed the bland, unimaginative shite that Shurmer keeps calling week in and week out. If I see one more slant, I'm going to vomit.


Also, once we get in the hurry up situations, Colt drops into shotgun, where he seems infinitely more comfortable.


Mangini and Co., no matter what anybody wants to say about them, realized Colt's strengths and played to them. Colt's not a Pro Set QB. He looks lost on his three and five step drops. He's uncomfortable in the pocket and his timing is off. But once he's thrown into shotgun, he looks like a completely different QB.


It's time to swallow your pride and switch the offensive system, Walrus. The WCO isn't working, or at least Shurmer's version isnt'. Get your fat ass out of the booth and onto the field during the week. Do what you did best, teach.


This is spot on. Great call.

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You kond of answer your own questions, no?


1) The Bengals didn't seem to have a problem keeping things moving forward, did they? They got a QB and a major WR talent. Same OL, same everything....... Wham, they are winning.


2) This board is FILLED with threds about how now that the Steeler OL is decimaed, Big Ben will be exposed as the loser he is. BZZZZZZZT. NEWSFLASH............. Makeshift OL translates into 426 yards and a major thumping of the Patriots. Why? Simple.... WR's, RBs and a QB who helped the D stay fresh by holding on to the ball and wearing out the opposition.


3)Colt is a dud. You know it, I know it and everyone we play knows it.


The sad part of this is, we have very little talent. Having a good defense, which we DO, is not going to win many ball games. Without offense to pump emotion into a team and keep everyone believing, what you get is the same crap Lerner has been putting on the table.



You know why the Squealers and Rapisburger were able to hang 426 yards on the Patriots? The Patriots defense SUCKS. Dead last in the NFL. Even Brady apologized that "we couldn't keep up with them in the scoring department" Defense wins championships, always has, always will.


Patience Tom, playmakers are on the agenda- next season.

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The Browns have a QB! McCoy can be a good one if the front office would ever get their heads out of their rears!!! The plan shouldn't be to blow it up and change QB's every other year, you have to put weapons together for him. The browns don't have a WR or TE that could start on a good High School team and the RB's seem not to care anymore!


Our TE's are actually very good. And while we have no true #1 WR just yet MoMass, Little, and Cribbs have all be decent. Little has potential to be a stud. The problem is our terrible QB who people love to make excuses for.


Tom Brady would make Cribbs, Little, and MoMass look like pro bowlers.


Much like he made Deion Branch, David Givens, and Troy Brown look like pro bowlers.

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I really don't think McCoy is that bad. He was just rushed into starting. I think he needed a year or two to learn, then become a starter. Some QB's today actually need a lil development out of college. Not everyone is a Big Ben!!!

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You kond of answer your own questions, no?


1) The Bengals didn't seem to have a problem keeping things moving forward, did they? They got a QB and a major WR talent. Same OL, same everything....... Wham, they are winning.


2) This board is FILLED with threds about how now that the Steeler OL is decimaed, Big Ben will be exposed as the loser he is. BZZZZZZZT. NEWSFLASH............. Makeshift OL translates into 426 yards and a major thumping of the Patriots. Why? Simple.... WR's, RBs and a QB who helped the D stay fresh by holding on to the ball and wearing out the opposition.


3)Colt is a dud. You know it, I know it and everyone we play knows it.


The sad part of this is, we have very little talent. Having a good defense, which we DO, is not going to win many ball games. Without offense to pump emotion into a team and keep everyone believing, what you get is the same crap Lerner has been putting on the table.


Dude, I know you love the Browns, but open your eyes. We are $$$ MILLIONS under the cap, and INSTEAD of drfting Julio Jones, we moved down and took an DT that we could have duplicated in rounds 2 - 4.


BAD management, all the way around.


Hey fool, get with the program. Drafting Julio Jones would not have made a difference in Colt doesnt have time to throw the ball. And if my memory serves correctly hasn't Julio Jones been injured? Phil Taylor has done a grat job, and now we have 2 first rounds for next year. Get a clue before you post in here. You look like a fool.

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you are discussing a point that Holmgren ALREADY answered.


He said............ McCOy WILL NOT BE THE QB in 2012.


NOw, to some of you idiots, you are going to jump and and say ( feminine voice) Show me, Ghoolie, Show me............. Show me where he said that.


Oh, I forgot, you dumb shit's can't read between the lines and need to be spoon fed..........


Okay, let me set it up for you.............


What Holmgren said was " McCoy is still being evaluated, and we will draft a QB every year until we get the right one.


Translation....????? It is what you numbnuts don't want to hear. The Browns winning for 2011 is about done. 3 - 13 looks quite probable and surely anything above 5 -11 is IMPOSSIBLE.


Holmgren already let that cat out of the bag. McCoy is done, stick a fork in him.


No he didn't. he never said Colt wouldn't be the QB in 2012. Please show me where he said that. He said Colt will be starter for the remainder of this year and then they will evaluate everything from there. Your an idiot.

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Deep down I really think McCoy can do it. Get him a Alshon Jeffrey or Justin Blackmon to put next to Little and Cribbs.

meh....whose gonna threaten to actually throw the ball deep? noodles sure as hell isnt....



just get the kid a shake weight for the offseason....and teach him how to throw a spiral.

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