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Show Some Imagination!


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Hi All,


Long time Browns fan here... my frustration with this team lies not so much with the players themselves (we've all seen teams with average talent do well across all sports), but with the play calling on offense. It's not good when you can predict with great accuracy what the team's first offensive series will be before the game even starts, but it's even more ridiculous when it happens time & again! I mean, if you're going to lose, at least do it with some style - throw in some flea-flickers, an occasional hook & ladder, a rollout to a tackle eligible (like the 49ers did twice yesterday). Hell, let Colt & the boys draw up some plays in the sand for all I care, but for the love of god, stop the predictable play calling. If we can all see what they're going to run, I'm sure the opposing defense can as well.


& above all, PLAY TO WIN! When you send in the punt unit on 4th & 2 from the opponent's 39 in the 3rd quarter, that sends a message to your team, specifically the offense, that you have no faith in them & that you've given up. As Gregg Easterbrook from ESPN says, it was "game over" at that point. So much of sports is about momentum, & any that the team had yesterday was gone after the 4th & 2 decision.

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i agree. it's not like we're going to the superbowl.


do something different. through the untested players on the field. let cribbs throw the ball.


i really disliked the shurmur hire, but i thought he'd be at least decent at calling a game.


why did we hire him again?

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he's just stubborn imo...he'll run his system his way regardless of the outcome. he cant fathom adjusting it to fit the strengths of his players....which is my biggest issue with him. its the same slant, drag, button hook BS every play. no imagination, no variation.

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