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Thank You Congress For Reaffirming "in God We Trust"

Pumpkin Eater

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This act of Congress is just what the country needed. This will certainly help curtail our exploding national debt and put and end to the outrageous unemployment across the country. Now the Government will control spending and corporations will stop being greedy. Most importantly we now have access to a viable alternative energy to power our houses and vehicles. Good job Washington! :rolleyes:

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This act of Congress is just what the country needed. This will certainly help curtail our exploding national debt and put and end to the outrageous unemployment across the country. Now the Government will control spending and corporations will stop being greedy. Most importantly we now have access to a viable alternative energy to power our houses and vehicles. Good job Washington! :rolleyes:





funny how stupid separation of church and state has become.........................go jesus slaugther those muslims and atheists




when I last talked to Jesus he said he was an atheist.................go figure that insanity

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This act of Congress is just what the country needed. This will certainly help curtail our exploding national debt and put and end to the outrageous unemployment across the country. Now the Government will control spending and corporations will stop being greedy. Most importantly we now have access to a viable alternative energy to power our houses and vehicles. Good job Washington! :rolleyes:


They really do deserve that 8% approval rating, don't they?


What an embarrassment.

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Great. Dems hold a majority in Congress - both houses, and do nothing good at all with Obamao in there.


And now, the Reps do a good thing, and these beetlejuices ridicule the Reps for it.


With progressive/socilist/demoshatz whiners, the only good is what they do, or don't do.


And everything is bad that anybody else does.... or doesn't do.



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Great. Dems hold a majority in Congress - both houses, and do nothing good at all with Obamao in there.


And now, the Reps do a good thing, and these beetlejuices ridicule the Reps for it.


With progressive/socilist/demoshatz whiners, the only good is what they do, or don't do.


And everything is bad that anybody else does.... or doesn't do.




who the fukc cares about Dems vs republicans anymore. They're all the same and they have this country headed for hell in a handbasket. These dopes really spent time on this nonsense that they could have spent working on some real issues. I'm sure the millions of long-term unemployed feel so much better knowing that our Congress trusts God.

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Great. Dems hold a majority in Congress - both houses, and do nothing good at all with Obamao in there.


And now, the Reps do a good thing, and these beetlejuices ridicule the Reps for it.


With progressive/socilist/demoshatz whiners, the only good is what they do, or don't do.


And everything is bad that anybody else does.... or doesn't do.




How the hell is this a "good thing?" It was a huge waste of time. I can understand bringing a motion if someone in Congress petitioned to change it, but NOBODY DID. The GOP brought it up because Obama thought the motto was e pluribus unum. They did it to be dicks!

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It's a good thing because the minority has no business tyrannizing ? the majority.


The tiny little hateful, screwed up minority says they are "99" percent of the people.


yeah. Like Mao said that, too. And Hitler talked of "all the people".


And Castro. And Chavez. And what's his name in N. Korea. And until the fall


of the Soviet Union - most all of their leaders and marxist machinery in the background.


and the Sandanistas back in the day in Nicaragua.


and pol pot... and on and on it goes.


Marxist attitudes, marxist behavior(s) to one degree or worse yet.


And marxist Dems are a helluva lot worse than the worst dumbass Rep out there,


by serious profound extent. It's political to complain that they did it.


if the dems did it, Obamao would love it for the imagined hope to help his campaign,


and libs would love it for being a brilliant way to fool Reps and Inds again in 2012.

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