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Extend The Season To 32 Games, Now


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Can you say Thursday Night and Sunday afternoon?

If not that, then extend the season till April. It's such a ******* tease dangling a measly 16 games a freaking year in our faces.


Don't give me the "Do you know how physical this game is?!" crap.


1: Yes, I do.

2: I don't care, I want more.

3: These wimps can handle it.


I think the National Football League is doing a major disservice to their fans and their pocketbook.


Extend the season, and let's fully enjoy our Nation's pastime.


16 out of 365 days a year is not enough.

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it's more than 16 including play offs and superbowl.


If you add more games it will water down the substance. There is too much of a good thing. Add more games will lessen the importance of each game, screw up the records, and beat the players into bloody pulps. There would not be any players lasting more than 3 seasons with 32 games.


32 games? They can't even agree on 18. You're crazy.

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I, for one, wish the "2 less preseason games and 2 more regular season games" point of contention in this years' CBA negotiation would have been ratified, but it wasn't.


it's possible that another round of the playoffs could be warrented if there were enough expansion teams in the future to have 5 teams per division--or maybe just more games during the WC where the bubble teams compete for a playoff birth--but if you're relying on the next CBA to expand the regular season, you're probably going to be disappointed.

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