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Cleveland Sports Mount Rushmore


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Well this should be interesting, there are four spots available to immortalize individuals from a similar field. Instead of four Presidents, we are talking about the Mt. Rushmore of Cleveland sports.


There are no real rules or right answers, but it makes for some fun discussion.


My Four would be


Bob Feller

Jim Brown

Otto Graham

Albert Belle-(He is my all time Fav Indian, was such a asshole people fear him. Not to mention the best hitter in baseball for yrs in Cleveland)


Could have put Paul Brown, Larry Doby, Groza, Thome, just to name a few... Do not think there are any CAVS I would put up there maybe Price. Not a big Basketball guy thou, even when Lebron was here.


So who is your Cleveland Mount Rushmore??

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Bob Feller

Jim Brown

Otto Graham

Larry Doby



Which is sad because everyone of those guys played before I was born but noone since comes close to the accomplishments of these guys.


The only change I would make is replace Larry Doby with Rocky Colavito. The original (The Rock).

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how about lebron james? i figured you'd have him at the top of your list since he's now down in gay florida.


don't you dance the merengue in the streets with him with all the other cubans?


old people, flying cockroaches and illegal immigrants.........yeah i want to live there!

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how about lebron james? i figured you'd have him at the top of your list since he's now down in gay florida.


don't you dance the merengue in the streets with him with all the other cubans?


old people, flying cockroaches and illegal immigrants.........yeah i want to live there!


LOL, I guess you never have lived in Florida...


Lets see I live in Tampa not Miami( and no they are not that close)


HMMMM where would I want to live


PLay Golf everyday of the yr

Do not own snow tires

Only have 1 pair of jeans

Sandles where everyday

Hot Women everywhere( NOt really true, but more around than CLeveland Alot more)

Casino 20 minutes down the road

Can take kids to see Mickey only a hr away

Wanna go on a cruise..sure port 20 mins away

Baseball yep got that Spring training and The Trop when Tribe come can get any seat in the house

Football yep got that too Ray Jay one of the best Statuims around the NFL


Sunglasses, Sandles and a tank top all day everyday year around...Yea Dont think I would trade a thing!!!!


Dont even know what a winter jacket is

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how about lebron james? i figured you'd have him at the top of your list since he's now down in gay florida.


don't you dance the merengue in the streets with him with all the other cubans?


old people, flying cockroaches and illegal immigrants.........yeah i want to live there!


Ugh don't get me started. Orlando is such a shithole even Satan wouldn't call it home.

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Tony Montana: Is this it? That's what it's all about, Manny? Eating, drinking, xxxxing, sucking? Snorting? Then what? You're 50. You got a bag for a belly. You got tits, you need a bra. They got hair on them. You got a liver, they got spots on it, and you're eating this xxxxin' shit, looking like these rich xxxxing mummies in here... Look at that. A junkie. I got a xxxxin' junkie for a wife. She don't eat nothing. Sleeps all day with them black shades on. Wakes up with a Quaalude, and who won't xxxx me 'cause she's in a coma. I can't even have a kid with her, Manny. Her womb is so polluted, I can't even have a xxxxin' little baby with her!

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hmmm. i guess ohio better watch out for those french canadiens crossing the border.


oui, oui monsier!

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Not everyone minds cold weather, I actually like having four seasons cause then it changes what I'm doing, changes the clothes I'm wearing, etc, I don't want it to stay the same all the time. Personally I wouldn't wanna live in Florida, I've enjoyed my visits there, but it's too slow paced for me to live there(but I guess most people would prefer that when they have a family to look after). After living in Canada for a good amount(year and a half), it doesn't get as cold in the north/midwest as it does in Canada. Besides Vancouver, it doesn't snow much there, but you have to be rich to own anything there. Lots of drug addicts there as well(more so than new york somehow), most people who own their houses over there inherited them.


In central Canada, it gets around -50c at times(but the weather is good in the summer), in the Ontario area the weather is generally similar to Illinois/Michigan/Ohio.


but lets be honest heh, Canada is nothing without the U.S, most people there are rational but some are so dense and keep spouting things like "blahblah health care is so much better here, college tuition is so much cheaper, public education is much better, less crime" when they don't realize any of those wouldn't be possible without the U.S building the foundation.


I don't wanna get political though, it's all garbage corrupt nonsense full of idiots followed by idiots.

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i don't want other people to think that hot tanned fat asses on the beach are a bad thing (sorry rich talking about women here) but there's also the clean fresh jet stream that blows out all the crap from summer to which it brings us (here on the east coast/mid-west) a sense of doneness, a rebirth into a new season....nature's flush.


in states like southern us nv ariz (where i've lived) south calif., fla, louisiana.....you don't know what you are missing.


new snow boots, 4 wheel drive in full affect,standing in friend's backyards sippin some hot wine......wow, that's the good life!

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I miss having four seasons myself. It gets way too hot and humid in the summer here.


Different strokes for different folks. Personally, I hate hot weather. The In-laws lived in Clearwater for many years, and the wife's cousin got married there in October- and it felt like a bad July day in Ohio.


I've always said the first thing I would do if I hit the Lottery would be to buy a condo in Anchorage- at least for the summer. :)

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