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Add ‘Arson’ To #occupy Activists Checklist – $10 Million In Damages

Mr. T

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Add ‘Arson’ To #Occupy Activists Checklist – $10 Million In Damages




It’s probably just my skewed perception of integrity and random acts of kindness, charity and love, but this isn’t exactly helping the ACORN-, SEIU-, Democrat-, Liberal-, Trustafarian-backed #Occupy cause. Is it? And if reckless spending is an issue – and it is – why so much hatred for the original Tea Party?


Genius. Sheer Genius. In a conforming sorta way…


Occupy Fort Collins Activist Suspected Of Old Town Fire





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LOL. Man, do I hate liberals.

What gets me is the OWS movement is targeting BANKERS in a FREE MARKET. What kind of nonsense is that?

They should be protesting someone they can actually ouster: like the DAMN GOVERNMENT!

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Add 'Arson' To #Occupy Activists Checklist – $10 Million In Damages




It's probably just my skewed perception of integrity and random acts of kindness, charity and love, but this isn't exactly helping the ACORN-, SEIU-, Democrat-, Liberal-, Trustafarian-backed #Occupy cause. Is it? And if reckless spending is an issue – and it is – why so much hatred for the original Tea Party?


Genius. Sheer Genius. In a conforming sorta way…


Occupy Fort Collins Activist Suspected Of Old Town Fire








OH GEE not to mention the two trillion and a million dead Bush spent on wars based on lies..........these occupy guys are bad stuff, we need to spend two trillion more and murder a few million based on lies




someday you may get it, but right now you are hopeless and rooting against yurself

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Rich translation:


"Ah, you blatantly &^*&^T and foIY you and I are always a genius and right on all things you

can only lie about but when that is my plague to be a genius and you know nothing of my genius,

and you suck *&^( water and Bush makes Obama fail our country so don't may blame on my precious"


well... it's a loose translation - Rich doesn't speak in any kind of known structure..... @@




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You idiots sure hate anyone who speaks out against the establishment. The same establishment that has our country in debt so deeply it will never be repaid. The same establishment that spent billions of dollars bailing out corporations who in turn didn't hold up their end of the bargain. The same establishment that makes policy to keep the rich wealthy and the poor poor.


But hey it's all good as long as millionaires get to pay the lowest taxes on unearned income in recent history and a smaller percentage of their earned income than the middle class.

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You idiots sure hate anyone who speaks out against the establishment.


Lie. You hate anyone who speaks out against Obamao established in OUR wh, and the Dems established

in the Senate, and the marxist, stinkin anti_American trolls who want to steal anybody's wealth because they think

"it isn't fair" that they don't have it instead.



The same establishment that has our country in debt so deeply it will never be repaid. The same establishment that spent billions of dollars bailing out corporations who in turn didn't hold up their end of the bargain. The same establishment that makes policy to keep the rich wealthy and the poor poor.


Then you all should be growing some American nads, and be honest about it. You should be outraged at Obamao X 5 that you were at

Bush. But you aren't. It's lib idealogy you worship. That's a cult mentality.



But hey it's all good as long as millionaires get to pay the lowest taxes on unearned income in recent history and a smaller percentage of their earned income than the middle class.


You all whine about socialism, and class envy, class marxist warfare, to try to get as much political power as you can muster.


That's why you all are too cowardly to be outraged about illegal immigration. It serves your purposes idealogically.


Think about it. A lot. And go look at the financial donors to the occupiers who co-opt complains only when it suits them.


You all want to win the lottery on the backs of those who have more. What the hell is wrong with you knuckheads?


You know how much you lose if you win a million bucks on the lottery? Inherit your family's business, or farm ?


You know how much in taxes they pay?


No. You know what the daily kos tells you to "know". Pitiful.

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what? I hate Obama.


Once again, get your facts straight. Speaking out against the wealthy who control government policies to ensure their continued wealth and continued sharp social strata, corporate greed, and expressing dissatisfaction with government serving the needs of greedy corporations and the 1% before those of the remaining 99% of US citizens does not equal marxism or any of the other scum bagger terms of the month.


You only hate the occupy movement because faux news tells you to hate it.

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No, Vapor, even CNN is reporting the rapes, drug use, assaults, arrests, thefts, threats, trash everywhere,


and the support of the communist and socialist parties. But CNN hasn't reported on the using of


American citizens homes' front porches for bathrooms. That is the highlight of the "movement"


you love to brag about.


I think the occupy browshirts are trash.

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