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Questions About Browns From A Rams Fan

Rams Fan

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Hey guys, I'm a Rams fan here in STL and I have a few questions for you. What is the general concensus on Colt McCoy and his future with the Browns? From the little coverage that I have seen of the browns, I'm looking at a good QB for the rd he was selected in, that has the potential to be a descent NFL QB. When I say descent, I'm meaning that he could be sucessful when surrounded by talent, but not a guy like a Manning or a Brady or Rothelisburger thats going to win you games just based on the skill of his arm. I think he could be a Carson Palmer-ish, Matt Schaub, or maybe a Hasselback caliber. Which isn't bad, not spectacular, but they could win in the right situation. Thats actually what I believe we have in Bradford. It also seems to me that Colt has been taking a beating. I felt bad for him when I saw the highlights of your game at home vs the Steelers last year with James Harrison hitting him and asking "you alright boy?"...lol...sorry. What types of personel changes have you guys made on the O-Line to give him some protection? I was one of the few Rams fans that was O.K. with trading down to let you guys have Bradford. For the amount of picks you were giving up, we could have had Colt, plus alot of other playmakers. That was the theroy, but in reality, the Rams drafting has been so bad, we were probably better off just getting Sam. I was never convinced with Clausen, and I think I was right on that one.


The Rams have been an utter disappointment so far this year. The overall lack of effort and focus from this group has been appalling. It's easy for people to say, the team simply lacks talent, but that doesn't have much to do with false starts and dropping passes. I was not shocked by the upset win against New Orleans, because we have proved over the last 3 season that we can run the ball on that team. I was shocked that the guys actually came to play, and us Rams fans are hoping that that game was a turning point, and the team starts playing to their potential. The apologist excuse has been that the Rams have a tough schedule, but in reality to this point the NFC east(which we have played every team) has been mediocre at best.


But our game coming up in next weekend is going to be a good one. I believe Sam will be back for that game. This Sunday we play a weak Cardinals team on the road, so there is no rush to get him back. Look for us to feed SJ39 early and often and try you guys deep with big plays to Llyod.

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a better question might be....what the xxxx is wrong with shurmur?


Well, I thought he was OK as an Offensive coordinator, but it seemed as though his play calling would become too conservative and predictable. Most of us hardcore fans soured on him. To tell the truth, I was curious of why Mangini was fired. I thought he would get more time, but I guess Shurmur was part of the network. But hearing Mangini talk on TV, he sounds very intelligent and he has a high football IQ on both sides of the ball. Plus he seemed like he could get fiery at times. But thats just a quick observation that I got from him.

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I'll try to give you my opinion on Colt McCoy.....I don't know yet ???


Seems he has the intelligence and grit to become a servicable NFL QB, a starter...


However, we're down to our 4th and 5th string running backs, our receivers are not making plays for him and our offensive line is, well, offensive... I can't tell yet if McCoy has what it takes based on the players around him... So far with no running game He's been nutralized..


Don't know how He'll perform in the winter elements that are in our division... Will he be able to zip the ball into tight spaces and throw the out route in sub zero weather with the wind and snow wipping around him...Doesn't have the arm of Rothlesberger, Manning or Rodgers but to me those are the exceptions.. We had a QB with that type of arm (Anderson) but he couldn't deliver and at times his throws were uncatchable...


Ask that same question around game 16 and I'll have a better answer for you....





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Hey guys, I'm a Rams fan here in STL and I have a few questions for you. What is the general concensus on Colt McCoy and his future with the Browns? From the little coverage that I have seen of the browns, I'm looking at a good QB for the rd he was selected in, that has the potential to be a descent NFL QB. When I say descent, I'm meaning that he could be sucessful when surrounded by talent, but not a guy like a Manning or a Brady or Rothelisburger thats going to win you games just based on the skill of his arm. I think he could be a Carson Palmer-ish, Matt Schaub, or maybe a Hasselback caliber. Which isn't bad, not spectacular, but they could win in the right situation. Thats actually what I believe we have in Bradford. It also seems to me that Colt has been taking a beating. I felt bad for him when I saw the highlights of your game at home vs the Steelers last year with James Harrison hitting him and asking "you alright boy?"...lol...sorry. What types of personel changes have you guys made on the O-Line to give him some protection? I was one of the few Rams fans that was O.K. with trading down to let you guys have Bradford. For the amount of picks you were giving up, we could have had Colt, plus alot of other playmakers. That was the theroy, but in reality, the Rams drafting has been so bad, we were probably better off just getting Sam. I was never convinced with Clausen, and I think I was right on that one.


The Rams have been an utter disappointment so far this year. The overall lack of effort and focus from this group has been appalling. It's easy for people to say, the team simply lacks talent, but that doesn't have much to do with false starts and dropping passes. I was not shocked by the upset win against New Orleans, because we have proved over the last 3 season that we can run the ball on that team. I was shocked that the guys actually came to play, and us Rams fans are hoping that that game was a turning point, and the team starts playing to their potential. The apologist excuse has been that the Rams have a tough schedule, but in reality to this point the NFC east(which we have played every team) has been mediocre at best.


But our game coming up in next weekend is going to be a good one. I believe Sam will be back for that game. This Sunday we play a weak Cardinals team on the road, so there is no rush to get him back. Look for us to feed SJ39 early and often and try you guys deep with big plays to Llyod.


Well, Colt is one feisty SOB, and if he fails, it sure isn't going to be from lack of effort. This is the classic chicken or egg argument- does McCoy look bad because he has no surrounding talent, or does McCoy make the surrounding talent look bad?


One thing for sure- he's regressed from last year. But, no Hillis, and the interior line play has sucked.

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Hey buddy,


regardless what fans think, Mike Holmgren has already announced that Colt McCOy will not be with the Browns in 2012, or at least will not be the starter.


In a press conference about a week ago Holmgren reaffirmed that the football team begins with the QB. He siad two telling things.


1) McCoy is still under evaluation ( After 2 years?

2) The Browns will take a new QB every year until we find the right guy.


If Holmgren thought McCOy MIGHT be the guy, we would not insult him and risk shaking his confidence by publicly implying nothing is settled. Hey, this is 2011, either McCOy is THE MAN, or he isn't.


But you see, Holmgren didn't even stop to think baout how his words might affect Colt. Clearly, Holmgren has already moved past McCoy and the Browns are going to limp trough the season with him.


McCoy is gone, done, fini.


I think your right.

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Mangini should have never been fired.



McCoy is no Peyton Manning, but he can be serviceable and probably will be until we get the "right guy". Ghoolie seems to think that we're going to blow it all up and start over with a new QB next year, but he's a xxxxing idiot. Don't pardon my French.


Holmgren did, however, pretty much blatantly state that McCoy isn't going to be our Brett Favre, which I think we're all fine with. I don't doubt that we'll continue to draft QB's until we find that next franchise player, but I believe that Colt is going to be the starter for the forseeable future (assuming we don't somehow end up in the Luck race, of course). Colt is a good game manager, a smart player, and a fiesty competitor. I don't believe he was brought in here to be "the guy". I believe he was brought in to be the bridge QB. While the team is built around him, Colt will continue to be Colt. He won't wow anybody with a gigantic arm, but he won't do anything to really lose us a game either. In short, he'll be Colt. And while the offense is built around him, we'll take some 3rd round QB's and give them some looks to see if we find a diamond in the rough. Then, when we've actually added enough talent at the other positions to compete, I think we'll take a shot at our franchise QB, whoever that may be. It may not be for another 2-3 years. Our future franchise QB may not have even played a down in the NCAA yet, for all we know. But I do trust in the drafting abilities of Heckert, and in Holmgren's eye for QB's. That's about the only thing I trust in, actually.

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i wont say mangini shouldn't have been fired....he did some good things and did some bad things.


however, holmgren should never have hired a rookie HC, one with exactly zero head coaching experience on any level, to lead this team, while working a dual role. that is solely on him. the shurmur hire was just nepotism at its finest, as there is nothing on shurmurs resume to indicate he was qualified for this job.


18 years as a position coach in college and the NFL (TE, OL and QB)

2 years as OC (combined record of 8-24 with rams)


so where is it? anyone wanna refute the claim that shurmur is here because his uncle was a confidant of the walrus?

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Hey buddy,


regardless what fans think, Mike Holmgren has already announced that Colt McCOy will not be with the Browns in 2012, or at least will not be the starter.


In a press conference about a week ago Holmgren reaffirmed that the football team begins with the QB. He siad two telling things.


1) McCoy is still under evaluation ( After 2 years?

2) The Browns will take a new QB every year until we find the right guy.


If Holmgren thought McCOy MIGHT be the guy, we would not insult him and risk shaking his confidence by publicly implying nothing is settled. Hey, this is 2011, either McCOy is THE MAN, or he isn't.


But you see, Holmgren didn't even stop to think baout how his words might affect Colt. Clearly, Holmgren has already moved past McCoy and the Browns are going to limp trough the season with him.


McCoy is gone, done, fini.


Wow, I didn't know that happened. Thats not necessarily the way to encourage a young struggling QB, so I would have to agree with you. I just hope by the time he gets out, he's not too beat up to be effective elsewhere.


Thanks for the replies!

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Tim pulls out and choco stated it perfectly. McCoy may not be the guy but he's the best we have and gives it his all.


Yes, you should still evaluate him because he's playing for a Retarded head coach and shitty offense. I believe he'd be much better with a decent o line and a OC who calls plays to his strengths. He should be in the shotgun the majority of the time with this offense. Its hard to say he's good or bad until he gets some protection and a RB who can pick up more than 2 yards an attempt.


The key to playing the browns offense is stacking the box because we never go over 10 yards on passes. Its easy to game plane, the fans can see it, and you can sure as hell bet the opposing d coordinator can see it.

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Oh yeah. Anyone who looks at the regression this year and says we should have let mangini go is dumb. He always had the team playing their best and we were in every game last season. The guys played hard for him and we lost a lot of close games in a difficult schedule. I bet given another couple years with some good drafts he would have got us to the playoffs.


With what we have now for coaches who knows when we'll see the playoffs. And firing our special teams coach was another blunder by this regime.

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Just wanted to share this with you all. Thought it was funny considering I made these same comments yesterday.


Brown Offense Predictability



Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on November 5, 2011, 11:12 AM EDT

APMike Holmgren and Pat Shurmur were supposed to bring a new era of offensive efficiency to Cleveland.


Instead, Colt McCoy has regressed this year and the offense is worse than it was than when Eric Mangini was the head coach. Michael Lombardi of NFL.com gives a great example of Clevelands predictability.


Lombardi says each week, he calls a former coach on the phone and plays a game with him.


I tell my friend the personnel group, the formation, where the ball is located on the field and what hash mark and describe the motion if there is any and ask him to tell me the exact play that will be run. He is correct about 95 percent of the time. No lie.


The Browns are so integrated into the West Coast system that their predictability is becoming legendary around the league, Lombardi writes.


The Browns are running the purest West Coast offense in the league. Other successful teams run West Coast offenses, but they mix up their systems a lot more.


If a coach on the phone knows what play is coming from the Browns, you can be sure opposing defensive coordinators know whats coming too.

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You can't give a QB chicken-you know what and expect him to make Chicken Salad. Bottom line is, the kid has nothing around him. You could put Brady under center there and even he would falter. I like McCoy and think he can be a good NFL QB, but not under the current conditions in Cleveland. Oh, and Hillis needs to go too.

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You can't give a QB chicken-you know what and expect him to make Chicken Salad. Bottom line is, the kid has nothing around him. You could put Brady under center there and even he would falter. I like McCoy and think he can be a good NFL QB, but not under the current conditions in Cleveland. Oh, and Hillis needs to go too.


Brady would be fine. He is a smart play making QB. He made Troy Brown, David Patten, and David Givens look like all pro's ... he could also do it with Cribbs, Little, and MoMass.

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I will bet you $2,500 that Colt McCOy will never start again for the Browns in 2012.


Hoorta, Roach, Rich, West Side Steve, KS HUtchins, Johnny B, Furnier, , you name the long-standing board member and I will send him my cashiers check MOnday morning.


KXXXXXing idiot? Dude, I am ALWAYA CORRECTAMUNDO on this shit.


COlt McCoy is a deer caught in teh headlights. He is a 5 yard visionist who cannot fathom throwing the ball while the reciever is still in teh process of making his break........


Colt McCoy is Tim Couch reincarnated.



Wow you are dumber than a bag of rocks.

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DING DING DING DING DING....................... WE HAVE A WINNER.............




But do you have the smarts. the intelligence...... the common sense to even UNDERSATND what you just posted.?


Let me make it SIMPLE for you to understand what your OWN POST SAYS...........


If we believe Mangini was getting results, and he was because even I had to eat some crow and compliment the team last year........


And we know Holmgren replaced him with Shit.............


How in the name of God can anyone think Holmgren is motivated by WINNING........... and not by his own personal needs?




Shurmur is NOT GOING TO BE FIRED. If the team wins 5, perhaps nobody will be fired, BUT.......... if someone goes? It will be Heckert...........




HOLMGREN IS NOT GOING TO SIT ON HIS HAND IF THE TEAM GOES 4 -12 or worse. HE HAS TO FIRE SOMEONE to make it look like he is an active President. Heckert is the logical choice. Frankly? PAssing on Julion Jones gives Holmgren evidence enough to fire Heckert.



are you currently in the vegas metro area????????? my ex wife just callled extremely hostile wanting to fk somebody up and you came to mind!!!!!

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Ding Ghnarlie should have been banned this weekend. But no, Zombo had a vote, and several people


felt sorry for the miserable, hateful wreck - so on and on it goes.


It is far from just negative. It's insanely venting on anything that moves, I think.


Very much stinkin up talking GENUINELY about the Browns.

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