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What Should My New User Name Be!

Harry Buffalo

New user name  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. What should my new user name be?

    • Rubin_Minus_Kraut
    • Haden's_Chops
    • Harry Buffalo
    • Brown_Town_Clown
    • OB_Lifer
    • Phil-da-Thrill
    • Suck it Trebek

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Needless to say I have had it with Hillis' crap. I've tried my best to think positively and I've stayed on his side much longer than most, but with the new article in the PD that just came out with what inside sources have said, I just can't help but feel that he let all his success from last season run straight to his head and I feel like he thinks he is worth way more than what he is and that he thinks he can just go by on the bare minimum. This bum won't be with our team next season and I don't want my user name to anymore. So I made a few other options. Two use Rubin and Haden's names, both plays that should be with the Browns for a while and have productive careers. Mad Cactus is the restaurant that most the players like to watch MNF at. The 4th one is just one that I came up with and the last one is OB for orange and brown and lifer because I go to BGSU so I'll be an alum of an orange and brown school as well as a life long Browns fan.

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how about


house=town-proud-mouse? genesis lyric. either that or 'brown bust you down, orange be informed...

sorry i'm not at my best right now after finishing off a bottle of bacardi earlier.


so holmgren - doldrum


shurmer - dean wormer



heckertt - feckert


sorry guy on my last leg here trying to throw up something

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Tom the guy at least thinks he's hurt. His agent is a dipwad- if he had taken the Browns original offer, it would have been millions more than Hillis will ever be able to command if he misses a few more games.

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Needless to say I have had it with Hillis' crap. I've tried my best to think positively and I've stayed on his side much longer than most, but with the new article in the PD that just came out with what inside sources have said, I just can't help but feel that he let all his success from last season run straight to his head and I feel like he thinks he is worth way more than what he is and that he thinks he can just go by on the bare minimum. This bum won't be with our team next season and I don't want my user name to anymore. So I made a few other options. Two use Rubin and Haden's names, both plays that should be with the Browns for a while and have productive careers. Mad Cactus is the restaurant that most the players like to watch MNF at. The 4th one is just one that I came up with and the last one is OB for orange and brown and lifer because I go to BGSU so I'll be an alum of an orange and brown school as well as a life long Browns fan.

1. big in the drawers


2. tight up the middle

goin for RB refs right?

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How about Ghoulie iz boss! lol i didnt think so!


The whole hillis thing just sucks but his attitude and lack of fervor for the team or the game has lessened the way i feel about him as well..

Unlike ghoulie though i do believe hillis has a place and that place is behind vickers...;)

Anyone else notice that peytonhillis.com has been down and under maintenance since this all started? hehehehehe

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honestly like the Ghoulie is boss........only guy on this forum that seems to have a realistic (if sometimes over zealous) opinion of this team.



he's been right, he IS right, and i bet he'll continue to be right more often than the rest of the kool-aid addicts around here.

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God Hillis really showed his true colors.


I consider us lucky that we didnt sign this guy to 5 million a year. How dumb is he? All he had to do is show up this year with a good attitude and play hard and he was going to get paid.. The sad thing is even with the hammy he would have got some money. He has a piss poor attitude.


He isnt a good team mate, he doesnt like football. I mean i really question his sexuality

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One of the things that pisses me off the most is that when he re injured himself this week he slammed his helmet on the ground in the middle of the field and walked off without it. That shits pisses me off and when I start coaching high school after college if one of my players does that they will be running the rest of practice. Keep your damn helmet on and take your injury like a man.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the props.


People have to understand that it IS MY love for the Browns that cause my zeal. WHen I see fans and media fawining all over a dead end, it pisses me off.


Not long before this season I was screaming that we trade Hillis, McCoy and Cribbs and get just ONE big play maker with which we could build a team around.


Looking at the Browns I have to say they are more disciplined than a lot of teams. As such we had disciplined, but very boring over a few stinky teams.




No system change or philosphical switch is going to change that. Doens't it dawn on anyone here that there is no improvement? No additional spark or new wrinkle from week to week?


How many times to you guys have to see the same thing to realize........... THIS IS IT.......THIS IS THE TEAM YOU HAVE. It isn't going to get better with repitition and these shit players are not suddenly going to become good players.


There is no magic point in which we will FINALLY be ready to add impact players.


Teams have to be built around impact players. With most teams carrying 7 - 10 offensive linemen, the point is true, and you cannot argue it successfully with me........... OFFENSIVE LINEMEN ARE A DIME A DOZEN........... they have to be, because at any given time, there are 250 - 300 of them playing in the NFL...........


If your argument is that they are hard to find............... then you MUST agree that most OLs in the NFL blow because with as many as 300 positions to fill, there could not possibly be enough talent around to fill those position IF indeed it was that hard to fill.


BOttom line is this.......... Heckert needs to go. SHurmur won't be fired because it looks bad, Holmgren is still too fat of a cat to be bongo'd. BUT the fans will want another "improvement" after 3 - 13. SO who will go? Heckert, and he should.


Passing on Julio Jones for a fkucking reincarnation of Gerrard Warren? Are you out of your fkucking mind? Are you people that dumbed down? Passing on Julio Jones? For a fatass?





Aren't you just a cute couple of snorkelers.

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I'll tell ya what, Since you have ZOmblow helping you, there is no reason you can't change it a couple times.


Change it to Heckert iz Boss. THen when he gets fired at season's end, you cna THEN change it forever to GHOOLIE-IZ-Boss.


The one thing about me? I know football, I know human nature and i know and understand the business world. You won't have to be embarassed by my performance like you were HIllis's. I am right more than anyone on this board, more than any sportscaster and more than a mere mortal should be.


HEckert's gone.


If I wanted to be named after a fag I'd change it to Perez Hilton.

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