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Longtime Penn State Football Coached Indicited With 40 Counts Of Child Molestation


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Longtime Penn State football coached indicited with 40 counts of child molestation






So sad for the children.

He retired in 1999 in his prime after being at Penn State for like 30 years. It was a surprise that he retired as he was next in line to take over for Paterno. He was in his prime and had some offers to be a head coach at many schools. ... Then suddently he "retired". news came out that he had several accusations while at Penn State (1996, and 1998) he retired in 1999. Since then there are 38 additional accusations


The big question is how much did the Penn State administration and Paterno and the coaching staff know.... He retired in his prime after the 2nd accusation that supposedly took place in the Penn State football locker room shower. Hopefully Penn State is innocent in this and it isn't a cover up by forcing him out but not turning him in. As a Pitt fan, who admittly doesn't like Penn State. I don't even wish anything this bad on them. I can't see how they didn't cover this up though...looks VERY bad for Penn State.

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No it didn't. Joe pa turned him in and the AD covered it up. Do you guys research anything before opening your cryholes?

Really? JoePa did his duty? He turned him into the AD for sodomizing a child and did nothing else after that? Get your head out of the sand. JoePa's actions directly led to this sick bastard molesting more children. JoePa is now a piece of shit. It pains me to type that but it is absolutely without a doubt the 100% truth. Just sickening.

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I just read this grand jury report........ wow. This is some of the most messed up shit I've ever read. He will be in jail for quite some time. Rest of his life no doubt.


And there were numerous occasions something could have been done. He was caught by just about everybody. Graduate assistants, janitors, parents, etc. Still no one did anything for the longest time. It's so messed up. That program is about to be dismantled. JoePa is out, so is just about everybody else in the program that did nothing to prevent this or turn him in.


They wouldn't ruin the program though would they? I mean, it's not like players getting benefits or anything, right? They wouldn't have to give the program the death penalty, or ban them from bowls, and restrict scholarships, etc, right? I'm just curious.


Either way, Sandusky is a disgusting individual. He will not enjoy jail. If there is one thing murders, drug dealers, and all criminals can agree on, it's that they don't like pedophiles. Sandusky is going to get Jeffrey Dahmer'd.

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Really? JoePa did his duty? He turned him into the AD for sodomizing a child and did nothing else after that? Get your head out of the sand. JoePa's actions directly led to this sick bastard molesting more children. JoePa is now a piece of shit. It pains me to type that but it is absolutely without a doubt the 100% truth. Just sickening.

i do have to retract that statement....in learning more about this, joepa is just as guity in my eyes. turning a blind eye after it was clear that the cover up was going on makes him an accessory....hell, even the mularky kid got a xxxxing contract a year after he reported it to joepa.


anyone that knew about this needs investigated and brought up if evidence surfaces that they participated in the cover up. cheating is one thing....this is criminal.

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Lowlifes covered this shit up, they should charge everyone who knew as co conspirators. Strip Jo Pa of all of his wins for the past ten years, He knew about it and reported it but never followed up on the charges. What a dirtbag.

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pee-pee football


is this the league rich plays in?


blah blah everybody and everything that's ever been solid for two years is an institution....pleeeeez. tressel paterno crimmins saban rodriguez.....all great coaches but if you don't know what's going on next door not only are you naive but a dumbass and maybe even a co-conspirator.


best joe fing paterno 'shit':


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Wow talk about pee-pee football? Okay, bad joke, but here is the deal for me.....



I hope Pee Pee Joe Pa goes down in flames.


Just did- got is ass canned after 61 years of service (10 of which were disservice) to Penn State.


Board of Trustees said after this one, we're not going to let you go out like a hero, because what you didn't do makes you a bum.


If his line of thinking was well, I'm not going to rat out my buddy to the cops, I'll tell the AD and president let them rat him out to the cops, it apparently wasn't good enough.



Don't know if I totally agree with the decision to can him immediately, (I do understand their reasoning) but one thing does get me honked off- The Balless wonders that fired him didn't even have the nerve to tell him to his face (after working there for 61 years) that he was fired- they just called him.

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Here is what I had posted elsewhere....

I understand that Paterno did what he is required to do legally, but morally, I feel he could have & should have done more. IMHO, Paterno is the the most powerful person at PS & should have insisted on a full, intense investigation with Sandusky being banned from PS & all activities surrounding the University until resolution. Now his legacy has been torn to shreds by this, no matter the eventual outcome.

Personally, I am convinced that Joe Pa will retire at the end of this season, IF he is there that long.

We, as a society, have put upper tier athletics & those involved above the law & that is sad.


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I don't know Larry, I mean if he got fired for being a loser, like Heckert, then yeah, you go see him personally............. BUt he looked the other way to keep this guy on staff?


SOrry, but I think he was treated properly. Or should I say, Pa-perley?


This is a worldwide disease Larry. People bastardizing the rules to justify their own existence. WHo is more guilty of this than the Obama administration?


Pa got booted, he may now get prosecuted.


Nah, I've been following this all night. Joe's an old guy- seems the guy that told him what was going on didn't tell him the whole story, and corroborated by the guy who told him when they were called to testify. Couple of the guys in Penn State's Administration were arrested for perjury in front of the same Grand Jury though.


"Officially" the story is the Trustees sent a messenger to Joe's house with a letter "Hey, Joe call this number"....."Joe you're fired." Bunch of xxxxing pussies IMHO. After working for the place for 61 years he deserved more courtesy than that- call him into the office, and then kick his ass out. Like this couldn't wait until tomorrow?


Joe should have followed up on this if the AD didn't- agreed. What's really disgusting is there (allegedly) were several people that saw Sandusky raping kids in the shower and didn't do anything about it. And if they told their supervisors or the Administration what they saw then those Administrators ought to be tossed into the Susquehanna River with cement boots on. So like our OSU pal Tressell- JoPa takes the fall. Penn State takes about a $100 million lawsuit for negligence up the hinie for trying to sweep it under the rug. Sandusky will spend the rest of his life in the slammer.

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Nah, I've been following this all night. Joe's an old guy- seems the guy that told him what was going on didn't tell him the whole story, and corroborated by the guy who told him when they were called to testify. Couple of the guys in Penn State's Administration were arrested for perjury in front of the same Grand Jury though.


"Officially" the story is the Trustees sent a messenger to Joe's house with a letter "Hey, Joe call this number"....."Joe you're fired." Bunch of xxxxing pussies IMHO. After working for the place for 61 years he deserved more courtesy than that- call him into the office, and then kick his ass out. Like this couldn't wait until tomorrow?


Joe should have followed up on this if the AD didn't- agreed. What's really disgusting is there (allegedly) were several people that saw Sandusky raping kids in the shower and didn't do anything about it. And if they told their supervisors or the Administration what they saw then those Administrators ought to be tossed into the Susquehanna River with cement boots on. So like our OSU pal Tressell- JoPa takes the fall. Penn State takes about a $100 million lawsuit for negligence up the hinie for trying to sweep it under the rug. Sandusky will spend the rest of his life in the slammer.



My guess is Sandusky falls on a sword before he goes to prison.....maybe soon.

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Penn state student...kosar. no one I've talked with is defending him.


They're going to his house, recording it and putting it on youtube, and chanting his name. Along with things like we want jo pa, or keep jo pa. They're also rioting and turning over news trucks.


Maybe they're not blatantly defending him, but they're saying they don't care about what he's done as long as he continues to coach.

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What a circus. Nothing lower that a child molester and those that covered it up are right down there in the pond scum with the sleeze ball.


Now he will have the tables turned as the predators target his sorry ass in whatever Pa prison he ends up in. Don't matter how much HGH


he stockpiles or how many days he spends in the gym, Bubba and his posse will administer their own dose of justice.

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Why are none of these people who walked in and saw this happening getting fired. A janitor has just as much reason to call the cops as a coach does? That's the problem I have with this. Fire everyone who didn't call the cops, not just the top guys. And for god's sake fire Joe Pa to his face, not like a bunch of pussies over the phone.

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Why are none of these people who walked in and saw this happening getting fired. A janitor has just as much reason to call the cops as a coach does? That's the problem I have with this. Fire everyone who didn't call the cops, not just the top guys. And for god's sake fire Joe Pa to his face, not like a bunch of pussies over the phone.

Maybe they were worried about getting sued if he croaked at the university if they told him in person.

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Why are none of these people who walked in and saw this happening getting fired. A janitor has just as much reason to call the cops as a coach does? That's the problem I have with this. Fire everyone who didn't call the cops, not just the top guys. And for god's sake fire Joe Pa to his face, not like a bunch of pussies over the phone.


The janitor is on his deathbed. Yes everyone that had knowledge of this and did not report it should be fired. If not sent to jail.

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