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The Defense Is Just As Bad


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When the opposing team constantly gets up 10, 17, 21 points by the 1st quarter or half time, they moreorless get bored and play conservative. The defense then "looks like" they're playing good when the other team gives up offensively and just basically wants to get off the field with the quick and easy "W.".


Where is our Rushing D? It's putrid. That's not a good defense.


This whole team has just regressed into the 1999 squad.

I think I prefer the 1999 team, actually over this pile of Shit.

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The defense is much closer to pro-caliber than the offense. We are 2 OLBs shy of being very good, IMHO. The defensive line had it's worst game of the year, for sure.


We simply cannot cover TEs & RBs out of the backfield-that's an every week problem, not a one game problem.

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The Texans dominate the matchups with several teams. They have won six game.


It isn't just the Browns - who did not match up well at all. The Texans oline dominated.


Football is matchups, and our lb's didn't match up well vs the run. It's the first game the


Browns have been blown out in. The defense will be fine sooner than the offense


will be able to function at all, unless the Browns fix the offensive line...


and get a major rb talent added.

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I didnt say the defense wasn't better than the offense, I just said the defense is NOT as GOOD as the media portrays it to be.

Ok, the defense is a bucket of piss and the offense is a pile of dog shit. Yes the piss is better, but it's still piss.

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we got blown out by tennessee as well cal....some points in garbage time dont change that fact.




We have played a pussycat schedule so far.......................Houston made it clear today our DEFENSE SUCKS AS WELL







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Hopefully one day we can take the term "bend but don't break" out of our vocabulary. God i hate that. It is just a pussy term for .....we can't stop anyone but sometimes they just get tired and kick fieldgoals but mostly they keep they ball the whole xxxxing game and never give our offense a chance to get into a rythem.

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Hopefully one day we can take the term "bend but don't break" out of our vocabulary. God i hate that. It is just a pussy term for .....we can't stop anyone but sometimes they just get tired and kick fieldgoals but mostly they keep they ball the whole xxxxing game and never give our offense a chance to get into a rythem.



Yep thats it its our defenses fault our offense cant get in rythem....LOL...Really

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We have played a pussycat schedule so far.......................Houston made it clear today our DEFENSE SUCKS AS WELL








Ya and one played against the Texans and the other against the Colts..

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Well here we are, Hoorta is condensing all my topics into one thread, yet in those threads are the very things you guys are barking about now.


SOju.... I said very early on, this team is ESSENTIALLY AN EQUAIVALENT TO THE 1999 team, and you, yourself, no see this to be the case.


People need to remember, we have not beaten any team with a winning record. We have perhaps the weakest schedule in the NFL and mustered three VERY LIMP wins against the league's very worst.


This nonsense about "linear improvement" is the same shit people said about teh team under Policy, then Sewage and now worthless Holmgren.


People need to open their eyes, We don't have one player who could start for the Steelers, Packers, Patriots, Chargers, Jets,Ravens and maybe a few others. We have at best, C - talent.


3 - 13 is very possible. I think our chances to win have passed us bye now.


I'm not the one condensing your posts pal. So if the Packers are a 10, and the 99 Browns are a zero, this team is about a 2 right now.


You're way out of line on talent level. Thomas would probably start for all of them, Haden would start for every team except possibly the Jets, and TJ Ward would definitely be starting for the Patriots and several others. Yeah, I'll agree with you on the overall C level talent. Happy now?

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LMAO Rich. Julio Jones took a 6 - 8 yard slant pass, you know, the kind of LONG BOMBS that Noodles McCoy throws. It only took about 1.5 seconds to throw, so the OL barely had time to stand up at the snap. Jones took the "McCoy" pass and ran 70 yards, FREESTYLE........


OL, like in MOST touchdowns, plays a very small and insignificant part. Did you see the TD Jones caught lying flat on his face?


This guy is a future HOF er and surely an NFL start.


How did our pick do today? Oh yeah, he gave up 30 points.


That other fat ass Joe Thomas REALLY made an impact today didn't he?


Um, FYI, on most plays McCoy was getting less than 1.5 seconds. Typical play was three guys in his face the second he set up. Guys coming through untouched. Isn't an NFL quarterback that can make an accurate throw in 0.3 seconds.


You know why Joe Thomas didn't make an impact today? Because a lot of times, he was standing up after the play was over- the Texans didn't even bother to put a man on him- they didn't need to. It's a team game on the OL- Pinkston (you know the guy next to him) was sucking so badly Shurmur finally pulled his head out of his ass and benched him in the second half and put in Hicks- but I suppose that little detail flew right over your head.


Oh and Taylor didn't give up 30 points- blame that on our suck linebackers who couldn't fill in gaps the entire game.

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