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Scum Baggers (Tea Baggers) Hold Rally On Taxpayer's Dime

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Bachmann Held a Tea Party Rally on the Taxpayer Dime With Steve King, Her Partner in Crime


By JoeQuimby | June 21, 2011


Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann’s run for president has been based on unabashed rhetoric against government’s reach and spending. This has fueled her rapid rise as a candidate and endeared her the swath of energized rightists who dominated the 2010 midterm elections. But when the Congresswoman wanted a few cameras on her political plight, she wasn’t shy in asking Uncle Sam to foot the bill. Roll Call details Bachmann’s use of our hard earned bucks at a November 2009 “Kill the Bill” rally on the steps of the U.S. Capitol:


According to House expense reports, Bachmann and three conservative GOP colleagues — Reps. Tom Price (Ga.), Steve King (Iowa) and Todd Akin (Mo.) — each paid $3,407.50 that day, a total of $13,630, to a sound and stage company called National Events, apparently for the sound system used at the rally.


The money came from the Members’ taxpayer-funded office accounts, despite House rules prohibiting the use of these funds for political activities. Bachmann’s office insists the expense was a proper use of official funds.


Bachmann billed the event as a “press conference,” which can be funded from official accounts. But no questions were taken from the press and, unlike most press conferences, it opened with a prayer, the national anthem and a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


Sounds like a heckuva press conference. For a politicians who derides “gangster government” and has no problem raising piles of cash it seems odd that she would need to dip into the congressional coffers, or why she would see this ideological rally as a good one to have that there socialist government fund.


Of course she was aided by America’s sweetheart, Iowa’s own Steve King, who also wanted to see your tax dollars misappropriated for political action. Bachmann, who recently called Congressman King her “partner in crime” in Washington D.C. will certainly be looking for his support going into the caucuses. (Though I wonder if anyone remembers King leaving his other Congressional twin Tom Tancredo at the endorsement alter in 2008, effectively ending his campaign by choosing that non-running front-runner Fred Thompson.)


It should be noted that Bachmann’s reliance on government money certainly doesn’t start or end there. Yesterday it was reported that she wrote frm. Iowa Governor and current Sec. of Agriculture Tom Vilsack asking for Big Brother to do a better job at picking winners and losers in the pork market:


“Your efforts to stabilize prices through direct government purchasing of pork and dairy products are very much welcomed by the producers in Minnesota, and I would encourage you to take any additional steps necessary to prevent further deterioration of these critical industries, such as making additional commodity purchases and working to expand trade outlets for these and other agricultural goods.”


At some point I hope that the Congresswoman comes to realize the stark difference between her rhetoric and the reality of her actions.


Scum bags.

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