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Here Comes The Pat Shurmer Birthing Crew


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Good day all, I'm from the Real Rams Fans board AKA the living Pat Shurmur premonition chronicles. There is much to be learned there as we've been through this already and though we are eternally grateful for the Browns organization for taking Shurmur off....ERRRR..I mean, for giving our boy Pat a shot at the big-time, we can show you an entire year worth of topic posts that virtually mirror what is dominating your board today.


Looks like we got us a big game on Sunday no? I would love to say that you guys have a real shot due to the fact that we have seven corners on IR for the year, but happily for us we won't have to worry about that for one game because WE better than ANYONE already know that we can stack the box with 8 guys and let our sidewalk scrub secondary play rock paper scissors while McCoy plays dink-and-dunk inside of five yards all day.


If you think your coach looks lost now, just wait till game 14 or so. What can Brown do for us?? MAYBE we can actually win a game! WE'RE SO EXCITED!


Because we suck too, although I'm going to go out on a limb and say not as much as the Browns do - at least the Rams have cool uniforms LOL - (Teasing). The good part is that one of us HAS to win, so the miracle will happen in some way shape or form.


Well this post is not to rub your faces in anything, but merely the one true fan base showing up to say that we're not saying bottles and ledges and hit-men are okay, but rather just simply this...


We understand - oh how we understand. Here's to a good battle of the blind vs. the blind - lets just hope the injury bug has too much pride to show up too.

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Yes there were rumbles from Rams fans right after the hire that Shurmur wasn't that good. He's Sooooo good at playcalling!! NOT!!! McCoy has had the daylights blitzed out of him all season long, and genius Shrumur decided for the first time last week to throw a screen pass. I don't think I've seen him call a swing pass to a RB out of the backfield yet.


The guy has this lost look about him all game.

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Hi, Browns Fans, a Ram fan here.

I remember in some games here the Rams were totally disgusted with Murmur. Instead

of yelling at each other they would be in Murmur's face yelling at him on the sidelines.

He looked totally lost out there. When he would call plays the cameras would show the Rams shaking their heads.

Maybe he can find work saying "would you like fries with that?"

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Hi, Browns Fans, a Ram fan here.

I remember in some games here the Rams were totally disgusted with Murmur. Instead

of yelling at each other they would be in Murmur's face yelling at him on the sidelines.

He looked totally lost out there. When he would call plays the cameras would show the Rams shaking their heads.

Maybe he can find work saying "would you like fries with that?"


Not much has changed.

They say that a team takes on the personality of its Head Coach. No wonder the Browns seem comatose. My only hope is that, perhaps, he will be like Bill Walsh with his calm, studious manner, whom it took a couple of years to get going with his "system". Some say that Shurmur may feel that McCoy is not the right person to QB his "system", yet, to my mind, McCoy seems like a clone of Joe Montana, at least in terms of physicality. Height, weight, arm strength, even demeanor. Can Shurmur make a Mountana out of a McCoyhill?

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Hi guys,


Lifelong LA Rams fan here. As a kid growing up in LA in the 50's my two favorite teams were the LA Rams and the Cleveland Browns. We collected football cards and the Cleveland Browns cards were really cool, I don't know why. I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm a Browns fan when the Rams are out of it.


I feel sorry for the Browns organization hiring Holmgren. In my opinion Holmgren as a coach, particularly in Seattle, displayed terrible clock and game management skills and was only successful in Green bay as a coach due to the pure luck of having athletes on his team.


As a GM Holmgren completely failed in Seattle and it's no wonder, he never proved anything anywhere on his own. He has no talent, he's never proven he has talent.


It's not surprising Holmgren hired Shurmur, the mastermind of the timid "Murmur" offense.


Rest assured on third down your QB will complete a short pass three or four yards shy of the first down.


I could care less who wins this game.


There was a time I lived and died by the Rams - but when an organization stinks from the GM to the coach such as the Rams, well, who effing cares.


Just hoping for no injuries and maybe in the future these two teams can regain some lost glory.

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Good day all, I'm from the Real Rams Fans board AKA the living Pat Shurmur premonition chronicles. There is much to be learned there as we've been through this already and though we are eternally grateful for the Browns organization for taking Shurmur off....ERRRR..I mean, for giving our boy Pat a shot at the big-time, we can show you an entire year worth of topic posts that virtually mirror what is dominating your board today.


Looks like we got us a big game on Sunday no? I would love to say that you guys have a real shot due to the fact that we have seven corners on IR for the year, but happily for us we won't have to worry about that for one game because WE better than ANYONE already know that we can stack the box with 8 guys and let our sidewalk scrub secondary play rock paper scissors while McCoy plays dink-and-dunk inside of five yards all day.


If you think your coach looks lost now, just wait till game 14 or so. What can Brown do for us?? MAYBE we can actually win a game! WE'RE SO EXCITED!


Because we suck too, although I'm going to go out on a limb and say not as much as the Browns do - at least the Rams have cool uniforms LOL - (Teasing). The good part is that one of us HAS to win, so the miracle will happen in some way shape or form.


Well this post is not to rub your faces in anything, but merely the one true fan base showing up to say that we're not saying bottles and ledges and hit-men are okay, but rather just simply this...


We understand - oh how we understand. Here's to a good battle of the blind vs. the blind - lets just hope the injury bug has too much pride to show up too.


i like this guy. He seems to know this game. There are so few of us.

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WHOA! MIss one afternoon on this board and you miss BIG CHANGES.


I guess sometime today LErner spent that $23 million under the cap and bought Noodles a REAL ARM?


TORCH........ you say? TORCH?


LMAO @ you Zombster. C mon, noodle arm + wimp recievers = Rams secondary looks good for a change.


Man, come over here to make fun, a little razzing - and find the place is already in suicide mode. Reminds me alot of our site these days, though there are a little more highs lately than for most of the year. Still what fun is making fun of a depressed fan base - it's like picking on Retarded children - just sad :D J/K guys

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Hi guys,


Lifelong LA Rams fan here. As a kid growing up in LA in the 50's my two favorite teams were the LA Rams and the Cleveland Browns. We collected football cards and the Cleveland Browns cards were really cool, I don't know why. I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm a Browns fan when the Rams are out of it.


Just curious. Why do you remain a Rams fan after they left LA? Simply because no team has been there to replace them?


I feel sorry for the Browns organization hiring Holmgren. In my opinion Holmgren as a coach, particularly in Seattle, displayed terrible clock and game management skills and was only successful in Green bay as a coach due to the pure luck of having athletes on his team.


As a GM Holmgren completely failed in Seattle and it's no wonder, he never proved anything anywhere on his own. He has no talent, he's never proven he has talent.


You make a very good point here. Holmgren has only ever succeeded as a coach, not a GM.

Although, FYI, here in Cleveland, he is actually neither. Heckert is the GM, Shurmur the coach. Holmgren is the Team President, which is an altogether new position for him. And who knows if he can handle that job. So far, not so good.


It's not surprising Holmgren hired Shurmur, the mastermind of the timid "Murmur" offense.


I love that name, it is very apt.


Rest assured on third down your QB will complete a short pass three or four yards shy of the first down.


I could care less who wins this game.


There was a time I lived and died by the Rams - but when an organization stinks from the GM to the coach such as the Rams, well, who effing cares.


Just hoping for no injuries and maybe in the future these two teams can regain some lost glory.

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Hey Gipper, what's up.


The Rams are in my heart and burned into my soul. I couldn't change teams if I wanted to. Although these current loses leave me void of emotions. I'm in total apathy mode - I still love the Rams and always will.


I'm looking forward to the day Rams ownership throws out GM Devaney and Spags. In my opinion Spagnuolo is the worst coach in Rams history. Spags is so awful with game management he literally snatches defeat from the jaws of victory. He sucks so bad it makes me sick watching him on the sidelines.


And make no mistake, Shurmur is the epitome of timidness, he'll drive you totally crazy.

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Hey Gipper, what's up.


The Rams are in my heart and burned into my soul. I couldn't change teams if I wanted to. Although these current loses leave me void of emotions. I'm in total apathy mode - I still love the Rams and always will.


I'm looking forward to the day Rams ownership throws out GM Devaney and Spags. In my opinion Spagnuolo is the worst coach in Rams history. Spags is so awful with game management he literally snatches defeat from the jaws of victory. He sucks so bad it makes me sick watching him on the sidelines.


And make no mistake, Shurmur is the epitome of timidness, he'll drive you totally crazy.


Then the Browns and Rams are even in the bad coaching department- at least on offense. RE: Shurmur, I've never soured on a coach so quickly. Jauron, despite the blowout against the Texans, at least knows how to coach defense. It's the lack of talent in the linebackers, and the age of Sheldon Brown that are holding the Browns D back.

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Hey Gipper, what's up.


The Rams are in my heart and burned into my soul. I couldn't change teams if I wanted to. Although these current loses leave me void of emotions. I'm in total apathy mode - I still love the Rams and always will.


I'm looking forward to the day Rams ownership throws out GM Devaney and Spags. In my opinion Spagnuolo is the worst coach in Rams history. Spags is so awful with game management he literally snatches defeat from the jaws of victory. He sucks so bad it makes me sick watching him on the sidelines.


And make no mistake, Shurmur is the epitome of timidness, he'll drive you totally crazy.



Most of us here, I presume, would not be so charitable if our team left town.....and let me be clear....the Browns franchise never left town, ever.

I think in all the years since Modell tried to move the Browns I have only heard of 1 person who claimed to continue to follow the Ravens because they felt that bastard franchise born of a whore in Baltimore was still "their team". It isn't.


In your case, at least you can continue to root for the laundry that left because you have had no replacement. (Hell, in Baltiwhore even the laundry is different).What if a team relocated to LA? Would you switch?

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Most of us here, I presume, would not be so charitable if our team left town.....and let me be clear....the Browns franchise never left town, ever.

I think in all the years since Modell tried to move the Browns I have only heard of 1 person who claimed to continue to follow the Ravens because they felt that bastard franchise born of a whore in Baltimore was still "their team". It isn't.


In your case, at least you can continue to root for the laundry that left because you have had no replacement. (Hell, in Baltiwhore even the laundry is different).What if a team relocated to LA? Would you switch?


Gipper, first of all, Art Modell is the shame of the universe; despicable. His word meant nothing. The name Art Modell is tainted.


If a team relocated to LA I couldn't switch. I've talked about it with my brother, we've had serious discussions regarding the potential of switching to a franchise moving to LA (including the Chargers formerly in LA) or a brand new franchise to LA. We can't do it, we can't change no matter what.


You have it pretty sweet in Cleveland. You have your team.


It'll get better. The Cleveland Browns are cool. Always will be.

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Yes there were rumbles from Rams fans right after the hire that Shurmur wasn't that good. He's Sooooo good at playcalling!! NOT!!! McCoy has had the daylights blitzed out of him all season long, and genius Shrumur decided for the first time last week to throw a screen pass. I don't think I've seen him call a swing pass to a RB out of the backfield yet.


The guy has this lost look about him all game.


You noticed the screen play!! I thought I was the only one. I'm still in shock.

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You guys should have won that game.


Shurmur actually showed a pulse, (amazing) but I would have thrown at least once into the endzone on that final drive. Maybe twice.


The problem with Shurmur is he sucks the life out of a team with his timidity. The sooner he's gone the better for the Browns, just like the sooner Spags is gone the better for the Rams. Shurmur and Spags in my opinion are the two worst coaches in the league bar none.


Good luck the rest of the way to you guys.

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