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Holmgren's Diabolical Plan?

Pumpkin Eater

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Maybe Holmgren hired a crappy coach to run the team while Heckert amasses enough talent to make it possible for Holmgren to take over coaching and look like a savior?


If he does that then he needs to fire himself as team President and just be their coach. Somehow I don't see him wanting to give up that authority that he has now.

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Maybe Holmgren hired a crappy coach to run the team while Heckert amasses enough talent to make it possible for Holmgren to take over coaching and look like a savior?




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Maybe Holmgren hired a crappy coach to run the team while Heckert amasses enough talent to make it possible for Holmgren to take over coaching and look like a savior?


We heard Holmgren's radio interview with a Seattle radio station the week before our game against the Seahawks. He referred to the Browns as "they" rather than "we". He also said that he is looking forward to when he and his wife would return to the Seattle area. He's taking Lerner's money (which is really my money) and waiting for the right time to bow out.



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Good grief................. Holmgren is not going to coach teh Browns.


He will fire Heckert at the end of this year. He will assume those responsibilities or bring in another phony.


After 2012 he will THEN fire Shurmur, hire another head coach and FINALLY, announce his retirement after the 2014 season when Lerner Again replaces the FO.


Holmgren is a fat cat. His energetic days are behind him. Now he is just riding the wave of an owner who knows nothing about football and who doesn't care to learn.


Hoe teh hell do you know?

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The walrus is obviously not a self starter and the browns have a non football owner that is not kicking holmgren in the ass to get something done, bottom line is that no matter who is actually responsible this regime and its new coach show the lack of creative skills and even basic football fundamentals that are needed just to compete let alone win in the nfl..


Much more than wins all i wanted and expected to see this year was a clever coach that gives it hell every week and is willing to try various things/anything to overcome the rookie and mediocre talent problems by playing to this teams strengths and coming up with a real gameplan but just like mangini this regime and coach insist on trying to put square blocks in round holes and history shows us this does not work well..


I will say this, as much as i grew to dislike mangini as a coach i believe he found a way to put more squares in round holes than shurmur ever will..

And the fact that H&H are doing nothing to help shurmur or even force his hand into changing some things is alarming and either shows they dont care or dont know what they are doing, and why should they lerner pays them to do nothing obviously, the walrus is as invisible and elusive as the shitty owner is which isnt right...


Since the lerners have owned the team we have had no identity other than being known as sissies and wimps and the lerners keep trying to convert the club into the 49ers of old without montana and rice..

All i want is the old AFC central style of rough in your face football i have watched all my life but unfortunately randy lerner cannot and will not ever give the fans back what we really want because he didnt build it and does not subscribe to it..


This is never going to change regardless of who is running things as long as randy lerner owns the browns, just a sad fact..

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In a perfect world, I would wake up tomorrow , both Holmgren and Shurmur would be fired. Let Heckert run the team, and hire a REAL coach. (edit) Let Holmgren and Shurm take their weak West Coast shit with them. Is anybody else tired of this already?

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