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Football Gameplan's Week 10 Preview Video - Browns Vs Rams


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Em Diggy says the Browns are not imaginitive in their game plan. While that is true, it wouldn't matter if the Browns could dominate on the line. Like the Browns of yore said once "here is what we are going to run, try to stop it"...and very few could...because they had Jim Brown and Leroy Kelly and a host of Pro Bowl offensive linmen and good receivers like Warfield and Collins. But these Browns can't do that. They don't dominate. They DO need to be more imaginative, but as someone said, Shurmur is going to run the Murmur offense and do the same old same old that a fan can predict from his couch.

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The Browns will lose this game. We are so bad this year it reminds me of the 2009 season w Mangini. Looking so poor that there's no hope whatsoever in us fans. I would love to say "oh yeah, winnable game for CLE its the RAMS." But no...they're better than us. Hell Stephen Jackson is better than our whole offense. Not looking good. A win saves this season from completely nosediving tho, but chances are slim.

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Last year it seemed like you guys were able to do that.. But MAN has one offseason really hurt you guys. Its tough to watch. I like the addition of Little and the secondary is solid! I really wish you guys had that Bell Cow RB!


Except that right now it is questionable whether 3/4ths of our secondary will be playing Sunday. TJ Ward is in a cast and both Usama Young and Dmitri Patterson have not practiced all week.

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