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Youtube Tells The Whole Story


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So I am sitting here bored out of my mind. I decide to do my usual "Cleveland Browns" youtube search and maybe find some cool videos of when we actually had a football team here. Instead, I found 4 consecutive rants about how much we suck.


After watching all of these videos, I realized that no matter how dumb these people sound that are complaining, they all have a point. Its been 12 years people. We sit here and watch a sad excuse for a football team every sunday, 16 weeks out of the year. Just like the one video says, its not even comparable to the same sport other teams are playing. We look downright awful. I sit there and wonder to myself how some college teams on Saturdays even look better than us.


I thought that 2009 was our rock bottom. That team was extremely inept in all phases of the game, yet they still provided us with some hope towards the end of the year. This is getting ugly. I was behind Shurmer before but now I am just done. His offensive schemes are terrible, and we have to talent to make them any better. I love what I see out of our pass defense (1st in the NFL), but our run defense is ridiculous. Steven Jackson is going to have a field day on Sunday.


I don't know what to do as a fan anymore. I am 21 years old, all I have experienced is failure. I don't know any better. Some of you got to watch the 80's and 60's. You have at least had the pleasure of seeing this team win once upon a time. I have had no such pleasure, and my mind is telling me that I never will...ever. I'll be sitting here at 80 years old saying the same old crap about us.


I always say that I would watch this team if they went 0-16 every year for the rest of eternity. Sometimes, I start to second guess myself. But hey, thats Cleveland right?


I cannot stand Tony Rizzo, but I feel exactly like he does in this video. Just listen.




This next video is more comical, but still brings me to my same point.




Either way, something needs to be done soon. I will never leave my fandom, but others will.

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I'd say it's #1 for two reasons: Our strength of schedule and the emergence of Joe Haden as an elite corner.



i'd have to agree that teams probably don't feel the need to pass very much on you guys. i mean what's the collective amount of time the browns as a team has been winning in games to the collective amount of time they've been behind? probably answers that right there.



that 2nd guy was freakin hilarious.

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The browns were never great but were never that bad either, watching old games that were played during the 60s and 70s and 80s reminds one of what it feels like to have a competitive team even in bad years and a confident but cheap owner that injected himself into his team and tried to win as best he could.


Its hard and getting harder to relate sanity with the team owner and the people he hires to run this team into the ground every few years...


But yea there is a lot to gripe about starting from the owner and working right on down to the field..

Problem is there is no true accountability to the paying fans as this hands off owner and his cronies have no loyalty or dedication to bringing the fans a competitive product or to even get anything done in a timely fashion as long as the money keeps rolling in and this regime is slow to act, slower to react and behind in every aspect of the word..


The desire and dedication to compete and win has to start with the owner and be felt all the way down the line and this club lacks that all important secret ingredient..


Its painful to even watch this team play..

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The browns were never great but were never that bad either, watching old games that were played during the 60s and 70s and 80s reminds one of what it feels like to have a competitive team even in bad years and a confident but cheap owner that injected himself into his team and tried to win as best he could.


Its hard and getting harder to relate sanity with the team owner and the people he hires to run this team into the ground every few years...


But yea there is a lot to gripe about starting from the owner and working right on down to the field..

Problem is there is no true accountability to the paying fans as this hands off owner and his cronies have no loyalty or dedication to bringing the fans a competitive product or to even get anything done in a timely fashion as long as the money keeps rolling in and this regime is slow to act, slower to react and behind in every aspect of the word..


The desire and dedication to compete and win has to start with the owner and be felt all the way down the line and this club lacks that all important secret ingredient..


Its painful to even watch this team play..


The fact that we did next to nothing in free agency doesn't help either.

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I feel the same way about the lousy Orioles, but no one in the town except WNST is willing to stand up to the worst owner in professional sport, Peter Angelos. Having followed the fortunes of the AFC North since it's inception, I can honestly say that at least Lerner puts actual football people in place to make football decisions. Just never seems to translate into wins on the field.

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Like I said before bro. Unless someone's got damn near 1 billion dollars ($970 million to be exact per Forbes.com) He's not going anywhere. So what do we do as fed up fans? I'm willing to wager even if every Browns fan around the country or world for that matter were to chip in we still would come up millions short to take the team of Lerner's hands. So the question remains....What in the blue hell do we do? I agree with a lot of what you say but the product remains the same rather we argue on here on not. I'm not against you making the points you do. Hell I don't even mind so much how you make those points anymore. My beef with you is what you've been saying hasn't made a damn bit of difference just like the rest of us on here. The only thing we all seem to agree on is...something has to be done. What is that something? I ask you because you are the loudest one in the room...not knocking you but I'm asking because I'm interested.

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