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What Will Happen Next?



20 members have voted

  1. 1. Unless results change dramatically ... what do you think will happen next?

    • Status Quo - No Changes with Holmgren, Heckert, Shurmer & McCoy
    • McCoy is demoted, released or traded before the 2012 season
    • Shurmer is fired and a new HC is appointed or Holmgren steps in
    • An Off. Co. is hired and Shurmer remains HC
    • Heckert resigns, retires, or is fired
    • Holmgren resigns, retires, or is fired. Heckert replaces him
    • The broom comes out - they're all gone by the 2012 draft
    • None of the above (but please explain)

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This poll comes from a recent, interesting thread. I thought I would take this opportunity to quantify and record our opinions. My only comment is that I'm still scratching my head about McCoy's innaccuracy this year. I don't buy that that teams have figured him out and I still think the Browns broke what was working instead of fixing what was broken. Although I'm not a fan of Mangini, at least I wasn't kicking the TV on Sunday. Anyway, would not surprise me if Colt moves to another team and eventually becomes a winning quarterback. But I don't see a super bowl ring in his future.

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I think a combination of we hire an offensive coordinator, and we get a new quarterback. Even though I don't like Shurmur, and his shitty schemes, they are going to TRY to do things the right way and give him another season. This organization badly needs some stability and I think they are going to try to get it with Shurmur, I just don't think he is the right fit for us in the long run. Homlgre is known for taking a quarterback in every draft, so expect him to bring in another one of his "guys" to either compete with Colt, or replace him.

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the worst thing that happened was the lock out ending..



i think holmgren will feed browns fans a bunch of Bull shit.. He will have another teary eyed meeting at the end of the year, saying how he wants winners. They will hire some Joe Paterno to run the offense and stand next to shurmur on the sideline.


Draft time will come, Heckert will try desperately to trade down or out of a pick who maybe a play maker.



We will have chances to sign free agents. WR's, olineman, lbs but heckert will reiterate the fact that he likes our roste

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I have said this before and it will prove to be CORRECTAMUNDO.............


Now, mind yoo, If the Browns magically finish 6 - 10 I believe we will stay witht eh current mgmt package.



If, as I predicted last year, that teh 2011 Browns would have a very hard time winning 4 games. the fans and media are going to be clamoring for SOME CHANGE.


Holmgren is not going to admit a fubar witht the head coach and piss off all the dumb fans who want stability.

But firing Heckertt? NO BRAINER





Since you didn't want to take me up on the "Browns won't win another game" bet. How about Heckert won't get fired for $50? Holmgren's already on record an OC is gonna get hired, so honestly Murmer knows damn well his playcalling sucks, and Holmgren knows already he FUBARED letting Murmur be HD\OC. I like the Rams' fans MUMMUR- because the offense is a distant, well, murmur.

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