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It's Time To Ban Abortion After Heart Starts Beating.

Pumpkin Eater

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I'm not in favor of life at conception, as a lot still needs to go right for the pregnancy to be viable. Once the heart starts beating, though, the fetus is obviously alive and helping to sustain itself. Any abortions past this stage need to be banned.


Today, women have access to not only traditional forms of contraception, but also the morning after pill which prevents ovulation and attachment of the blastocyst. There is really no excuse worthy of having to resort to an abortion.

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This goes beyond creating or modifying any abortion laws. We need to start in the home first and start teaching good morrals and put an end to the raising up of irresponsible children. Its time for parents to stop being cowards and make their little brats responsible.

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No excuse for abortion? I am not a supporter of terminating a pregnancy just to get rid of an unwanted child or because you wanna use it as a method of birth control. I do believe that under certain circumstances it may be a choice worth considering. I give you an example from a female side and from experience. I am about to say something very personal and very sensitive and it is my personal opinion.


What would you do if you were a yong married woman of 19 years of age. 6-7 months pregnant with your first child. Your doctor thinks there may be a problem so you have all of the tests and to your horror you are told that your unborn child has something called Anencephaly. A genetic condition that means your child will never have a chance at survvival outside of your body. They will not even have a brain to give them a chance. Then you are told that the only choice you have is to let the pregnancy continue the next 2-2 1/2 months knowing, just knowing your child has an almost immediate death sentence. You then need to think of the mother. Can you imagine her suffering and agony and emotional and mental well being. Is it right to put the parents through that agony? Or should she (they) be able to have the choice to end the pregnancy and let them try to heal as much as they can because it is a lifelong tragedy no matter which way the young life ends.


Or what if the Mother's life is in danger? What if she would die if the pregnancy were allowed to continue? It is not as cut and dry as some people may think. Abortion is and should NEVER taken lightly or be done because people claim not to know about birth control. I don't buy that, there is way to much information available out there to use that excuse.


But to say that there is NO excuse for abortion is not entirely right either. I know this is a very controversial subject but this is my personal opinion and it was my life expreiences. It is never an easy choice but I should have been given the choice to make up my own mind.

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Actually, you take a very logical, well-rounded stance on this issue. I can't disagree with anything you've said. A law banning abortions past 2 months or so should include considerations for the situations you described above, with some kind of stipulation requiring diagnosis from two different OB's to prevent corruption.

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Actually, you take a very logical, well-rounded stance on this issue. I can't disagree with anything you've said. A law banning abortions past 2 months or so should include considerations for the situations you described above, with some kind of stipulation requiring diagnosis from two different OB's to prevent corruption.



I just wish I didn't have this experience to share. My point is please don't judge anyone until you have walked a mile in their shoes or without seeing the many sides to something. I loved my son with all of my heart. I do not regret that he was here but the 2 hours he was here, were not fair to him. Letting him be born was mearly for our benefit, not his. Trust me, look up the condition. People should not say things and group everyone into one big lump. Sadly there are women out there that can do that and not think twice. If you don't want the child you concieved, fine, there are plenty of people who cannot have children of their own or choose to adopt children that are already born so as not to already add to the overpopulation. So while there not be and excuse for abortion, there may be a reason.

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Thank you, Heidi. I wish you'd post more often...


I have said in the past, that I am very, very much against abortion... but I understand the certain mitigating circumstances


that could come about that challenge my perception that it is always "wrong"...


That makes it tough to design a law on the subject right there.


The use of abortion as a convenience, etc, is abhorrent.


I'm sorry for your loss, and I admire your courage to weigh in with the keen insight you have.

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Whatever your thoughts on the issue, I'm usually horrified by the people who don't want to create life and health of the mother exemptions. Talk to any OBGYN. Talk to women who have been through a pregnancy where something went wrong, sometimes drastically, or even life-threatening. We're talking about the human body. All can go wrong, and often does. And there's no reason I see to get the state or people running for office involved in those decisions. They're horrible and difficult enough already.

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Whatever your thoughts on the issue, I'm usually horrified by the people who don't want to create life and health of the mother exemptions. Talk to any OBGYN. Talk to women who have been through a pregnancy where something went wrong, sometimes drastically, or even life-threatening. We're talking about the human body. All can go wrong, and often does. And there's no reason I see to get the state or people running for office involved in those decisions. They're horrible and difficult enough already.



If I understand you correctly, I agree with you. I don't think the the state, people in office should make ANY health decisions. In some cases, not even the doctor, like in my experience with my son. Now, if the mother's life is in imminent danger, they will save the mother over the unborn child.The mom is the highest priority.


Now, with my son, I would like to have been given the choice to let nature take it's course or end it a few months earlier. Now, my second experience that I'll share, my only daughter was born 5 years later. Had I been given genetic testing after my son, I would have learned before she was born that she had Cystic Fibrosis. I would not have made the choice to end that one because there was a chance for her to live after she was born unlike with my son. Unfortunately, she never came home from the hospital and passed away at 6 weeks old. But my point is, every situation is different and each painful coice should be up tp the parent, not an outside source and should not be judged for that decision.


You are very right Heckofa,, we are human and sometimes things go horribly, horribly wrong but thus is life. It can be cruel and it can be beautiful.

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