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What Happened To Theclevelandsound?


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Hmm ... haven't seen ClevelandSound lately.


Cheerleader thread is still here, it got a little gay when we played SF though. I'm going to institute a rule that you must post ahbot chick or comment on a hot chick to post on that thread. No funny, ugly or gay pics ... just hot chicks and nothing but hot chicks.




Yes, Oh Mighty Evil One. I hope that you recognize that I, your truly humble servant, have complied with your demands and request that you graciously refrain from castrating me.

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This whole forum should be nothing but hot chicks and good music until the Browns improve. Only then, we can go back to football talk.



We should also set up a bunch of bots to auto respond to ghoolie threads to keep him occupied.





Btw.. clevelandsound became a board 'regular' .... I move to strip that status and replace it as poser on his account unless the man returns within 48 hours !

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He has real taste in music, get back to posting!



Yes, the Browns suck, lets at least have fun here!



Where's that cheerleader thread?




to each his own with their taste in music, but i never got the new metal sound (isn't there like 10 variations....death metal, grind etc.?). the closest bands that i like that teters on that sound is tool, some clutch and helmet.


there's a guy that hangs out at the local watering hole who's played at this bar a couple of times (in a band called malignancy, was in mortician) and it's just a bunch of technical riffs with the drummer going nuts and the vocalist making pig noises. WTF?


needless to say i lasted about 20 minutes there then walked down the street to a real bar where the only noise was the bunch of drunks talkin about work.

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to each his own with their taste in music, but i never got the new metal sound (isn't there like 10 variations....death metal, grind etc.?). the closest bands that i like that teters on that sound is tool, some clutch and helmet.


there's a guy that hangs out at the local watering hole who's played at this bar a couple of times (in a band called malignancy, was in mortician) and it's just a bunch of technical riffs with the drummer going nuts and the vocalist making pig noises. WTF?


needless to say i lasted about 20 minutes there then walked down the street to a real bar where the only noise was the bunch of drunks talkin about work.


sounds like shit


Do you like coffee? We need these guys to play a halftime at Browns stadium to inject some life into that shit! Maybe take my mind off of the painful 'football' for a while.



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That specific song is a hybrid of trance, dubstep, and drum & bass.

yeah, see that's the trouble with describing a certain genre of music today.


why all the diff descrips and not just like rap. rock. country. dance. etc. i know what drum & bass mean but why break it down so specifically?

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yeah, see that's the trouble with describing a certain genre of music today.


why all the diff descrips and not just like rap. rock. country. dance. etc. i know what drum & bass mean but why break it down so specifically?


Music has evolved into a business. When you divide something broad into separate parts, this can maximize revenue for the parties involved. That is why the appearance of all of these genres has came to be.

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95% of modern music has no funk or soul to it, and that's sad. I cannot stand dubstep. bleh


even when drum machines first came out it was better than half the poop out there now. hell with a mac and pro tools anyone can make something close to dub-step. you don't even have to be a trained musician. you can affect anything recorded (pitch modulation etc.) with a click of a mouse. i mean listen to the fxxking god awful shit comin out of the south now.


some may despise ghoulie's posts but i bet he could write/play circles around this shit. maybe he can do a modern version of 'who stole the keishka' given his roots.

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I'm a big metal head but my favorite (kinda metal) band is Amorphis. These guys have been around a long time and get no love in the US. They're a finish progressive metal band



alright usf. this band IMO is a little typical. you gotta go back just to check out some of the:

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