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There You Go

Tim Couch Pulls Out

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About time we try something deep. You cant dink n dunk all day, hand off to weak backs and not have the D crowd the line of scrimmage. That penalty on Moore was BS. Where was the pass interference call? He got creamed b4 the ball got there. Bullshit.


Agreed. Little made a good catch but why didn't he head more towards the center of the field? I feel like he might have made it to the endzone had he run further away from the corner. I loved seeing the bomb from McCoy though.

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We need a game day thread on here for those of us watching on tv.


It looks like Dawson is our MVP so far this year. We would be screwed if we had a weak kicker on this team.


Got to try throws down the field, even though they wont all work. Just to get the defense off the LOS. This dink n dunk crap is hard to watch.

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That was the most blatant waste of a timeout I have ever seen! Why take a timeout before the field goal?! Even if we make the FG, the rams could score quickly and we would need an extra timeout. Add that to handing the ball of to a TE and running it on 3 straight plays from the 7 yard line. It's amazing how bad his decisions are with the game on the line..

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