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Someone Please Drop A Bomb On Denver


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wow. what a bunch of bible thumpin Retarded dolts. a nice 50lb bomb filled with enough nuclear punch and fallout to flatten the false prophet followers and even maybe with a little help from mother nature, nip a little off of cali.


fxxk tebow. fuck skip bayless.

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Any QB who goes 7-1 as a starter, no matter how ugly the games have looked, can play for my team anytime he wants to.




I take Tebow over any QB we have had since we have returned and don't even have to give it a second thought.

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I gotta admit, I wasn't on the tebow train. Then i saw a show on the versus channel hosted by Dan Patrick (Game Changer?) where tebow was


miked for the Chicago game. The kid came off as extremely likeable in all his 'aw shucks' wholesomeness. He was crackin' heads and bangin';


seemingly fearless and forever optimistic as the Broncos fell behind late in the fourth. Now the Bears made it easy for Tebow when they went to


their prevent package, but the kid was amazing in his tenacity as the broncos again snatched victory from the defeat jaws. Should the kid


be overshadowing Rodgers, Brees, Brady and Manning as they ALL surge towards the 5000 passing yard plateau? Debatabley no, but, IMHO, he fer sure has the 'it'


factor, and if he is able to fine tune his passing skills, could become a legitimate force for many years to come.

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The only problem I have with Denver is that they have been on ESPN all day. Oh and Sheftner posting on twitter how 2 kids got suspended from school for pulling 40 kids out of their classes to "Tebow" in the hallway and how he is defending them even though those kids disrupted a school day in the middle of class for something so stupid.

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Oh, don't worry Colt will be the guy everyone's clamoring for once we get this mess settled. We've lost a handful of game this year by shooting ourselves in the foot. 7 GAMES by 7 points or less last year and we've been mostly competitive. You can't win em all yo. We will get there, I just hope we knock this draft out the park and learn something from Plaxico... You can't win by shooting yourself in the leg game after game...


1- stop the self inflicted wounds ie. false starts and holding penalties


2- catch the damn football/eliminate the drops


3- get an OC so that our coach can do what he's out there for on gamedays


4- get this team a damn offensive line or at least a RT




6- get this team some weapons on offense


7- stop the god forsaken RUN!!


8- finish the damn game



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I don't know how you don't like him.. yes espn and skip gayless are annoying about him..


But the guy inspires his team at the likes I have never seen..


Denver was putrid. Tebow has his gm, coach and some team mates not wanting him to start when he first took over.


Now look at him. He had evertyhing against him and he has come up aces.


I don't know how long it will last, but you should enjoy it. Its the likes we have never seen.

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Why can't he inspire his team for the first 55 minutes of the games? The only positive that I would give Tebow is that he hasn't turned the ball over much, other than that I would give the credit to Denver's defense for keeping them in the games while having an anemic offense.

Chicago kept the pressure on with a Tebow shadowing DB and LB until they converted to their prevent late in the game. Tebow made them pay with short underneath completions.


At this stage of his career, these short passes are his bread and butter. Especially with his ability to roll out and pass on the run. Having not seen any of his earlier


come-back wins, i would suspect he met with simialr defensive schemes.

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Chicago kept the pressure on with a Tebow shadowing DB and LB until they converted to their prevent late in the game. Tebow made them pay with short underneath completions.


At this stage of his career, these short passes are his bread and butter. Especially with his ability to roll out and pass on the run. Having not seen any of his earlier


come-back wins, i would suspect he met with simialr defensive schemes.




Its because 95% of teams still dont know when to implement the prevent D properly. The Prevent D was never meant to be a base Defense. It was designed by the Late George Allen to simply run out the clock and end the football game provided your team was up by 2 possesions or more in the last 2 minutes of the game. Too bad assholes like Schottenheimer used it to prevent team victory.

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The guy has a lot of intangibles. I think he's a great leader and motivator. But once someone gets a defense that can shut him down, it'll be a blueprint for all others and his time will be up.


I do root for him because he is a good kid. While I'm not big on the whole religion aspect, it would be nice if more players acted like him instead of thugs and felons.

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hey he's a good kid. correct. but if you're not a dick lickin SEC fan, who gives a FXXK?


doubt me about religion? i was brought up in the right wing side of episcopalian knuckele breaking freaks. i've seen it all. BROTHERS! let's go to service for a fxxking boring hour and a half while all the altar boys pass out in their gowns after drinkin the port wine ruffies the pedophiles slipped them and then go down to the 'meeting' room where all the people can smoke and talk about how they want to fxxk each other's wives.


my contempt for christ isn't contempt for christ but contempt for fake fxxks that say if you don't believe what i believe you'll end up in hell.


you can all go fxxk yourselves on that one you contemptuos fxxks.


i hope belichick and his satan son tom brady smash the fxxk out of the broncos so i don't have to see faggot skip bayless sucking tebow's tea bag any longer on national tv.


pieces of shit.


don't pray for me. i'll be laughing all the way down the hill, smoking a J, drinkin my drink and laughing at all you fools when you realize when you go in the dirt, you go in the dirt. then the worms get ya. ain't no tim tebow gonna dig your soul up and invite you into the light. laughable!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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hey he's a good kid. correct. but if you're not a dick lickin SEC fan, who gives a FXXK?


doubt me about religion? i was brought up in the right wing side of episcopalian knuckele breaking freaks. i've seen it all. BROTHERS! let's go to service for a fxxking boring hour and a half while all the altar boys pass out in their gowns after drinkin the port wine ruffies the pedophiles slipped them and then go down to the 'meeting' room where all the people can smoke and talk about how they want to fxxk each other's wives.


my contempt for christ isn't contempt for christ but contempt for fake fxxks that say if you don't believe what i believe you'll end up in hell.


you can all go fxxk yourselves on that one you contemptuos fxxks.


i hope belichick and his satan son tom brady smash the fxxk out of the broncos so i don't have to see faggot skip bayless sucking tebow's tea bag any longer on national tv.


pieces of shit.


don't pray for me. i'll be laughing all the way down the hill, smoking a J, drinkin my drink and laughing at all you fools when you realize when you go in the dirt, you go in the dirt. then the worms get ya. ain't no tim tebow gonna dig your soul up and invite you into the light. laughable!! :lol: :lol: :lol:






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I have always been a fan of Denver, both as a city and of course as an NFL football team.


I will always remember that after winning the coun toss in the "DRIVE GAME", the Denver players were shouting that " Kosar is playing not to lose" over on their bench. By being too afraid to win, Kosar and Stinkenhiemer raised up Elway and Denver in the annals of fooball by laying down Denver.


And here we go again, the Browns have a shit QB and the Broncos have another great one.


I read your stuff, and usually don't respond. All I can say is "you have got to be #$#@ing kidding me." Hopefully, you are just pulling our chain, it's hard to read sarcasm...


Marty lost that game, plain & simple. Prevent D on a 98 yard drive; 3rd &2, he gives it to Herman Fontenot in OT; and of course, Karlis' FG was indeed wide left, and the refs called it "good."


To blame Kosar, the best QB in a Browns uniform since Otto Graham, is asinine. The guys was money, especially in the clutch...I can only recall one game where Kosar failed in the clutch (@Indy, in OT during a regular season game).

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Thanks for posting this topic. I am one of the few who truly believed that Tebow should have been taken high in the draft and that he would be a great NFL QB.


Not because I grew up with Josh McDaniels and not because of religion.


For the record, I am not religious in fact I think that the practical application of religion and politics by man do more harm than they do good. These thing are always better in theory then in practice. But I still don't condem others for their belief in the man in the sky. Religion has a place, it just often doesn't stay in its place because of man.


So I find the hate and the crazy love for Tebow hilarious and sad! A real life soap opera playing out right in front of us! People so desperate for something to believe in on one side loving Tebow for his love of god, and people on the other side hating those beliefs and the people who believe wanting him to fail.


You could argue that this whole situation with Tebow could stand alone as a great case study for sociologists on religion and its societal impact.


I for one hope that not one thing changes and he just keeps winning! Why? Because that is who Tebow is. He is a leader, he is the common man who laces cleats for a living and then proceeds to make everybody else around him better. He makes people believe IN HIM and IN THEMSELVES. Tebow is the personification of all of the things that make religion great and none of the things that make religion terrible! He is the guy you would want to work with when you needed to get a job done that took enormous effort and was due tomorrow.


And last but certainly not least, the more that Tebow wins and the better he gets the less this will be about anything other than him being what he is! A leader, a competitor, and a great athlete! Oh yeah and BTW he is a great guy who loves god.


Until he starts preaching to me in press conferences or begging for money on TV so he can save us all he will one of my guys! GO TEBOW!

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I'm a really vocal atheist, and I don't hate Tebow. I think he should keep his mouth shut about God when he's on the football field, and I think it's rather silly that he thanks god after scoring a touchdown. Yeah, thanks, god, you're a real cool guy, glad you let Tebow throw a strike while you let kids in Africa starve to death. That being said, it's exciting to see his team rally around them from their horrendous start. Kind of gives me hope that the same can be done here, but what do I know?

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