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Steelers Week Trivia Poll


Weirdest/Worst Browns-Steelers Stuff  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. What was the worst moment you can remember as a Browns fan in this rivalry?

    • Larry Anderson's fumble on opening kickoff in OT in 1978, that the refs overturned, and we lost 15-9 on the gadget play.
    • Blocking a Field Goal attempt in OT, and having the Steelers recover it, kick it again, and we lose, 2002.
    • Dennis Northcutt's dropped pass, which sealed our doom in a playoff loss, 2003, in a monumental meltdown.

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Lots of weird stuff has happened over the years in this series.




How the Browns went from the greatest show in football featuring offense in the fifties and sixties to becoming the greatest buffoons in football featuring OL guys and the Steelers starting with the Steel Curtain became the most followed and winning franchise in football




to funny

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Yes, I would have to say that the loss in OT to the Steelers in the playoffs was the worst.


First off, it was the Playoffs. Playoffs? Playoffs. Yes. Everything is magnified in the playoffs.

Secondly, the Browns were handling that team until Butch Davis decided to let them off the hook by going into the prevent defense in the middle of the 3rd quarter with a 17 point lead. I mean, excuse me, but on first and 10 Butch decides to start rushing only 3 linemen. What idiocy.

The Northcutt drop was simply icing on the cake. For all the stupidity they showed in allowing a big lead get away from them, "The Drop" which could have iced the game just sealed the deal.


By the way....since we have "The Drive" "The Fumble" "Red Right 88".....why shouldn't "The Drop" be right up their in the lore of agony?

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What about the flea-flicker TD pass in Overtime? I think it was Bradshaw to TE Cunningham


That was the 1978 game, mentioned in the poll above. The Steelers won after the refs blew it.

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That was the 1978 game, mentioned in the poll above. The Steelers won after the refs blew it.


Among the reasons we now have replay, which would have overturned that call. I mean, as much as some bitch about it, replay does tend to mostly allow the refs to get things right.

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