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The Browns Asre As Pos


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They were a lot better than last year...the improvements i saw within the players were amazing. There were a 1/2 dozen games this year that we should could of won...last year it was how in the world did we win or OMG we suck. You may not remember the last game of the year last year we lost by 30+ points because our team just gave up...These new browns under Coach S will never give up untill February 1st, 2015 in Phoenix!!!

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ho hum... same old song and dance every year!

We could have - should have!




and we didnt lol

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They were a lot better than last year...the improvements i saw within the players were amazing. There were a 1/2 dozen games this year that we should could of won...last year it was how in the world did we win or OMG we suck. You may not remember the last game of the year last year we lost by 30+ points because our team just gave up...These new browns under Coach S will never give up untill February 1st, 2015 in Phoenix!!!


this has to be the dumbest post from the dumbest poster ever on this forum.


you must be deaf dumb and blind sitting in your hoverround at the old soldiers and sailors home. coach s blows. his momma's daddy(holmgren) blows and you fxxkin suck at analyzing anything past picking out a parking spot at dairy quiff.

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They were a lot better than last year...the improvements i saw within the players were amazing. There were a 1/2 dozen games this year that we should could of won...last year it was how in the world did we win or OMG we suck. You may not remember the last game of the year last year we lost by 30+ points because our team just gave up...These new browns under Coach S will never give up untill February 1st, 2015 in Phoenix!!!


No they weren't, they were much worse. What the fuck are you watching to say they were better this year. All year I watched us stay close to teams, but the shitties teams in the NFL. Last year we beat the two best teams in the NFL in commanding fashion, were in every single game but the last one, and had a better record with a harder schedule. I know our team didn't have much time to learn anything. Our defense didn't have much problems because most if not all the players on defense who were kept had played in some kind of 4-3 at some point and the defense itself was just really easy to learn. Our offense didn't get any better cause of injuries and no focus on play makers in the draft do to drafting a whole new D-Line. This team was way worse than last year.

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