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Iowa Caucus

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I really like Bachmann and Santorum. I'd vote for Santorum, because the left HATES conservative women - and she and her husband and children would be assualted viciously in the media, and by most liberals. Anybody who isn't on their leftist side of things... is a moron, especially women. But let one of those run for pres, and the harrison inspired helmet spearings come out in full force by most any liberal who votes without being "helped"...


It's gotten to the point where physical assaults are likely by the liberal crowd, headed up by the occupiers, who are prodded on by

... Obamao himself.



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Newt or Romney.

I still like Gingrich but I've always been a fan of Romney and I'd be happy to vote for him too.

Coincidentally I just got a phone call (Christmas greeting completely non evangelical or political) a couple of days ago from 1 of the 2 Mormon missionaries that use to visit 10 or 15 years back. Could never buy in to the religion but both those guys about as decent and genuine as you can find.



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I love that we're going to try Ricky Santorum now. Hysterical. Anyone but Mitt. We'll try everyone, except a guy (Huntsman) who might actually win in a general election.


Rick won't play in New Hampshire, though. He's not what New Hampshire Republicans like. I'd be stunned if he gets out of the single digits there.

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Santorum seems like a logical choice for evangelicals. He's actually been pretty consistent with his message for a good long time.

Social issues are a high priority for many americans. I don't see any obvious baggage on his part either.

I had to chuckle, however, last night as I was watching some of the m s n b c coverage. 1 of the commentators was yapping pretty loudly about the party not being able to make a decision.

It was Howard Dean.

Yes Howard, we know.



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We dont need another liberal like Romney and Obama, and if you have been watching Iowa Santorum is not to far away he is running almost even with Romney.


But who are we to decide who gets to run?


Maybe we should just sit back and allow folks like Heck tells us who is the best candidate.


ShowImage.aspx_.gifIt is your choice!

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National politics has truly sunken to new lows over the last 20 years or so. Both parties are so damn corrupt, and seem only interested in blocking the President in power, no matter what party he represents.


Obama isn't the answer, but it's not Romney or Newt (Newt patented gridlock, hell with him). I'll most likely vote Libertarian

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Romney sucks. He is a political chameleon - for serious gun control, for 2nd Amendment. Against abortion/for abortion/against gov health care/FORstate gov health care, and his dishonest attacks (via his pacs and...?) on fellow Reps is hideous.


He's a rich schmuck, a Republican clone of Ted Kennedy ilk. The only way he gets the nomination, is by having a lot of Dems register as



Santorum is the AMERICAN principled, high values, high character guy with a lot of great ideas. And, unlike Paul, he isn't a crochety, old screwball....


I'm going to volunteer for work for Santorum. He's the guy, to me. He's actually the ONLY

genuine class act left in the Rep field since Bachmann dropped out.

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