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Pension Funds Raided

Mr. T

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Obama Raids Pension Funds



If you are collecting a federal pension or plan to, this ought to make your hair stand on end:



The Treasury on Tuesday started dipping into federal pension funds in order to give the Obama administration more credit to pay government bills.


Meanwhile, the debt ceiling will be going up by yet another $1.2 TRILLION next Friday. Obama and friends have no intention of slowing down the Cloward-Piven spending spree until the entire house of maxed-out credit cards that is our economy collapses in total ruin.


There’s only so much to be looted from federal pensions. That’s why the Obama Regime plans to nationalize private pensions.


Our rulers know that if we were ever going to save our country and ourselves by rebelling, we would have done it in response to the first bailouts and stimulus packages.



And guys like Hoffa went to prison over crap like this.

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It does all point to Cloward-Piven. They seem to be bashing capitalism, and our country, and are doing


all the things to make us crash, so Obamao and his benefactors can say "see? we need to throw out your Constitution"


He's ridiculed the U.S. Supreme Court to their faces, he's openly turned on Congress...


anybody who disagrees with him in all his sick, marxist arrogance, is the enemy.


he even told the occupiers that they are why he ran.


Which means, that Congress, our Constitution, the Tea Party, all Republicans and conservatives and independents

and Christians and gun owners and all white people, and any AMERICANS who won't let him become our Chavez, as far as he is concerned.

can go straight to hell.


We are in big, big trouble. Amidst some calls for him to become a dictator... wth?.... he is making Chavez like moves in that direction.

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Obama Raids Pension Funds



If you are collecting a federal pension or plan to, this ought to make your hair stand on end:



The Treasury on Tuesday started dipping into federal pension funds in order to give the Obama administration more credit to pay government bills.


Meanwhile, the debt ceiling will be going up by yet another $1.2 TRILLION next Friday. Obama and friends have no intention of slowing down the Cloward-Piven spending spree until the entire house of maxed-out credit cards that is our economy collapses in total ruin.


There’s only so much to be looted from federal pensions. That’s why the Obama Regime plans to nationalize private pensions.


Our rulers know that if we were ever going to save our country and ourselves by rebelling, we would have done it in response to the first bailouts and stimulus packages.



And guys like Hoffa went to prison over crap like this.


Scary stuff. Did he steal this idea from Governor K-Sick?

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But the government employs millions of people. They should be allowed to do what they want. Right?


If the Government(or a private company) offer a pension plan to employees, the employees trust it will be there for them in the end. It is not understood to be a subsidy of the Government or the private company.

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but anyone who employs millions of people should be able to do what they want. they can influence politicians to vend the rules in their favor. it's ok.

Or what?

Be forced to pay wages benefits for above current market value?

Regardless of their ability to make those payments?

Be forced to pay taxation rates that make them unprofitable or at least unable to compete?

While in most cases people like you will just go to the competitor.


Face it boys, left or right.

Force the price of the widget up by a penny and you folks will buy the chinese one.


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Man... some of you guys are great.


Calfoxwc I think your the best of all


Woody Woodpecker


Thanks a lot. dry.gif


We used to have a couple of entertaining libs on this board,

and Heck and Vapor, and mz the pussy the pussy weren't them. Shep was one, albeit in a

virtual reality kind of way....


But the rest of us are surely better than Saturday Night Live.

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