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Ben Roethlisberger Settles Sexual Assault Lawsuit


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It looks like Ben Roethlisberger has bought his way out of a sticky legal situation ... by settling a lawsuit filed by a woman who claims the Pittsburgh Steelers QB forced her to have sex with him in 2008.


Lawyers for Roethlisberger and his accuser -- Andrea McNulty -- announced the two sides have reached an agreement which ends the lawsuit.


McNulty -- who worked at the Harrah's Hotel in Lake Tahoe at the time of the alleged incident -- had claimed Ben invited her into his penthouse suite to fix a broken TV ... and then raped her.


In her suit, McNulty claimed Ben became "stern," after the alleged rape ... kicked her out of the room and told her, "If anyone asks you, you fixed my television. You fixed my television. Now go!"


Ben adamantly denied all the allegations.


McNulty's lawyer also confirms they have dropped their case against multiple Harrah's employees McNulty had accused of covering up the alleged sexual assault.


The terms of the settlement are confidential.



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ben roth is a dirtybag. So much for the squeeler org being such a great org. blech.


too many involvements in scandals to ignore all the smoke.


It's fair to figure there's fire there.

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ben roth is a dirtybag. So much for the squeeler org being such a great org. blech.


too many involvements in scandals to ignore all the smoke.


It's fair to figure there's fire there.




ok, #1 i don't believe any woman or parents of a child that claim sexual assault or rape and then accept money to be quiet about it.


sorry, no deal. if something that horrific happened to you there would be no way in hell any amount of money would make it ok.


it shows she's nothing but a gold digging ho bag that has major mental issues.



#2. don't preach to me about our organization and it's morals when the icon of your franchise (jim brown) was a woman beating rapist himself. go ahead........deny it.



#3. as i've said before..... don't bring up Ben, and how his alleged actions somehow reflect on the city of Pittsburgh, unless you feel like addressing the fact that cleveland has 500% more child rapists/rapists overall and 400% more per capita. u don't believe me........oh well, it's a fact, look it up on the goverment registered website in my sig. oh, not to mention that Ben (and his morals) is from ohio.



so lets just hush my little turdlings.

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On point #1, she has been going through this ordeal for a long time. I'm sure it was costing her and her family a lot emotionally and financially. Maybe she didn't feel like being caught up in a legal battle any longer and just wanted out. I see your point, but you can't generalize about every victim that takes money and then yell at someone that generalized about Pittsburgh.

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ok, #1 i don't believe any woman or parents of a child that claim sexual assault or rape and then accept money to be quiet about it.


sorry, no deal. if something that horrific happened to you there would be no way in hell any amount of money would make it ok.


it shows she's nothing but a gold digging ho bag that has major mental issues.



#2. don't preach to me about our organization and it's morals when the icon of your franchise (jim brown) was a woman beating rapist himself. go ahead........deny it.



#3. as i've said before..... don't bring up Ben, and how his alleged actions somehow reflect on the city of Pittsburgh, unless you feel like addressing the fact that cleveland has 500% more child rapists/rapists overall and 400% more per capita. u don't believe me........oh well, it's a fact, look it up on the goverment registered website in my sig. oh, not to mention that Ben (and his morals) is from ohio.



so lets just hush my little turdlings.


My, my. Overreacting just a tad, aren't you?

Ben doesn't register very high on the character meter. Anyone who puts the Steelers' organization, Ben, and character together in the same sentence deserves to eat some crow.

Jim Brown's treatment of women doesn't merit any respect either, in my opinion.

I still have great respect for Jim Brown's accomplishments as a football player. Do I think Jim Brown reflects poorly on the Browns organization? No. To my knowledge, he wasn't part of the Browns organization when his misdeeds became known. That was also a different era. We've come a long way, baby.


Oh... and the statistics you came up with are irrelevant.

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Oh... and the statistics you came up with are irrelevant.


Well they do show one thing: We all we know there are perverts and molesters in every society, but Cleveland does a lot better job of finding them and prosecuting them. I guess you can get away with a lot in Pennsylvania ... especially if you play QB.



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ok, #1 i don't believe any woman or parents of a child that claim sexual assault or rape and then accept money to be quiet about it.


sorry, no deal. if something that horrific happened to you there would be no way in hell any amount of money would make it ok.


it shows she's nothing but a gold digging ho bag that has major mental issues.



#2. don't preach to me about our organization and it's morals when the icon of your franchise (jim brown) was a woman beating rapist himself. go ahead........deny it.



#3. as i've said before..... don't bring up Ben, and how his alleged actions somehow reflect on the city of Pittsburgh, unless you feel like addressing the fact that cleveland has 500% more child rapists/rapists overall and 400% more per capita. u don't believe me........oh well, it's a fact, look it up on the goverment registered website in my sig. oh, not to mention that Ben (and his morals) is from ohio.



so lets just hush my little turdlings.


The fact of the matter is that the woman's only option was to seek money. Because of the pressure put on her from her employers she didn't go straight to the police to report him. Since she waited so long she elapsed the time she had to press charges that would put Ben in jail, they do this cause after a certain amount of time the evidence of the crime has disappeared. After that time the only option is to sue said person for the rape and seek financial payments for the crime. Similar to how OJ was declared innocent of murder, but later found guilty when sued by the family. The fact of the matter is that if Ben did nothing, he wouldn't have paid the girl. She had to have something over Ben to make him pay.

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The lady was bragging to friends that she slept with Ben, was in hopes he got her pregnant to have his child. Months later she decided she was abused ? Get real. She has a history of crap like this stuff close to this type of issue. I'm with the other poster, I don't care about the money but I do care about my integrity and what is right. No morals for McNutty. I think Ben is innocent on the first charges but the second charge.......h'mmm I'm not to sure of.


There are perverts everywhere sadly but the worse of the worse are the ones that abuse children. I hope there is a special place in hell for just those scums.

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How about, "the lady was a prim and proper Sunday school teacher, who was reading the Bible during lunch when


butt rothlicksbooger tricked her up into his room and raped her, like he tried to do in the women's bathroom that other time,


gosh. I don't have a link for that, either.


rothlicksbooger is always framed, blah blah blah.


He should be out of football... he's a dirtbag, dirtier than Harrison and Pollymollytutu.

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Well first off fuck everything Shitsburgh with a burning passion equivalent to the lust those inbred hicks have to mate with their own siblings.



I don't know what kind of idiot would post over 500 times on a BROWNS WEBSITE if you are a Shitsburgh fan.


If you are a Native Clevelander who is a Steelers fan you should have your worthless balls cutoff and eyes gouged out. Seriously, Cleveland Steeler fans disgust me. If you are a Cleveland Steelers Fan you do not have the right to refer to the Steelers as your,our,my team. That's not your team. You are just an honorless weasel living a fairy tale.


As far as the allegations are concerned who are you to judge an alleged victim.

If a woman is sexually assaulted and decides money over justice that's her choice who the fuck are you to judge.

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The fact of the matter is that the woman's only option was to seek money. Because of the pressure put on her from her employers she didn't go straight to the police to report him. Since she waited so long she elapsed the time she had to press charges that would put Ben in jail, they do this cause after a certain amount of time the evidence of the crime has disappeared. After that time the only option is to sue said person for the rape and seek financial payments for the crime. Similar to how OJ was declared innocent of murder, but later found guilty when sued by the family. The fact of the matter is that if Ben did nothing, he wouldn't have paid the girl. She had to have something over Ben to make him pay.


Exactly. Innocent people don't settle in court. Except Michael Jackson right? He was innocent...

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Exactly. Innocent people don't settle in court. Except Michael Jackson right? He was innocent...


It was thrown out of Criminal court. She then filed a civil suit for the last ditch money grab. Ben admitted to having sex with the chick but she and her attorneys were pushing for defamation of character this and defamation of that etc. His track record as far as being a hound dog isn't the best whether he's now "reformed' or not. He didn't rape this chick just like he didn't rape the other one. He slept around, picked the wrong broad with this one and paid to get it out of his hair. It wasn't "man i have to pay this chick or the REAL stuff is going to come out" it was "man i'm going to pay this chick so I can just get past it".

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IN addition to this stuff, In 1965 HE was accused and arrested for molesting and beating two women.


In 1968 his 22 yreal old GF was found beaten t a pulo and uncoinscious on her balcony. Brown was arrested but later teh girl changed her story and said she fell. Ha!


In 1978 Jim Brown BEAT THE LIVING SHIT out of a Golf Pto for the placement of a gold ball on teh course.



Now, this is FAR worse than Big Ben pulling out little ben to show around town.


Do you hypocries simply overlook Brown because he was a Browns player?




ghoulie, don't you know logic only confuses them? especially your brand of highly intelligent logic. you just made half their heads explode scanner style.

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If you are a Native Clevelander who is a Steelers fan you should have your worthless balls cutoff and eyes gouged out. Seriously, Cleveland Steeler fans disgust me. If you are a Cleveland Steelers Fan you do not have the right to refer to the Steelers as your,our,my team. That's not your team. You are just an honorless weasel living a fairy tale.






Im putting this on My signature........Love it!

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IN addition to this stuff, In 1965 HE was accused and arrested for molesting and beating two women.


In 1968 his 22 yreal old GF was found beaten t a pulo and uncoinscious on her balcony. Brown was arrested but later teh girl changed her story and said she fell. Ha!


In 1978 Jim Brown BEAT THE LIVING SHIT out of a Golf Pto for the placement of a gold ball on teh course.



Now, this is FAR worse than Big Ben pulling out little ben to show around town.


Do you hypocries simply overlook Brown because he was a Browns player?


One could argue that Brown is bad person just like Rapistburger. The question here is how the franschise reacts. Pittsburgh didn't do anything other than say we dont like this, but hey what can we do he is our QB. They are not a classy franchise. Hines Ward DUI they do nothing, Roethlisberger, they do nothing. Harrison beats his girlfriend they do nothing. Now Cedric Wilson beats his girl friend, well thats it we dont stand for that crap in Pittsburgh because we are classy!! And BTW getting women drunk and coercing them to have sex with you in a bathroom is considered rape where I come from, and pretty much everywhere else too. Rape is rape dude.

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One could argue that Brown is bad person just like Rapistburger. The question here is how the franschise reacts. Pittsburgh didn't do anything other than say we dont like this, but hey what can we do he is our QB. They are not a classy franchise. Hines Ward DUI they do nothing, Roethlisberger, they do nothing. Harrison beats his girlfriend they do nothing. Now Cedric Wilson beats his girl friend, well thats it we dont stand for that crap in Pittsburgh because we are classy!! And BTW getting women drunk and coercing them to have sex with you in a bathroom is considered rape where I come from, and pretty much everywhere else too. Rape is rape dude.




ok, you admitted that Brown = Roethlisberger and said the question is how the franchise reacts.



then you do nothing to illistrate why the Steelers are "not a classy franchise" but the browns are classy to keep JB employed by the franchise up untill last year.



and it wasn't his horrible past transgressions that made them give him the boot, it was the walrus not liking him.

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But I think you have to admit Runyon makes a good point. I love Jim Brown as a football player for the browns but I would never defend him on character stuff. I've heard terrible things about the guy and no one can deny the stuff he was charged for. Here's the thing that frustrates me about Steeler fans and big Ben. People defend the guy as if he's a stand up, classy person. I'm sorry, but anyone who gets a girl drunk and takes them to a bathroom in a club to have sex with willingly or not is no person anyone should look up to. It's fine to respect the guys ability as a football player but his character is just awful. It's the same way with James Harrison, you can defend his football, on the field stuff but don't sit there and talk to me about how he's a great guy. I'm not saying anyone in here is but I'm talking in general.

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One could argue that Brown is bad person just like Rapistburger. The question here is how the franschise reacts. Pittsburgh didn't do anything other than say we dont like this, but hey what can we do he is our QB. They are not a classy franchise. Hines Ward DUI they do nothing, Roethlisberger, they do nothing. Harrison beats his girlfriend they do nothing. Now Cedric Wilson beats his girl friend, well thats it we dont stand for that crap in Pittsburgh because we are classy!! And BTW getting women drunk and coercing them to have sex with you in a bathroom is considered rape where I come from, and pretty much everywhere else too. Rape is rape dude.


Perfectly put.

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Well they do show one thing: We all we know there are perverts and molesters in every society, but Cleveland does a lot better job of finding them and prosecuting them. I guess you can get away with a lot in Pennsylvania ... especially if you play QB.




What do you call a girl who is fast enough to outrun her brothers, father, and stepfather in Pittsburgh? A virgin.

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ok, #1 i don't believe any woman or parents of a child that claim sexual assault or rape and then accept money to be quiet about it.


sorry, no deal. if something that horrific happened to you there would be no way in hell any amount of money would make it ok.


it shows she's nothing but a gold digging ho bag that has major mental issues.


Trust me. You are wrong about that. First off, Just because she settled the lawsuit is no indication that anyone thinks that makes it "OK". This is the only way our society allows for compensation for an act such as this. In some societies past and present it would have been acceptable for the girl's father to cut off BRs dick. No, money is the only way we do things these days on this part of the planet.



#2. don't preach to me about our organization and it's morals when the icon of your franchise (jim brown) was a woman beating rapist himself. go ahead........deny it.


Well, if its OK for Jim Brown it must be OK for BR? Is that your argument?



#3. as i've said before..... don't bring up Ben, and how his alleged actions somehow reflect on the city of Pittsburgh, unless you feel like addressing the fact that cleveland has 500% more child rapists/rapists overall and 400% more per capita. u don't believe me........oh well, it's a fact, look it up on the goverment registered website in my sig. oh, not to mention that Ben (and his morals) is from ohio.


Except, of course, I have proven with authoritave data that you are WRONG about that. Go look up the thread. In fact, Allegheny Co. has a higher sexual assault rate per capita than Cuyahoga Co. Does.

so lets just hush my little turdlings.

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It was thrown out of Criminal court. She then filed a civil suit for the last ditch money grab. Ben admitted to having sex with the chick but she and her attorneys were pushing for defamation of character this and defamation of that etc. His track record as far as being a hound dog isn't the best whether he's now "reformed' or not. He didn't rape this chick just like he didn't rape the other one. He slept around, picked the wrong broad with this one and paid to get it out of his hair. It wasn't "man i have to pay this chick or the REAL stuff is going to come out" it was "man i'm going to pay this chick so I can just get past it".


You don't know the truth of that any more than I do.

And for your information....filing suit isn't "last ditch" for anything. It is the only ditch in a lot of cases.

As noted, criminal and civil liabilities carry a whole different burden of proof.

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ok, you admitted that Brown = Roethlisberger and said the question is how the franchise reacts.



then you do nothing to illistrate why the Steelers are "not a classy franchise" but the browns are classy to keep JB employed by the franchise up untill last year.



and it wasn't his horrible past transgressions that made them give him the boot, it was the walrus not liking him.



The answer is simple: 1. Jim Brown was acquitted of or every one of those charges were dismissed except for the one where he took a golf club to his own car.. 2. They didn't happen at any time that JB was associated with the Browns. 3. Jim Brown had many, many years of positive public service to the community in the interim. I am sure I could provide you the resume.



1. BR's accusations occurred while employed by the Browns.

And from what I have hears, BR hasn't much of a community service portfolio.

(at least nothing we here hear about.

2. There probably isn't an NFL team out there that doesn't have someone associated that has had some legal run in. Someone documented the plethora of Steelers who have issues. The Browns have had their share. Ray Lewis....still a potential murderer in many people's minds is still playing. etc. etc. etc.

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It amazes me, my friend, it really does.


These guys live intheir own world and facts are just a distraction to them. I haven't read the rest of the threads but I imagine nobody wants to compare Ben............. who the law never found any exidence to file charges, versus Jim Brown, who I believe was arrested some 6 or 7 times for crimes including, rape, violence, domestic violence and resisting arrest.


Actually, I don't think JB had any more charges filed against him than did BR....except that one about the car and the golf club.


In Brown's time, it was like Joe Paterno's world ( Or Tressels. or any other powerhouse dynasty), everything was poo-poo'd and swept under the rug.


Brown was teh best RB in his day and perhaps of all time.


As a human being? He makes Ben look like a Saint. Ben is a kid, but he didn't force himself on anyone. Jim Brown is a rapist.

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