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How The F*** Is Gingrich Still In The Race ?


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We already knew that Newt Gingrich left his first wife, Jackie, when she had cancer so that he could marry his second wife, Marianne.


We also knew that Gingrich later left Marianne, after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, so that he could marry his third and current wife, Callista.


But on Thursday we learned, from Marianne Gingrich’s explosive interview with ABC News, that the former speaker asked her for an “open marriage” so that he could carry on with Callista with impunity.


Some Gingrich defenders argue that the latest charges are the bitter rantings of a woman scorned. Perhaps.


Others say that all of this alleged bad behavior occurred years ago, before Gingrich converted to Catholicism and mended his ways. Fair enough.


Meanwhile, as the Republican presidential race moves on to Florida, political pundits (and Gingrich himself) condemn the “chilling effect” that such “gotcha” journalism has on the willingness of good people to serve in public office.


Yet, while all of these responses to the Marianne Gingrich interview have some validity, they ignore a central tenet of modern conservatism: character does and should count.




I didnt know about the open relation shit about Gingrich, but seriously - The GOP Friggin abused Herman Cain, Bill Clinton about their infidelity and are letting an asshole who did this to not one but two wives and propose open relationship still be in the election.


This is totally F'ed up !!!

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