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Grossi Let Go Over Tweet Regarding Randy Lerner


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The irony in this is that now this is national news and everyone knows what he said about Lerner.


Had they just let it go then hardly anyone who doesn't read his tweets knows about it.


Lerner looks worse and the PD looks worse.


Shoulda left well enough alone and quietly demoted him four months from now and no one woulda thought much about it.



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Hey Tony..Isn't karma a bitch,,hahaha..Hey Lerner when Tony was vilifying Mangini before he even hit the tarmac in CLE why didn't you call

ihe big boys at the PD and tell Grossi to get off EM's ass...ahh.. but when its about you,,,big problem right..Grossi got what was coming to him

make no mistake about that..Hey , Mary Kay..that sounds good ehh... has some bitter shoes to fill.

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Bottom line : It's more liberal bullshit. Grossi shouldn't have been demoted. Dieken? Dieken? Are you out of your mind? Part of the reason this team sucks is because this dickhead has Lerner's ear. You might as well let Kosar on the radio while your at it. Antoher asshole.


Sorry man, Doug Dieken is an asshole.


Actually, it is conservative BS. Liberals are all about freedom of speech and the press. Conservatives are all about controlling the information that is disseminated.. Here it is all about the fat cat throwing his weight and money around to stifle the voice of the people.

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Actually, it is conservative BS. Liberals are all about freedom of speech and the press. Conservatives are all about controlling the information that is disseminated.. Here it is all about the fat cat throwing his weight and money around to stifle the voice of the people.




I totally concur..you nailed it

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Actually, it is conservative BS. Liberals are all about freedom of speech and the press. Conservatives are all about controlling the information that is disseminated.. Here it is all about the fat cat throwing his weight and money around to stifle the voice of the people.

thats funny both sides are about making sure you only see it their way. and shouting you down if you disagree but whatever.

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Please don't start this freedom of speech bs. Freedom of speech is so the government can't prosecute you for your speech. A private business can fire you for your comments. While he spoke the truth, he was unprofessional. Too bad so sad. Moral of the story... don't use TWITTER!

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^^ ding ding ding!


freedom of speech simply means you can say anything without criminal prosecution (except a few chosen things, like threats). freedom of speech does NOT mean you can say anything without any consequences. its these little differences that the masses dont understand. and here we are continuing to cut education....god help us.

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what was unprofessional? calling him an irrelevant billionaire?


he should come to NY. he'd be hired in a second with his attitude. some of the best newspaper sports guys write here. hell you don't think mike lupica doesn't call out the Dolans every other day with their mishandling of the knicks and MSG? or both newsday and the post showing the blubbering fool that is steinbrenner's son with huge captions like 'baby boss bites the big one' with a picture of his face photoshopped on a baby in a high chair? give me a break. what i saw of his 'tweet' (sounds like a name for a pussy fart) and it's content showed no merit for his 'reassignment'. i'd be consulting with lawyers right now. yeah maybe that'd mean he'd never write for any newspaper again but he could move to lake hotchiegootchie and start writing his novel siting on a stack of benjamins.


it's obvious who pulls the strings of the sports media in cleveland and it's a joke.

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ive endured NY Media. its pretty sad and pathetic in its own way. fickle A-hole fans that find sanchez a god when he wins, dirt when he loses. fickle talk show hosts that berate callers because they think their so fucking smart.


prior to quitting my job there beginning of december, all i heard was how coughlin needs fired immediately because he cant get the team to play down the stretch. now that theyre in the superbowl, i'll bet bottom dollar the media is gussing all over the airwaves/print about coughlin being coach of the year and how against all odds, the new york football giants buckled up their bootstraps, came together, and made the most improbable run to the championship in the history of recored and unrecorded sports.



fuck NY....bunch of self-absorbed elitest douchebags.

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ive endured NY Media. its pretty sad and pathetic in its own way. fickle A-hole fans that find sanchez a god when he wins, dirt when he loses. fickle talk show hosts that berate callers because they think their so fucking smart.


prior to quitting my job there beginning of december, all i heard was how coughlin needs fired immediately because he cant get the team to play down the stretch. now that theyre in the superbowl, i'll bet bottom dollar the media is gussing all over the airwaves/print about coughlin being coach of the year and how against all odds, the new york football giants buckled up their bootstraps, came together, and made the most improbable run to the championship in the history of recored and unrecorded sports.



fuck NY....bunch of self-absorbed elitest douchebags.

could not have said it better myself. the NY media is not the standard you want to hold yourself to.

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yeah the fans for the NY teams do suck on the most part.


but you don't see a reporter being reassigned because he calls hank steinbrenner lazy. oh and of course there is tabloid media here because there is actual sleeze news and gossip to report about since it's the biggest city in the world. what other media standard would you hold yourself to, butte, montana? GTFO. yeah ask a reporter what his dream job would be, being the anchorman for NY nightly news or the anchor for detroit? ha!!


yeah NY has it's ups and downs (over population, over-priced housing, ungodly taxes) and i'd much rather be back in ohio. one day i will be BUT don't hate on NY. i find most people hate on it because they can't deal with it. that's why they say "if you can make it here you can make it anywhere." and the people that can't move back to pittsburgh.

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Look guys, the bottom line is Grossi was out of line in his "tweet". I find Lerner a good owner. He hasn't sold us out to LA and he's done his part in bringing in someone who many think/thought was a football genius. He's clearly not a football guru. He was left this team, he didn't ask for this. He's done right by us, by me. Look, if I was left a "professional volleyball team" by my deceased father, I wouldn't know a bump from a set and yet Lerner did what many of us would do... bring in a guy to help run the show that "knows" what their doing. I think that some of us, Grossi as well, need to cut the guy a break. There is only so much that he can do.


I'm old/mature enough to know that if I go home and slander my boss and people find out about it, it's going to make going to work on Monday pretty uncomfortable. I might not get fired but it doesn't make for a very healthy working relationship. It's a privilege to be allowed inside access to the Browns Headquarters, to have sit downs inside the Cleveland Browns facilities. It's not like the guy lost his job, he was reASSigned, as he should be, because he WAS being an ASS, clearly, covering the Browns was to much for the guy.

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Please don't start this freedom of speech bs. Freedom of speech is so the government can't prosecute you for your speech. A private business can fire you for your comments. While he spoke the truth, he was unprofessional. Too bad so sad. Moral of the story... don't use TWITTER!


Yes, you are basically right. Though you may speak, it is certainly possible that there may be consequences of that speech. I just had to zing Ghoolie for his wrongheaded view of the way things are.

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  • 2 months later...

I just had to pull this thread back up and say this.


I have been reading Tony's articles on ESPN Cleveland and they are light years better than what he had been doing in the months before being fired from the PD. His Hey Tony segments and extremely better as well. Where his Hey Tony's before being fired was (literally) full of personal attacks towards the people asking questions who didn't agree with him his new segments he some how managed to sound less like one of us posting on here and like an actual informed beat writer answer questions and giving his own opinion on matters some of the time.

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Tony was an attention whore, and sometimes he did some okay stuff maybe..


Kinda like throwing a rock from the top of the 40' cliff, and hitting a lone tree trunk.


He always reminded me of Tom Melody of the BJ - "honest coverage" was the term used


for most of the time manufacturing negative slants on sports.


Neither one ever once impressed me. well, Melody did once. I think it was a story


about the Olympics or something. Grossi - I never liked reading his stuff


Neither one was ever worth the time of day. Dissing on Learner, especially at this point,


is dumb.

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Tony was an attention whore, and sometimes he did some okay stuff maybe..


Kinda like throwing a rock from the top of the 40' cliff, and hitting a lone tree trunk.


He always reminded me of Tom Melody of the BJ - "honest coverage" was the term used


for most of the time manufacturing negative slants on sports.


Neither one ever once impressed me. well, Melody did once. I think it was a story


about the Olympics or something. Grossi - I never liked reading his stuff


Neither one was ever worth the time of day. Dissing on Learner, especially at this point,


is dumb.


Tom Melody was a sports columnist. His job was to give his opinions. And he did.

His job is more comparable to Terry Pluto's now at the PD. (In fact, Pluto replaced Tom Melody at the ABJ as primary columnist when Melody retired)

Grossi was a beat reporter. His job was to report.

Perhaps he would be better as a columnist.

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Tom Melody was a sports columnist. His job was to give his opinions. And he did.

His job is more comparable to Terry Pluto's now at the PD. (In fact, Pluto replaced Tom Melody at the ABJ as primary columnist when Melody retired)

Grossi was a beat reporter. His job was to report.

Perhaps he would be better as a columnist.



You are correct, of course. It's their common attitude that annoyed me.

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yeah the fans for the NY teams do suck on the most part.


but you don't see a reporter being reassigned because he calls hank steinbrenner lazy. oh and of course there is tabloid media here because there is actual sleeze news and gossip to report about since it's the biggest city in the world. what other media standard would you hold yourself to, butte, montana? GTFO. yeah ask a reporter what his dream job would be, being the anchorman for NY nightly news or the anchor for detroit? ha!!


yeah NY has it's ups and downs (over population, over-priced housing, ungodly taxes) and i'd much rather be back in ohio. one day i will be BUT don't hate on NY. i find most people hate on it because they can't deal with it. that's why they say "if you can make it here you can make it anywhere." and the people that can't move back to pittsburgh.

Spent a couple years of some Cinderalla Liberties back when the forty duece district was poppin'. Kind of liked the inn-your-face attitudes of the natives.


Kind of wish my pops would have stayed in the city after he came through Ellis Island. Instead emigrated to Louisville where he busted his humble Irish ass


for forty years with the L&N railroad. Fuggetaboutit

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Tom Melody was a sports columnist. His job was to give his opinions. And he did.

His job is more comparable to Terry Pluto's now at the PD. (In fact, Pluto replaced Tom Melody at the ABJ as primary columnist when Melody retired)

Grossi was a beat reporter. His job was to report.

Perhaps he would be better as a columnist.



You are correct, of course. It's their common attitude that annoyed me.


They both probably would have been proud to have annoyed you. That may have been their aim.

( I know it was for Melody as he lived in the same town I did, and was a pretty good friend of another attorney I shared office space with)

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I'd met Melody in person. Seemed like a decent guy. I think he just laughed when I told him some of his negative stuff


was very annoying. LOL


Apparently, you are right again. GGG

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I'd met Melody in person. Seemed like a decent guy. I think he just laughed when I told him some of his negative stuff


was very annoying. LOL


Apparently, you are right again. GGG



You think I am right about that, you should ask me about politics. GGG :lol:

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