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The Robo Calls

Westside Steve

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Last time around the left was positively up in arms about some supposed anti mccain robo calls about his black child.

No doubt they cried that rove was at the bottom of this!

And yet even though it would be perfectly easy to find out from where im from home these calls were generated, there was not a peep.

Gingrich says that he is not aware of these ads nor did he okay them.

Until someone proves otherwise I'm going to assume that this is yet another democrat dirty trick.

I don't think that it is only done by the democrat party and I think it happens fairly often.


By the way, if anyone wants to offer as proof that well, they know people that know, save it.


But right now, at this moment, there is as much evidence that obama himself order those ads as gingrich.


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Steve, I don't know how many times we have to go over this, but you need to wake up. "The left" wasn't up in arms about the 2000 robocalls in South Carolina nearly as much as John McCain. McCain's hatred of Bush stems primarily from this incident. And for all of your crazed theories about how Democrats were behind them, they were made by a company called FLS Connect. FLS Connect stands for Feather, Larson, and Synhorst. Those are the names of three Republican media consultants, and in 2000 they were actively supporting the Bush campaign. They also worked for Bush-Cheney in 2004.


You really have to get off of this, this "Who knows who made these calls? I think it was the Democrats!" It's embarrassing for you.


Compounding your embarrassment is your inability to see lawyered denials for what they are. Gingrich is only claiming to have no personal knowledge of the ad. Meanwhile, his own campaign has already admitted that they sent it out. The ad was paid for by Newt 2012.


You done yet?

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I'm glad this seems to have finally sunk in.


Go back and read your post and realize how comical it is. It's basically, "If I keep ignoring what we know and common sense, I can insist Democrats are behind it."


Until someone proves otherwise I'm going to assume that this is yet another democrat dirty trick.



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Here's some more about the man behind the 2000 robocalls:


"Jeff Larson, an influential national Republican strategist based in St. Paul, has sold off his stake in the GOP fundraising and consulting firm FLS Connect. But the decision to walk away from the company that he founded more than a decade ago doesn't mean that Larson is stepping back from electoral politics."


"Republican consultant Jeff Larson will be the Republican National Committee's chief-of-staff under new chair Reince Priebus."



...Boy, these Democrats really are dastardly, huh? They've got a mole all the way at the top of the RNC!

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The corrupt left will pull any trick to get more power and advance their warped, upside down garbage.


For instance, they want to open every door possible to open up electoral fraud.


They are registering as republicans, and trying to screw up the process.


That's the only way Ron Paul has so many votes, and he's a crackpot.


They'll put black thugs with nightsticks and let them intimidate white voters. And Obamao and Holder will say

it's okay.


Big, big trouble. The left has broken out in violence... and that's only a beginning.

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So Steve, do you actually think that when these Republican media guys at FLS Connect are making up the text for the robocall ad in 2000 they did this totally on their own, and didn't first check with Bush's political team and have them okay it? Do you think they'd risk doing something like that on their own?


Also, would you like to buy a bridge?

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Fox News, 10/19/08:


WALLACE: But Senator, back—if I may, back in 2000 when you were the target of robocalls, you called these “hate calls” and you said—


MCCAIN: They worked.


WALLACE: —and you said the following, "I promise you, I have never and will never have anything to do with that kind of political tactic.” Now you've hired the same guy who did the robocalls against you to—reportedly, to do the robocalls against Obama.


Again, we have no idea who was behind these calls! None.

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The corrupt left will pull any trick to get more power and advance their warped, upside down garbage.


For instance, they want to open every door possible to open up electoral fraud.


They are registering as republicans, and trying to screw up the process.


That's the only way Ron Paul has so many votes, and he's a crackpot.


They'll put black thugs with nightsticks and let them intimidate white voters. And Obamao and Holder will say

it's okay.


Big, big trouble. The left has broken out in violence... and that's only a beginning.




.... I can't believe you are allowed to vote

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Anyway, back to the subject at hand.

Even though the robo calls about romney and a kosher meals were true I think that they were in bad taste and shouldn't have been made.

I haven't seen many examples of the negative campaigning against gingrich but I assume that they are as severe.

Had I been the campaign manager I have not gone so negative.


Still you continued to blame rove for the mccain calls.

Your evidence is that mccain suspects the opposition campaign.

I suspect axelrod.

As long as that's the level of evidence we're using today.


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This is a classic post.


Anyway, back to the subject at hand.

Even though the robo calls about romney and a kosher meals were true I think that they were in bad taste and shouldn't have been made.


They weren't true! There wasn't an ounce of truth in them! Romney didn't take kosher meals away from anyone.



I haven't seen many examples of the negative campaigning against gingrich but I assume that they are as severe.


Translation: I don't have any evidence, but I'll assume that I do.



Still you continued to blame rove for the mccain calls.

Your evidence is that mccain suspects the opposition campaign.


No! Are you kidding? How are you still saying this? What's wrong with you?


The evidence is that we know who sent out the 2000 robocalls against McCain, and by name. We know the firm that did it. We know who they were working for - the Bush campaign. McCain knows this too. Nobody suspects anybody. Because we know who did it. Seriously, what's wrong with you?



I suspect axelrod.


Sweet Jesus. Just say you were wrong. It's much easier, and far less embarrassing than what you're doing.

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they were in bad taste, sometimes the negative adds will ricochet back and hit you. look at how the obama media tried their best to play up newt's disgruntled ex wife in a debate and how he publicly disgraced all of them for it.


Newt played the victim card. 90% of America thought, "Wow, this guy is full of himself. What an ass." The republicans at the debate wildly cheered cuz they thought Newt just did something awesome.



I also didn't realize ABC is the "obama media"




and you don't have to "play it up." The dude left his sick wife for his mistress... twice....

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Steve, can I get you on the page of that we know who sent out the 2000 robocalls against McCain, and we know the man's name, and the name of his firm, and which campaign his firm was working for at the time, and which campaign they worked for (again) in 2004, and that this man is now the #2 at the Republican National Committee?


And that his name isn't David Axelrod?


After, what, two, three years of you pretending this was somehow the Democrats doing, can we put this to bed? Please?


Can I also get you to admit that Newt's campaign sent out the Romney robocalls, and that they were not true at all?

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So it's your contention that ...what? We don't know who put out those calls? I don't get it.


And that Romney really did take kosher meals away from Holocaust survivors?


This is sad.


Cut or defunded or vetoed some kind of spending bill a portion of which went to kosher meals at jewish retirement places.

Were the advertisements a stretch?

You bet your ass.


And the staffer that made the ad stan's by it.


And again it's not a tactic I'd have taken.

But it's no dirtier than the shit you guys have planned for the general election or what you've done in the past.

So lets dispense with the faux outrage.


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I'm sorry, Steve, but once again you don't have your facts straight. They weren't a "stretch." They were lies.


The only choice Romney made was to try and change the sourcing of some kosher meals because of budgetary constraints. He wanted to try and save $600,000 by closing down the in-house kosher kitchens in some nursing homes and instead having those kosher meals made by a nearby nursing home, or ordered through caterers. At no point was anyone not going to get a kosher meal; it only would have changed where they got it from. And in the end, his veto was overridden, nothing changed, and the in-house kosher kitchens stayed open.


So, even if Newt doesn't know anything about the ad, which was false, he went in front of audiences in Florida and argued that Romney “eliminated kosher food from retired Jewish senior citizens on Medicaid.” So that, combined with the robocall lie that “Holocaust survivors . . . for the first time, were forced to eat non-kosher” he and his campaign are saying something that isn't true.


Nobody eliminated kosher food, or even planned to. And nobody was forced to eat non-kosher food.


But hey, since when did facts get in the way of your opinion?

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Now that that's (hopefully) settled, who was responsible for the robocalls against McCain in South Carolina in 2000? You give the name of the guy or the name of the firm. Either one works.

Actually, you said it was Karl Rove.

You said you " knew people who knew people."

Were you lying?


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Actually, you said it was Karl Rove.

You said you " knew people who knew people."

Were you lying?



And here we go, trying to change the subject. Of course, you started this thread by claiming that Democrats were behind not only the anti-McCain robocalls in 2000, but that you assumed they were also behind Newt's "kosher" robocalls, even though they had Newt's name on them. Even though you were wrong in both instances, and demonstrably so.


And I don't recall what you're referring to in your quest to take your embarrassing performance and trying to make it about me being a liar - delightful - but yes, it's widely understood that Rove did this. And it's fairly obvious. It's not even controversial. You're not going to find Rove's name on any of this stuff. The funny thing about the Gingrich robocalls is that he actually put his name on them, which limits his deniability. Rove is smarter than that.


But you're just dodging all of this. The firm that we know put out those robocalls was working for the Bush campaign. The Bush campaign was run by Karl Rove. ...Do you need more than that? If you want to think some Republican media consultants who had been hired by the Bush campaign to do advertising thought up and launched those robocalls on their own without any instruction from the people they worked for, I don't know what to tell you. That would get you fired. Nobody would ever do that.


You are hired to put out the message that the campaign wants you to put out. It's akin to saying that the head of the marketing campaign at Volkswagen didn't approve of the "Little Darth Vader" ad for last year's Superbowl. That the ad company did this on their own.


I mean, Jesus, man. Give it up already.


Nor do I have any idea why you feel the need to defend Karl Rove's honor on this. "Leave Karl Rove alone! He's an innocent!"

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