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Wisconsin Student Attacked By School Over


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Dear Friend,


You may have seen this story on the national news about a student

in Wisconsin being bullied, threatened, and censored by school

officials for writing his Biblical views on homosexuality and gay

adoption as part of an assigned school project.


I'm encouraging thoughtful Americans to take a stand with Liberty

Counsel declaring that we are against the anti-religion intimidation

and attacks on public school educators, administrators, parents,

and students by signing a "Letter of Outrage."


The fact is, we do not leave our religious freedom at the public

school doors or civic entrances! Left unchecked, such attacks

endanger our individual rights and freedoms in ANY public forum!


Click the link below to join me in supporting Liberty Counsel's

tremendous work in defending those pro-faith and pro-family citizens

who are being unconstitutionally bullied by zealots who want to censor

any expression that is counter to their own.




Thanks for joining me in this important initiative.

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Well, Fox News gave this story legs, surprise...



I don't see anywhere where the student was "attacked" or "bullied"


The school pulled the pro-gay adoption piece and the anti-gay adoption piece. The school was Retarded for putting something that controversial in a school newspaper. Even then, it is the SCHOOL newspaper, they can edit it how they see fit.



This is just a classic case of fox news taken something, twisting it around, and then presenting the half-truth that supports their agenda. Sadly, I'm sure that position will be signed by a lot of conservatives and elderly people that choose not to actually read about the incident on a different website....




So no, I'm not signing that joke of a letter

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I don't see the bullying either, and I certainly don't see some sort of unconstitutional censorship - it's a school newspaper that can print whatever it wants. But if what they're alleging is true - that the kid was brought in for hours of meetings and called "ignorant" and accused of harassment - for expressing his opinion in an editorial against gay adoption, however lame it was, that sounds like a bizarre, unwarranted reaction on the school's part.


He doesn't seem to have done anything other than express an opinion. He's perfectly within his right to do that.


Plus, he's a kid. We all have lots of dumb opinions when we're 17.

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Well, he did advocate for gay people being killed in his editorial. That's why he was accused of bullying.


But we don't really know what happened in the office. We just know what the kid's lawyer claims.


To me, it doesn't matter much - the kid gets to express his opinion, however ridiculous, especially when you ask him to express it.

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I'm surprised a student newspaper let an articles like that through in the first place.

I seem to recall the school administration being up our asses back when I was on the torch staff.

I once wrote a joke piece under the pseudonym Willy Maykitt and Betty Dontt. The assistant principal crabbed about that and censored it



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The whole ordeal seems to be overly hyped up to me. If the shoe was on the other foot you would hear nothing but crickets. HS newspapers have been censoring school newspapers for decades now.


The schools have a responsibility to the student body in whole and don't need the ACLU and a bunch of thug opportunistic lawyers breathing down their backs. Their hand is forced out of fear of retaliation through lawsuits.

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