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Dawson Franchised


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Terrible for Dawson for his personal goals the Browns just fucked him hard in the ass so fucking hard.


People who don't know Dawson wanted to be gone last year so he could sign a 3-5 year deal to end his career and we didn't give him a contract in 2011 we FRANCHISED HIM and he was pretty salty about it but he made a one year deal for kickers money.... Now he was eligible to test the market in 2012 and get that contract to end his career or have the browns make that offer and we didn't.... Just to franchise him again.


NFL teams can Franchise the same player 3 straight years, Dawson wanted out of here when they didn't give him a realistic extension, Ya 2 years he is making his money but in terms of getting one more contract out there is gonna be not easy doable but not what he wanted for sure.


For the record i love Dawson glad he's staying but also as a fan i can see the other side of the coin in his situation.

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Oh franchising a kicker... again. I love Dawson but come on, you're making a mediocrity statement by doing that. Gotta sign him long term or let the poor guy walk(well, I guess he's not poor anymore). Really that 7 Million dollars the last 2 seasons for a kicker WTF! Could have locked Hillis up longterm for that kind of money....

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People who don't know Dawson wanted to be gone last year so he could sign a 3-5 year deal to end his career and we didn't give him a contract in 2011 we FRANCHISED HIM and he was pretty salty about it but he made a one year deal for kickers money.... Now he was eligible to test the market in 2012 and get that contract to end his career or have the browns make that offer and we didn't.... Just to franchise him again.


NFL teams can Franchise the same player 3 straight years, Dawson wanted out of here when they didn't give him a realistic extension, Ya 2 years he is making his money but in terms of getting one more contract out there is gonna be not easy doable but not what he wanted for sure.


For the record i love Dawson glad he's staying but also as a fan i can see the other side of the coin in his situation.


We screwed him by making one of the 5 highest paid kickers in the NFL? Really? I'd be doing cartwheels in the same situation- plus he gets a 10% raise over last year. Go ask your boss for a 10% raise and see how that one works out.


BTW, with a realistic extension- Dawson would have gotten a front- loaded contract- maybe that's what he wanted- but I doubt they Browns would have guaranteed anything after the first year.

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We screwed him by making one of the 5 highest paid kickers in the NFL? Really? I'd be doing cartwheels in the same situation- plus he gets a 10% raise over last year. Go ask your boss for a 10% raise and see how that one works out.


BTW, with a realistic extension- Dawson would have gotten a front- loaded contract- maybe that's what he wanted- but I doubt they Browns would have guaranteed anything after the first year.



You really think a raise in money makes a player who don't want to be on their team anymore happy?


Your only thinking about the money part of it how bout what he wanted to do with his career (For the most part) and i am sure for the past two seasons now it wasn't staying in Cleveland.

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You really think a raise in money makes a player who don't want to be on their team anymore happy?


Your only thinking about the money part of it how bout what he wanted to do with his career (For the most part) and i am sure for the past two seasons now it wasn't staying in Cleveland.


Cry me a rive Phil. Dawson is 37 years old- which means realistically, he's got 3 years left in his career. He's going to make $3.8 million this year, made over $3 million last. IF, and big IF what you're proposing is true- who in the hell in their right mind wouldn't take that kind of money in a town they don't particularly like (10X more than they could make doing anything else) retire at 40 and live quite comfortably in any town in the world they wanted to?


And if it isn't "all about the money" then hell- do us a favor and just retire now. You've already collected $10 million+ off of the Browns. Without naming names, I have a pretty good contact with a guy who's a marginal special teamer currently on an NFL roster- he's been careful with his money, and plans on retiring @ 30. So don't tell me it can't be done.

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We screwed him by making one of the 5 highest paid kickers in the NFL? Really? I'd be doing cartwheels in the same situation- plus he gets a 10% raise over last year. Go ask your boss for a 10% raise and see how that one works out.

Beat me to the point... again... B):mad:


I will say ... we seem to be overpaying him by franchising him every year.

Bottom line question: Is Phil still a top five kicker?


He tied for 17th in FGM with 24.

Also T-17 in FGA with 29.

Also T-17 in FG% at 17 (20 FGA's or more).


Not sterling to say the least...


But in Distance kicking he was:

T-3 between 40-49 with 7 of 8.

#2 between 40-49 with 7 of 8.


So at least from a distance he's not overpaid. And I have a feeling his distance kicking is going to be sorely needed for at least one more year.


As for Dawson's happiness being an issue... could be, but I doubt it. Sure he's probably put off with the FO by not getting a deal, but everything I've seen says he's a teammate on the field. So when he trots out for that 51 yarder to beat PTG with 0:02 left on the clock, I'm confident the FO is the furthest thing from his mind.

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Beat me to the point... again... B):mad:



Bottom line question: Is Phil still a top five kicker?


He tied for 17th in FGM with 24.

Also T-17 in FGA with 29.

Also T-17 in FG% at 17 (20 FGA's or more).


Not sterling to say the least...


As for Dawson's happiness being an issue... could be, but I doubt it. Sure he's probably put off with the FO by not getting a deal, but everything I've seen says he's a teammate on the field. So when he trots out for that 51 yarder to beat PTG with 0:02 left on the clock, I'm confident the FO is the furthest thing from his mind.


I'll cut Phil a break- if you toss out the two worm burners Pontbriand offered up, he goes up to a tie for 6th in % not bad.

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When Phil sold his House in westlake last year i bet he was thinking to himself he was gonna get two franchise tags. The only way i think its comparable is if we tag him again next year and he gets the 4.3 million as the kicker and then its not all sour grapes i guess.

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I cant think of any other player that the browns have that is worthy of the tag and its hefty payday, through the years dawson has been the only dependable point producer the browns have had..

A 3-5 year contract would have been more ideal so as to assure phil can retire as a brown..

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