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Obamao Doesn't Care If Whites Are Killed. Only If Blacks Are Killed Or Murdered.


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So, dispute away. But read this first: Obamao has run his big, corrupt, racist mouth without regard to the facts.


Twice on the national stage.


But, a black hoodlum murders two white people? Obamao couldn't care less.


Like he and holder couldn't care less about the New Black Panthers intimidating voters, while holding nightsticks...


Like a lot of things about him. He's a dirtbag.



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I thought you didn't like needed people that wanted the govt. to do everything for them?



Are we really now expecting the President to personally console the family of every murder victim?


You also must have missed my code in the other thread but nothing from that article gave me the indication that this was a hate crime, which I'm guessing is what you were getting at.


And why are these families so concerned with politicizing this tragedy of theirs? I would think they would want to deal with it privately and try to move on not use it as an opportunity to attack the president.


Maybe the president shouldn't have gotten involved, but I am not really sure of everything he said. I think though he was just trying to make the point that there is still some racial inequality and prejudices in America. These two men (to my knowledge) were not shot because of their skin color, it appears Martin may have been. Shedding a light on the fact there are still racial inequalities in America does not mean you are racist again white people...

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Is it ok to listen to Obama react as if Trayvon Martin "could be his own son" while disregarding the "whole" case? Waiting until the evidence is compiled, not have JJackson and Sharpton incite anger, let the "new black panthers" place a bounty on Zimmerman without as much as a rebuke? This is like giving them the nod! You want to let the masses start a race riot? Way to go President Obama for ONCE again failing to act as a leader....:angry:

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Is it ok to listen to Obama react as if Trayvon Martin "could be his own son" while disregarding the "whole" case? Waiting until the evidence is compiled, not have JJackson and Sharpton incite anger, let the "new black panthers" place a bounty on Zimmerman without as much as a rebuke? This is like giving them the nod! You want to let the masses start a race riot? Way to go President Obama for ONCE again failing to act as a leader....:angry:


Nothing you just said was a stretch

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I didn't say they called for it. They just seem to be a little too excited by the idea judging by how often it gets mentioned in here. Which is funny to me, because no one in my sphere would think about this type of thing at all. They see racial tensions brought on by events like the Martin case, or the Rodney King case, or even the Henry Louis Gates case, but they don't imagine it will lead to things like race wars. That never crosses anyone's mind.


Point being, people who live on the margins and are generally self-segregated think racial issues are much more contentious than they actually are for the majority of Americans. I'm talking about people like Bunker and Cal, and people like the New Black Panthers. For these people it's tribal, and they can't even imagine how blacks and whites would integrate and get along or work alongside each other every day because they generally have no experience with it.


They're also usually harboring lots of racist sentiment of their own, and imagine everyone else must feel this way too.

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But again, heck, you say about others, what you probably are yourself.


I'm just listening to your heroes, like Jesse jackson, and jeremiah wright. And sharpton.


and ayers. and Obamao. and Holder. and Shiela Jones whatever her name is.and probably, all sorts of your friends who I don't know.


You're a dirtbag for supporting them, Heck. You are a sold out American, with no regard for yourself,


or anybody elsek, I'm thinkin..


But do have fun trying to bait me into going ballistic and saying really bad stuff so you can get me


kicked off the board.


A lot of losers like you have tried, and all of you have cried. It won't work. Actually, it's only because I


have a huge sense of comedy, that I lower my discourse to simply teach you a lesson.


Slime doesn't pay. Although, if I understand correctly, you work for, and are paid by, slime in the form of


liberal marxists. Or something. You've always been such a cowardly lie-in to talk about yourself much.


You must be made of some pretty nasty stuff, I guess.


But seriously, you should know that the NEICE of MARTIN LUTHER KING has the same opinion about sharpton and


jackson on this Florida shooting bs they are pulling. Go look it up, ignoramus - and don't come back here and just


change the subject again. Tell us about how you found out I was correct, and his NEICE is correct,


and how you really need to get some counseling for whatever ails you.


Gosh, I figure you think she's also a racist, too?


Dang, you are on the wrong side every time.

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Heck always has a little attack animal to protect his ego. Shep was his llama. mz the pussy the pussy was his little dumb mongoose.

And you are his little attack woodpecker.


But it isn't about personal attacks. the thread is about Obamao. Twice he has openly sided

with on the side of blacks, before the facts were in. The last time, you would have thought he'd

stop it.


But he came right out and did it again. That apparently means he intends to keep doing it.

Or, he is mentally unbalanced and can't help it.r, he IS a racist revolutionary of sorts.


So, stop changing the subject, as usual Woodpecker. Explain Obamao in your own terms.

Go for it. Talk about Obamao and what he is doing. Explain it even if you have to find

some street person to help you with your feelings about obamao. Really.



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Heck always has a little attack animal to protect his ego. Shep was his llama. mz the pussy the pussy the pussy was his little dumb mongoose.

And you are his little attack woodpecker.


But it isn't about personal attacks. the thread is about Obamao. Twice he has openly sided

with on the side of blacks, before the facts were in. The last time, you would have thought he'd

stop it.


But he came right out and did it again. That apparently means he intends to keep doing it.

Or, he is mentally unbalanced and can't help it.r, he IS a racist revolutionary of sorts.


So, stop changing the subject, as usual Woodpecker. Explain Obamao in your own terms.

Go for it. Talk about Obamao and what he is doing. Explain it even if you have to find

some street person to help you with your feelings about obamao. Really.


I'm pretty sure I did


you really are everything that is wrong with politics rolled into one man

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I didn't say they called for it. They just seem to be a little too excited by the idea judging by how often it gets mentioned in here. Which is funny to me, because no one in my sphere would think about this type of thing at all. They see racial tensions brought on by events like the Martin case, or the Rodney King case, or even the Henry Louis Gates case, but they don't imagine it will lead to things like race wars. That never crosses anyone's mind.


Point being, people who live on the margins and are generally self-segregated think racial issues are much more contentious than they actually are for the majority of Americans. I'm talking about people like Bunker and Cal, and people like the New Black Panthers. For these people it's tribal, and they can't even imagine how blacks and whites would integrate and get along or work alongside each other every day because they generally have no experience with it.


They're also usually harboring lots of racist sentiment of their own, and imagine everyone else must feel this way too.





No, you said they pined, which is hoping for....in this context hoping for and calling for are pretty much the same.




But to be fair, I don't think he doesn't care when a white gets killed by a black.




I do think he doesn't protest in public so he maintains the black vote. If he doesn't get nearly every one of them bused in for weeks to cast a vote, he won't win because he knows whatever margin he won by last time, it will be closer this go around.

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So, dispute away. But read this first: Obamao has run his big, corrupt, racist mouth without regard to the facts.


Twice on the national stage.


But, a black hoodlum murders two white people? Obamao couldn't care less.


Like he and holder couldn't care less about the New Black Panthers intimidating voters, while holding nightsticks...


Like a lot of things about him. He's a dirtbag.




The trevor martin case was clearly a result of racial profiling. The murder of these two people was described by the same news source as:-


"The person who has been accused in this case is not some sophisticated criminal who is a mastermind," he said.

"He is a person who lives in the neighbourhood where the crime occurred and literally they walked from the Gator Club to his neighbourhood, which is how the two came to interact.

"They were probably trying to do a robbery and, as a result of not being good at doing a robbery, this happened.

"He didn't have to track them or lure them there because either one of them would be far more intelligent than our suspect."

Despite the bad press surrounding The Courts, Mr Sutton said its residents were key to solving the case.

"What they really walked into was a low-income residential neighbourhood, and what I have to say about that neighbourhood was if it was not for information provided by people who lived there, the case would not have been solved.

"The arrest was made because neighbours came forward and testified against one of their own neighbours."

Despite speculation over a gang link to the double murder, Mr Sutton said although there are some gangs in Sarasota, there was no known link to this case.

More tragically, he said it was a case of Mr Cooper and Mr Kouzaris being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Tragic incidents like this homicide can happen anywhere," he said.

"Once they happen, the only thing you can do is investigate it and try to bring justice to the families, that is what we have been trying to do."


Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9172811/Sarasota-murders-double-murder-was-a-crime-of-blunder.html


Bottom line: If those two people were latinos or asians or blacks then the same result would have occurred. Also the person who killed them is getting a life sentence with no parole and potentially death penalty. The man who killed Martin was not even convicted initially. Sorry buddy, One reakes of racism while the other reaks of robbery. Different motives. Considering that no politician in the US said anything about this, I think Obama's approach is more in like with both the GOP and the democrats.

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It really is funny to think that our disagreement with the way Obama handles his job as POTUS- is racist in tone and scope. And to think that if we all walk on eggshells with this guy, he will reward those who do his bidding. In the case of the white on black murder (hispanic-black) - there are more black on black crimes on record. AND more black on white crimes. http://www.examiner....lation-formulas



To think that this effort of our "campaigner in chief" is persuing - to save the black vote is totally ridiculous! and will be exposed. It is only you blind eye liberals who voted for him in 08 with no other reason than to state "Im not a racist!" can still RIGHT your wrong by voting for the alternative republican candidate (whoever that will be) . Then you too can be counted among the bravest and non racist group in America. !!!! HAHA :lol:

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It really is funny to think that our disagreement with the way Obama handles his job as POTUS- is racist in tone and scope. And to think that if we all walk on eggshells with this guy, he will reward those who do his bidding. In the case of the white on black murder (hispanic-black) - there are more black on black crimes on record. AND more black on white crimes. http://www.examiner....lation-formulas



To think that this effort of our "campaigner in chief" is persuing - to save the black vote is totally ridiculous! and will be exposed. It is only you blind eye liberals who voted for him in 08 with no other reason than to state "Im not a racist!" can still RIGHT your wrong by voting for the alternative republican candidate (whoever that will be) . Then you too can be counted among the bravest and non racist group in America.


Are you Retarded?


Do you really think the only reason any white person voted for Obama was to prove he/she wasn't racist?


You don't think they could have disagreed with the Rep candidates policies? Or thought that Palin as a potential president was scary as hell?


And you really think those people now will vote for the Rep candidate? Especially with that fantastic field they have out there right now.... I think Obama is going to win again by default

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I believe those who have various levels and kinds of impediments to learning don't need to be slurred on this forum.


Just because somebody doesn't agree with a liberal hater, the lib haters bring out all sorts of labels that they consider


derogatory. It's just another way for arrogant, very sad, hateful people to denigrate and try to undermine opinions the libs do not have,


and the people who disagree with them.


It's a sick mentality - like the Soviets - or the Communist Chinese... they all do it.


You disagree with them, and they put you in the slammer for violating their attempts to control everything.


Here, with libs, they just bring out epithets just to protect their misplaced egos.


have them...

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