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Trade Joe Thomas?


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Here is a scenario nobody has talked about. If Kalil is there at 4 we take him, then we trade Joe Thomas for atleast two first rounders. Anyone on-board with this?


FUCK NO! You must be out your goddammed mind!

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Even posting it is stupid, chocfullanuts.


Choco translation:


"well, like, I'm not endorsing this idea, but like, you know, what if the Browns found

some aliens from outer space, you know, like Krypton, and they were like, um...

oh yeah, Superman, and they had like all these super powers and stuff, and then the Browns

could just like, eh....it would be so cool man, maybe, that the Browns could trade all their

players and coaches for entire future drafts, and like they would win the superbowl, and

the supermen would win every game, and then we wouldn't need to worry about who to

draft this year and......and we'd never be upset that we ever lost a game, man, and then....... " :angry:

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cracker jack school of anything football.


did you come up with this stupid shit on your own?


you are (ok HB not using the R word) autistic.


I would have went with Mentally Handicapped. Autistic implies that he is more socially awkward than anything.


I honestly giggled as soon as I read this title. Why would you trade one of the top two best LT in football (I'm not going to get in the conversation of whether or not he is better than Long) for a guy that is 1: not a sure thing and 2: only being touted but people as possibly being a top 5-10 LT in football. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.

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Here is a scenario nobody has talked about. If Kalil is there at 4 we take him, then we trade Joe Thomas for atleast two first rounders. Anyone on-board with this?


Notwithstanding the shit you are deservedly receiving for making this post, I would do it the other way around: trade Kalil for 2 first rounders. But who has 2 first rounders to give? Only Cinci with #17 and #21 and New England with #27 and #31 have two to trade, and I don't think the Browns would be willing to go back that far. Even if they were, they aren't making a trade with Cinci, no way.

And no one, fans or Browns FO, want to defer to picking up a first rounder in a future draft. We no longer have patience for that (though Holmgren might)

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But who has 2 first rounders to give? Only Cinci with #17 and #21 and New England with #27 and #31 have two to trade, and I don't think the Browns would be willing to go back that far. Even if they were, they aren't making a trade with Cinci, no way.)


Thats the major flaw, who could we trade with that would give us proper value? If a single team held the 5 and 6 pick overall, desperately needed a LT, and Kalil was guaranteed to be there at 4 then we would at least have to take a look at it. Even if this hypothetical situation existed I would still like a future 1st rounder as well. Thomas is arguably the best LT in the game and LT is a bit of an important position.

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Ghoulie... you ignorant slut...



Here is a scenario nobody has talked about.

There's probably a reason nobody is talking about it...


... and if Kalil is there at #4 our phone will be ringing off of the hook... No need to draft him.

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Actually, this is not a stupid post at all. Nobody would give two first round picks for Joe Thomas and I think even one fisrt rounder would be a stretch.


Thomas could be used to push our #22 pick up to 5 should the Browns want to have a STELLAR draft and take Richardson with #4 and Blackmon with #5.


We could take A LT in one of the later rounds.


Yes, I get your theory....get the skill positions. Only problem: NFL GMs value LTs as much as they do WRs and RB, probably more than RBs the way offenses are going. And also if you obtain those skill players you have to have someone to block for them. Your theory that OL can just be plugged in was disproven when Cody Risien retired. Also, we do have a know Pro Bowl, maybe Hall of Fame talent that we know about....and you are asking us to trade it perhaps the next Ki-Jana Carter and Charles Rogers.

If you could double damn guarantee that Blackmon will be the next Andre Johnson and Richardson the next LaDanian Tomlinson, it might be worth it. But you cannot guarantee a thing.

We will get one of those guys at 6 I suspect...and hopefully we will get the equal of the other at the #22 spot. And we will keep JT where he is.


Here is the deal, guys. Joe Thomas has not in any way shape or form improved the Cleveland Browns football team. In terms of wins and losses, if we didn't have Joe Thomas, our record would be the same as it is now.


Our record right now is 0-0. But it could be worse than last year's without him.


Considering Joe Thomas is in what, his 8th year? I would be willing to be you that HIS injury dart is not far from hitting him,in addition we aren't bringing in a new QB, so there really is nothing that needs his "super protection".


I think he is actually just going into his 6th year. He is still quite young for a OT


And I question how good he is anyway. He sure didn't do anything to keep James Harrison from making Colt McCoy his bitch.


You obviously didn't see the play. Colt ran out of the pocket.


By the time the Browns DO bring in a quality Qb, JOe Thomas's career will have mostly been spent protecting shit.


So yeah, if you are samrt owner, THIS IS THE TIME to shop Joe Thomas. The good year he has left won't ever benefit us and besides that point, Offensive Linemen are a dime-a-dozen. We can fill JT's shoes in rounds 6 or 7.


How much do you think the Browns Board could get if we traded you to say, the Steelers Board? Maybe a 2 for 1 deal? We give them you to become a Steeler fan, and we take Endymion and Homotron off their hands to become Browns fans? Deal?

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How much do you think the Browns Board could get if we traded you to say, the Steelers Board? Maybe a 2 for 1 deal? We give them you to become a Steeler fan, and we take Endymion and Homotron off their hands to become Browns fans? Deal?


he already is a steeler fan.

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Shit! YOU people overreact WAY too much! Its a wonder why the sports nation thinks CLEVELAND sports fans are a bunch of ASSHOLES!!! Its because of YOU!! Thats the fuckin truth if you want to believe it or not!


If you notice, it was a thought. I never endorsed it. I'm glad I don't post here often. Bunch of shitters! Steeler fans...your welcome to agree with me even though i'm a die-hard Browns fan.


I'm ready for the unsophisticated typical Browns fan name calling. Give it to me!!! I'll just be laughing at you!

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Shit! YOU people overreact WAY too much! Its a wonder why the sports nation thinks CLEVELAND sports fans are a bunch of ASSHOLES!!! Its because of YOU!! Thats the fuckin truth if you want to believe it or not!


If you notice, it was a thought. I never endorsed it. I'm glad I don't post here often. Bunch of shitters! Steeler fans...your welcome to agree with me even though i'm a die-hard Browns fan.


I'm ready for the unsophisticated typical Browns fan name calling. Give it to me!!! I'll just be laughing at you!


Ya I'm glad you don't post here often either.

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Shit! YOU people overreact WAY too much! Its a wonder why the sports nation thinks CLEVELAND sports fans are a bunch of ASSHOLES!!! Its because of YOU!! Thats the fuckin truth if you want to believe it or not!


If you notice, it was a thought. I never endorsed it. I'm glad I don't post here often. Bunch of shitters! Steeler fans...your welcome to agree with me even though i'm a die-hard Browns fan.


I'm ready for the unsophisticated typical Browns fan name calling. Give it to me!!! I'll just be laughing at you!



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