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Itt: Steve And Woody Are Moderates


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Steve is an independent/moderate. Smart thinker. Funny.


Woodpecker does not think. He emotes, and avoids intelligent discussion most all the time,

is ignorant, never amusing, immature, .... and licks his own toes.


You think they are the same. :rolleyes:



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I think I am a moderate.


Well I'm definitely an independent. I just base my view on political matters on common sense, facts, science, etc etc. If that happens to put me at a conservative stance, so be it. If its liberal, so be it.


All I know is I won't blindly decide where I stand based on where my party stands or where other conservatives like me or liberals like me stand. That's stupid.


Overall, if you took me stance on everything and evened it out, I'd probably be leaning liberal. But when the base of one side is religion, I'm obviously going to choose that side less on average




Oh, and when I first saw this thread title I thought it said I was a moderator

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>> when did they rewrite the definition of moderate as being a independent, should i say some guys claiming to be independent thinkers are full of it. they are about as middle of the road as driving in the left lane.>>



I believe we are mixing apples and oranges.


Independant = not regestered as part of a particular Party.


Moderate = in most part, middle-of-the-road or not polarized on positions.


The two, although there are certainly touch points and cross over locations, can remain parallel.

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woodpecker, that is about the stupidest post I've ever read on this board.


Except for some of Heck's and Vapor's cya attempts.



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I gotta side with woody here.

As I said I consider myself a moderate with the caveat that I mean on balance.

I may tend to think that obama is a blow hard, an empty suit and political hack but I don't think he's the second coming of pol pot.

I'm not religious but I try to see the other side and to understand that some people are.

Sure I think there is climate change, but I don't think the hyper ventilation from the left is going to change it, even if it is a dire threat. ( Which I don't think it probably is)

I don't particularly love war but it's a fact of life.

I'd rather there be some kind of profit for the u s a if we're going to fight one.

I can see legalizing most recreational drugs. But I'm not dumb enough to think that taxing them will solve many problems.

And so on...


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Steve, you are wrong.


Because if woody was a man, and had brown hair, he would be ...right.




That's enough to warp his brain if it isn't already warped.


Steve, you think, and you are honest. Woodpecker just "feels". and his feelings change with


the wind, as it suits him..

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Well sir, I think that's true for all of us.

I suppose we can use different definitions as to the meaning of moderate but we're all pretty emotional.

Still, I haven't really heard too many of woody's opinions on any of the matters we have discussed. I understand he's very proud of his accomplishments in school and has a tendency to sneer at the knowledge that age and experience brings.

I can't really remember too many other positions he's taken.


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It's his refusal to criticize what deserves to be criticized.... and/or, his changing of the subject


of anything critical of Obamao.


And, it's his constant personal slurs against any conservative on the board.


I think woody, Heck and Vapor are roommates of the worst kind....

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Well sir, I think that's true for all of us.

I suppose we can use different definitions as to the meaning of moderate but we're all pretty emotional.

Still, I haven't really heard too many of woody's opinions on any of the matters we have discussed. I understand he's very proud of his accomplishments in school and has a tendency to sneer at the knowledge that age and experience brings.

I can't really remember too many other positions he's taken.



I'm not sure what point I'm supposed to make when most threads are about Obama being an evil communist Marxist terrorist...


Generally all I can say is that's stupid, because, well it's stupid

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How is it stupid, Woody?


Seriously. Obamao taught classes on Saul Alinski.


He wrote his book - "Dreams from my father"...


his father was a communist radical.


He SAID his favorite professors were socialist ones.


He HAD van jones as part of his admin - Van Jones admitted he was

communist, at least at one time......:rolleyes:


He told the occupiers that they were the reason he ran for president.


He has been making Chavez moves here in our own country. Investigate it.


He has little respect for our Constitution- look in up on youtube.


He has little respect for our Supreme Court and our Congress.


What DOES that sound like to you, then? Woodrow Wilson, perhaps?



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