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The Avengers Review Wss

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The Avengers



PG 13 142 min

I think I need to preface every Marvel film review with the disclaimer that I was always a DC fan growing up. Just about all I have to go on with the Marvel guys is whether or not I liked the movie. For example while I loved the X MEN series I heard from some of the fans of the original comics that the liberties taken with the characters made the films unpalatable to them. I know it pisses me off if Lex Luthor wears a wig. I believe that the X MEN were based on DCs legion of super heroes and it's even more apparent that this series, THE AVENGERS, is a recreation of THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA. In the Marvel incarnation the heroes who have banded together to save the world on many occasions include Thor, the Hulk, Hawkeye, Captain America, Iron Man and some woman called Black Widow.

Each of these super folks could be expected to perform great tasks on their own but now the entire planet earth faces a life and death situation as Loki and his evil Norse minions, like so many other super villains before him launch and attack in order to rule the world. To me that seems more of a pain in my ass than I care to attain but to each his own.

Remember that glowing blue cube from the THOR film? Well apparently it has opened up a rift between Asgaard and earth and Loki and his goons will be pouring through soon. It’s up to Nick Fury to assemble a team to combat these dastardly deities.

So do you first third of the film is the “Hey were getting the band back together!" portion of the show. This group of super people who don't partake really like each other have to be convinced to team up.

Unfortunately that's about as entertaining as it gets. The next couple hours our little more than battle scenes and blowing shit up.

As you know I get bored quickly with noise and explosions and at almost 2 and half hours it was a long afternoon. The interest does pick up slightly about two thirds of the way and as the team faces the fact that they must lay aside their differences and work as a unit. But of course then it's back to the noise and more average FX at least by today's standards.

I guess if you are a fan of non-stop action this might appeal more to you. Also if you were a purist Josh, the young man who sat behind me told me that it conformed better to his idea of the original characters that many past attempts. He seemed to know just about everything concerning these comics so my hats off to him. As for myself, I just don't think it worked as well as it could have as a motion picture.

But I am glad I heeded Joshua's advice and stayed to the end of the credits.

Here's a tip, it's worth the extra couple minutes.



Email westwsidesteve@aol.com

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Taking my son to the drive in tonight to see this. Hope its good.


*edit* it was pretty good and Cleveland was noticible, but I felt it failed to live up to its source material (the ultimates) it was slightly better overall than most of the comic book movies. I'm tired if seeing gluts of cgi blue energy flying everywhere. In these movies' bids to make the biggest grandest fight scenes I feel like they've become extremely generic.

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