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Benefits Of Political Polling?

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This is something sacreligious to come out of the mouth of a former researcher but I believe the negative impact of political polling has overtaken any benefits it provides to the general public - if any.


I see how polling for certain canditates / certain policies can have positive impact - at least for the individual candidate and staff.


I believe, however, polling - on a national level (probably State too) - can discourage people from voting and, ultimately, shape the results.


There is no denying projections based on faulty data helped overturn the apple care the evening of the Bush/Gore contest.


Despite all other more commonly cited negatives about that race, I truly believe the projection might have discouraged voters from oging to the polls in the Panhandle area that is one hour behing the Eastern part of the state.


I don't want to get all tangled up with Bush/Gore - I do believe, however, that is a good example of how polling - to me - provides a disservice.


Thought or opinions?


PS Who cares is Obama leads Romney x% to y% at this point? To the general public, this is truly immaterial except that it might skew voting turnout, etc.

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polls are just tiny little indicators - not necessarily valid.


It seems they are influencial in nature - it would seem logical that they do indeed


possibly influence peoples' opinions. Some people tend to want to vote for the winner


of a poll. It's also quite possible that polls can be self-fullfilling "prophecies" in a way.

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to me voting is a private matter, only between me , myself and probably my wife. If anyone asks me directly in a conducted poll, (never have been) I would refuse to answer, solely on the basis of my right to privacy. Besides how do I know the manner in which my answers would be taken (even if they are disclosed) and not out of context. So finally the product of the poll results can influence any targeted group.. I dont believe them.

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