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Snow White And The Huntsman Review

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Snow White and the Huntsman


PG 13 127 min


Well as we know Hollywood rarely does anything in a vacuum. There are often more than one project based on a certain subject that will be released in a short time span. This time it’s two versions of the Snow White fable.

Each of which ironically starring one of my two least favorite actresses of all time. Actually to be fair Julia Roberts is not all that terrible, just stunningly mediocre. She began to annoy me by becoming America's favorite actress for a period of time despite her limited capability. You know, like that song that you didn't really hate that much until you had to hear it a million times. Kristen Stewart, on the other hand, is probably the heir apparent of my disdain. Unlike Roberts, who just got too much notice for what she brought to the table, this mouth breather was actually the weakest of an already bad cast in one of the worst films in recent memory namely THE TWILIGHT SAGA.

She's landed the title role here probably because of the success of that turkey and also to serve as a drawing card for teenage girls.

Just to be fair, recall that I thought Julia Roberts was just fine in the other Snow movie. And here I admit Stewart's lack of skill isn't really a big distraction. Here she serves mostly as a prop while most of the acting and dialogue goes to other key actors. Charlize Theron is just about as wicked as one could find in the role of the stepmother queen.

Equally despicable is the queens subservient but vicious brother.

As you will recall the wicked queen is obsessed by the idea that she must remain the fairest of them all. After she gains power over the kingdom by murdering her husband the king the land itself begins to wither under her evil spells.

According to prophesy ( and there's always plenty of prophecy in fairy tales) the queen can only retain everlasting beauty and power by kil devouring the heart of the girl who is the chosen one, namely Snow White.

After many years imprisoned in the castle tower snow escapes to a cursed section of the forest where none but the brave list for most fool hardy will venture. That person will be the huntsman (THOR’s Chris Hemsworth), now an embittered drunk with nothing to lose. The queen deceives him into tracking Snow through those blighted woods. Soon enough he will learn of the deception and the battle is on! Snow, the huntsman, a band of exiles and seven little guys rise up against the darkness of the throne!

While the Roberts snow white was more of an action comedy, this one is a dark action adventure. It’s pretty well paced and more violent than you might guess for a PG 13. The production looks great and the FX are impressive but not overdone.

And best of all Kristen Stewart isn’t asked to emote above her pay scale.



Email westsidesteve@aol.com

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