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Small, Leftist Minority Tryanny [ Put And End To Enda


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Attack on America -


Today, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is slated for a hearing by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee.


The congressional witness deck is stacked by radical pro-homosexual activists who believe that sexual orientation, gender “identity,” and/or lifestyle choices should be elevated to the same “protected class” status as race, creed, color, or national origin.


This radical bill would also grant cross-dressers and transsexuals the status of being in a protected class – actually a place of preference over other Americans.


Only one of the five scheduled witnesses in today’s hearing opposes the passage of ENDA!


This is another frightening pro-homosexual initiative passing through Congress that is a direct threat to people of faith and proponents of natural marriage. In short, ENDA is an anti-free speech, anti-religious freedom, and anti-business bill.


++End ENDA now!


As you may know, Liberty Counsel is conducting a massive legal and citizen action campaign to fight passage of ENDA.


Our aggressive petition campaign calls for Congress to OPPOSE ENDA and stop this travesty from becoming the law of the land.


Unlike the healthcare “reform” fiasco and then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s infamous comment that we must “pass it to know what’s in it,” we know exactly what ENDA will do.


ENDA will force Christians and people of faith to accept and promote homosexuality, cross-dressing, and other sexually deviant lifestyles. Men will be able to demand to use women’s restrooms or dress in drag!


ENDA will cause employers and employees to choose between adhering to their conscience and religious convictions or shutting down their business or working somewhere else. It would have an unbelievable collision with religious liberty!


Simply put, ENDA is one of the most dangerous pieces of anti-faith, anti-family legislation to ever come before Congress!


If you haven’t already done so, please sign our petition calling for Congress to oppose ENDA. PLEASE do this immediately so that we can deliver these petitions to Congress before the expected full committee vote.


Go here to sign our petition opposing ENDA:




As an example of further ENDA intrusion, every school system would be forbidden by law to prevent anyone from displaying open homosexuality or transsexuality - or face severe discrimination charges.


Liberty Counsel continues to vigorously defend Americans from attacks on our families, marriages, and faith. We do this through legal action and exercising our right to appeal to elected and appointed officials. That is why we are asking for your immediate support.


With extremists pressing harder, we must counter this activism NOW by telling our legislators that the vast majority of Americans oppose these pro-homosexual “mandates.”


++Exercise your rights while you still have them!


.. with the many pressing issues facing our country, it is astounding that Senator Harry Reid and the Democrat-controlled Senate would waste their time pushing a radical and destructive ideology.


But there is no doubt that President Obama is using his “bully pulpit” to promote a radical homosexual agenda by pandering to the homosexual community during this election year.


Once again, it is abundantly clear that our religious freedoms are being severely threatened. The implications of ENDA are both outrageous and shocking!


We simply must stop ENDA in Congress NOW!


I am calling on all Liberty Counsel team members to demand that our elected officials oppose ENDA. I urge you to, first, sign our petition. Then, forward this message to 10-20 of your like-minded friends. This message will be welcomed by anyone who is pro-faith and pro-family.




Thank you again for standing with Liberty Counsel in our efforts to prevent ENDA from becoming the law of the land. We must not allow this dangerous legislation to put Christians upholding their Biblical values on the wrong side of the law!


God bless you,


Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. ENDA is a very destructive piece of legislation. It will force school systems to hire transsexuals. It will also force employers who hold to a religious tenet to hire people whose lifestyles run counter to their own, thus destroying the workplace environment those employers have carefully created. And those are just two of the many unacceptable effects we will suffer if ENDA becomes the law of the land! Please, go here now to sign our petition opposing ENDA:





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demanding that perversion be considered mainstream and the equivalent of the opposite...




and sick.



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Mine alone?


nope. In MOST AMERICAN's minds.


Even in CALIFORNIA, they pass that law.


It just was struck down by a judge -


tyranny of one special interest judge.

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I'm pretty sure that's not true




that's from my phone so it might take you to a mobile site.


Luckily when something comes around that makes good sense and is backed by science, it may not start off as the majority view but it works its way there over time. (round earth, evolution, pretty much the opposite of anything the church believed at one point, etc.)

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they have tried to impose this commi queer shit on families and churches for to long now. this is how commi's destroy america by destroying the family. dumbass woodpecker continues on as a useful idiot.


Well get used to it. You're views are fading fast and soon most of those that think that way will be dead.


I'm still amazed you're a father though...

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