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Supremes And Health Care

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Tupa, would love to hear your thoughts on the ACA case, whether you buy the "inactivity" argument, what you think they'll decide, etc.


My feeling, based on the arguments just like everyone else, is that the mandate goes down 5-4 and that the "severability" issue goes 6-3 for keeping parts of the bill, with Roberts and Kennedy joining the liberals. That seemed to be the way Roberts was going during arguments - suspicious of the government's lack of a limiting principle, but also didn't seem to be buying Clement's argument for tossing the whole thing. But who knows? Maybe Roberts creates a limiting principle.

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Tupa, would love to hear your thoughts on the ACA case, whether you buy the "inactivity" argument, what you think they'll decide, etc.


My feeling, based on the arguments just like everyone else, is that the mandate goes down 5-4 and that the "severability" issue goes 6-3 for keeping parts of the bill, with Roberts and Kennedy joining the liberals. That seemed to be the way Roberts was going during arguments - suspicious of the government's lack of a limiting principle, but also didn't seem to be buying Clement's argument for tossing the whole thing. But who knows? Maybe Roberts creates a limiting principle.

I think there is a good argument to be made that the mandate is unconstitutional. I think the specific arguments made in court are painfully crafted to suit the absurd maze of precedent that the Justices mostly pretend to be controlled by.


I agree with your guess on the 5-4, 6-3.

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Heck is cya'ing again.


Earlier, he dissed my saying that the hc bill is unconstitutional.


Now, he's softened that a ton.


Congrats. Join the rest of us in reality land more often.

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Old Dutch. I collect old dutch memorabilia because it was the first beer I ever purchased in a bar.

it was, as I recall later on in my twenty's and thirty's, a really really cheap beer.

But our cheap beer in college was 16 ounce ers of robin hood cream ale in bottles.

There was a watercolor or acrylic or something painting of robin hood pulling back his bow that looked like it was from an eighth grade art class.


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>>Used to drink it as a poor college student. $6 a case. It's awful, but you can do worse.>>


I still buy and drink it, Heck. Big beer on the Cape. Not as big as PBR, but very visible in bars from Falmouth to the end. Go to a bar in - even - Hyaniss and you'll see the bar top covered with with pint cans of Pabst.


'Gansette was no longer being brewed in RI. The name was sold to somebody else and it was being brewed elsewhere.


The guys who started Nantucket Nectar's and later sold to Ocean Spray (?) purchased the name and are building a brewery in the Providence area. Back home.

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Weidemann. Drank it when I was in the Air Force in the early 80's.

A case of Weidemann, a bag of ice, and a pack of Marlboro lights all for under $10. Nasty.

My NCOIC drank Old Milwaukee tall boys. Every time you went to his house he would stick an OM in your hand.




No wonder I turned to liquor.

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Red, White, And Blue. My friend's old Irish Dad used to drink it. I'd never seen it before. I'm not sure I've seen it since.




Yup: Neither Pabst.com nor MillerBrewing.com (Miller has taken over most of Pabst's brewing operations) include the brand on their current rosters, and Red White & Blue Beer is presumed to be out of production. However, a September 16, 2010 article in Business Week ("Keeping Pabst Blue Ribbon Cool") mentioned that the young owners of Pabst are also planning on reviving other "dead" brands they have the rights to, including Red White & Blue Beer.

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