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I imagine cal to be around five eight. And waving the French flag. Much like napoleon. Cysko


Your imagination is wrong. So HAH. you missed me by an inch too short.;)


And, France sucks. It's full of mz the pussy the pussy the pussy's and Little Poopy Johnnie Woodpeckers.


It was back in WWII, even - that's why the nazi's overran France like a chalk line.


Did I mention that the libs screamed "the people have a right to know" , except now they


say the people don't have any right to know?


Yeah, a lot like that.


France did pretty well in the napoleonic wars, where they conquered huge chunks of Europe so they're not all pussies. You can unpack your French flag and fly it with pride next to your rainbow one.

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Good lord kid grow up. I imagine your a little dimwit kid who likes to fuck with "older people". A spoiled little punk. That's what I think junior.


Do you even know which person you're trying to insult at this point? If its me I'm thirty three with two kids. I'm well past the point of "fucking with old people". Get a god damn sense of humor and stop taking yourself so seriously. Or come up with some talking point about holder. Or shut the fuck up. I couldn't honestly care less which one you choose.

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Do you even know which person you're trying to insult at this point? If its me I'm thirty three with two kids. I'm well past the point of "fucking with old people". Get a god damn sense of humor and stop taking yourself so seriously. Or come up with some talking point about holder. Or shut the fuck up. I couldn't honestly care less which one you choose.


I wasn't talking to your dumb ass Cysko. You seem to think your some kind of bad ass. Your laughable. Now shut the fuck up and go to bed.

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I wasn't talking to your dumb ass Cysko. You seem to think your some kind of bad ass. Your laughable. Now shut the fuck up and go to bed.

first off, nice burn. I'm deeply hurt to my roots and I might cry. Who knows? Second off I only ask because you were directly responding to my post. So basically what you're saying is you're a big-man internet bully trying to gang up with cal on some kid? No sir, it seems you are the bad ass.
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Is anyone even attempting to stay on topic here?


By the way, when you're tall, even if your johnson is of average size, it looks smaller.


No ones been on topic for a while now. What's there to say? Dems played the race card with holder. It is what it is. If you've got any thoughts on it feel free to bring this back on track.

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My concern, is that Obamao, Holder and the rest , going stark raving berserk using the race card when


it is completely uncalled for.....


is going to inspire a lot of racial bitterness across the country. When did all this become so accepted?


"I robbed a bank, and killed a guard, but the only reason you are arresting me, is cause I'm black."


I mean, this crap is going to become dangerous in different ways, many parts of the country, I fear.

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