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The Dark Knight Rises Review

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The Dark Knight Rises


Warner Brothers

PG 13 164 min


It certainly seems like every other film in the last couple years has been an adaptation of a comic book hero. Marvel seems to have the edge numbers wise but there is certainly a substantial presence from the DC staples and THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is their latest and certainly most substantial entry. Among all heroes presented in these films over the years I would bet that BATMAN has been the most prolific. That's because the Tim Burton series ( Subsequently by other directors) seemed to drag on forever and got weaker and sillier as the saga went along. Even though I think that Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Michael Keaton did a fine job as the caped crusader the films became parodies of themselves especially with the embarrassing addition of Robin, the boy wonder.

Here in the Christopher Nolan series Robin has no real presence. Personally I'm fine with that. Ever since the television series robin has been something of a joke anyway. Batman was a solo crime fighter from 1937 until 1940 anyway.

This film is the best of all BATMAN films to date and quite possibly the best superhero film of the last few decades.

If you are familiar with Nolanswork, MEMENTO in particular, you'll realize that guy is absolutely brilliant. Fortunately here he doesn't allow that brilliance to make the film above the heads of the audience. In my opinion that was a big problem with his film INCEPTION. It was impossible to figure out what was going on and always left me with the impression that it was crazy for crazy's sake.

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is positively riveting from beginning to end and that's almost three hours! The story written by Nolan and his brother, is intricate and as any superhero science fiction a little convoluted, but certainly accessible and unique.

As Kevin Smith (I wish they’d let him do SUPERMAN) has said in his memoirs one of the things that makes Batman cool is the fact that we can be Batman! He's basically just a really smart human being in excellent shape. He doesn't have any super powers and it bothers me when films give him some. As a matter fact I have 1 tiny tiny little about the whole thing. Oh certainly the batman is still a smart tough human being but in order to make for more of a spectacle It seems like the flying machines are a little bit beyond to stretch of normal everyday travel. But it is a minor point so I look the other way.



This story takes place 8 years after the conclusion of the last film in which Batman, after taking the blame for Harvey Dent, disappears. Dent is allowed to become a larger than life martyr who helped clean up the streets of Gotham City and Batman is considered a criminal in exile. Now there is a new super villain, Bane (Tom Hardy), who has a very different approach to the super villain credo which usually consists of ruling and for destroying the earth.

Oh sure he wants to kill a lot of people but in a truly evil way; wait and see. He’s striking as any super villain must be. Fitted with an iron electronic mash he sounds like a hybrid of Darth Vader and Sean Connery.

Also present in the storyline is the struggle as to whether or not Bruce Wayne will ever put on the cape again. Much like Rocky Balboa he wonders if he can even do the job these days after years of serious injury have taken their toll..

Another thing I like about this film is that even though a second criminal , namely Catwoman, is introduced she adds to the plot rather than to clutter it up as multiple crooks often do.


Now for the cast. Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman are four of the best in the business and Joseph Gordon Levitt (The THIRD ROCK FROM THE SUN kid) has really grown in to a fine actor in his own right.

Great story, great cast and a lot of twists and turns add up to the best of the year so fgr.




Email westsidesteve@aol.com

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Just for the record I never read the graphic novel.

I do know that in order to sweeten the deal Christopher Nolan was allowed to write the story.

So I have no opinion on that.

My complaints when a story separates itself from the legend is when characters behave in a way I don't believe they can or should.

Example, lex luthor wearing a wig.


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Lex Luthor played by Gene Hackman? But how about all the Bruce Willis / Diehard stories that seemed to push the physical realities aside


in the case of an aging cop, to new levels of being indestructible. Nolan goes to the limit of believability with the human Wayne and the incredible


recovery and strength he gains down in the pit. But I can take all that as fantasy to make the story fit and be entertaining. If I can only get those results for all my efforts in the gym -



for my hurting joints! lol :rolleyes:

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Sorry Steve, but I felt this was by far the weakest of the 3 recent Batman entries.

I felt that this "super villain" had absolutely no personality, certainly nothing like Heath Ledger's Joker. I guess the Darth Vader mask had something to do with this. It worked for Darth, not here. All he did was act brutish and want to blow things up. And that accent, when you could figure out what he was saying, was totally wrong for this character.

I also felt that the story was disjointed and just sort of wandering with no direction.


I will note that while I heard that some say they thought Anne Hathaway would be a poor choice as Catwoman, I didn't mind her at all. She seemed to bring the right amount of sex appeal and aloofness to the roll. Though here, again, I thought the story got lost in how to use her. Also, the twist at the end of the story by no means amazed or thrilled me. It was more of an eye-rolling event for me.

Yes, counted me among the disappointed with this.

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Oh well...

But I do agree that Bane was less compelling then either Nicholson's or Ledger's Joker.

Still I thought he brought more to the table than Two Face.

Also I thought his doomsday plot was pretty interesting.


And Hooker Yes, not only Hackman but also Kevin Spacey's Luthor wore a rug.

As to the DIE HARD flicks, I don't mind so much. Fight scenes and gun battles are usually out rageous. And in a professional prize fight 5 or 6 solid blows to the head even with gloves will knock a guy out. Let alone 40 or 50 with bare knuckles. Sometimes just for the hell of it I count the shots from a revolver.

It's just that with super heroes fans are aware of their powers and limitations.


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Well that Tom Hardy's Bane is very strong and bulked up. Too bad that Christian Bale won't play anymore Batman movies in the future. Seems like three is the limit for actors that play super heroes. Like Tobey McGuire in the original Spider Man.

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