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Buttock "stalin" Obamao's Mafia Orders Ice Agents To


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A new voting block. Why, drug cartel agents would make a


fine "civilian security force" for Obamao the Terrible bastigde.


Check this out. We are in for very serious trouble. It's coming.



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That is exactly what's going on, guys. They want to "transform", as in, transform a change in president and Congress every election to...


there is only one election, and you can only vote for Obamao. So they can stay in power.


Seriously - back in history, insane devils of humanity came to power slowly. Like Hitler. Small steps until they


get the power to step on your throat. Then, murder anyone who even dfisagrees verbally, throw large groups of people under the bus,


figuratively and literally, keep inventing excuses for taking away rights, and for the long term, take their kids and bend them to agree to


turn on their parents.


Even back in the early seventies - when Jerry Rubin spoke to the flea bit false protesters at Kent State, and told them they needed to kill their parents....


it was far more dangerous an ideology than just stoned and stupid. Obamao talks, and acts, and has made and tried to make moves... like he has no


intention of his power and those moves stopping. He's violated his oath, violated the law, and has shown that he is pretty much the dangerous opposite


of what many, many Americans thought he was. He's a disgrace to America, and all of us. Yet, to fainting groupies in the Democratic Socialist party...


nothing exists except for their dreams of a marxist savior is real life. Very bad road. Support for Hitler/Obamao is dropping fast. People see his true colors,


very late, but hopefully not too late.

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