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Toxoplasma Gondii


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An estimated 25-50% of people living on earth are infected with this parasite that can live in your brain.


60 million Americans, as much as 90% of the entire population of Brazil,80% of France and Germany are infected.


The parasite alters behavior of rats which is their primary hosts to be attracted to the scent of cat piss.


It is then transferred from cat feces to anything else.


The parasite can alter human personality and behavior.


Creepy shit, I hate disgusting filthy cats even more now.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously, this shit doesn't freak you right the fuck out?


Chances are, and not talking about < 1%... we are talking more like 10-20 out of every 100 people in America alone have a parasite living in their brains altering their behavior and personalities.


Half of the people you know likely have it. No, I'm not freaked out. Lots of things live inside of us, this one isn't terrible.

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