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The Bourne Legacy Review

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The Bourne Legacy


PG 13 135 min

Okay I will admit this: I've never read a single one of the Jason Bourne novels. I haven't even followed the film series so I'm a bit embarrassed to say I'm not sure who the guy is. I am assuming he's an ex spy from one of the really dangerous government organizations known by three initials. I'm also assuming that somewhere over the past years he's run afoul of someone who's pretty damn nefarious.

To all of you fans, is that about right?

I know it's a popular series so feel free to email if the aficionados have a different take, okay?

Without any particular flashback this film opens up in a frigid mountain tableau with a survivalist who I assume is our hero.

From what I can tell he's trying very hard to get to somewhere or away from someone all the while avoiding packs of vicious wolves. Although in excellent physical condition he also seems to be extremely dependent on some medications he's carrying in his pack. This journey will continue for a fair amount of time before pieces start falling into place by means of the aforementioned flashbacks. As the past comes into focus for the audience if not for Bourne himself, we find Edward Norton is in charge of some bad guys. The good thing about this plot so far is that the bad guys are easy to spot; theyre everybody except Bourne and the girl. It appears that he has been part of some undercover team that now needs to be eradicated. If the right people in government find out about the program, well, you know what will hit the fan.

Oh by the way, did I mention he's been infected with some sort of double secret movie virus? Well apparently that's what these medications are for and lucky for him the only doctor he can count on to help save his life is pretty damned hot. I suppose it would have sucked had the romantic interest look like Doctor Phil.

I'm guessing that the Bourne series is made up of mostly action, intrigue films, correct? This one certainly is with nearly 2 hours of nonstop action fighting and chases scenes. Last time mentioned that I like to take accounting of reality in movies. As in a gun battle where the hero fires 40 shots from a smith and Wesson 38, I like to see just how many blows to the head a man can take and still run for hours at full sprint wearing street shoes.

Let's just say that it's a lot. Then again it's fairly entertaining all the way through and sooner or later I feel I had a grip on the character.

I'm not familiar with the Matt Damon version of the character but newcomer or Jeremy Renner seems to do a fine job and fills the bill just right.

This is another above average action adventure even though I knew nothing about the books. If you are and have been a fan of those you might like this better or worse.

Let me know okay?



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