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Democrats -Banning Profits And Ceo Pay


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But some of those dipshits said they belonged to a union so i take it they don't work and only loot money from a corporation.


You amaze me with your blanket hate.

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You amaze me with your blanket hate.

Hi Bob.

as far as we can tell these guys are t and bunker or 1 of them with 2 names.

I don't think either of them has anything to offer the board so I'm guessing it's only bunker.

T was never that much of an abusive idiot.

Still I assume it's only a matter of time before they get booted.


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<br />You amaze me with your blanket hate.<br />
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When are you going to wake up and stop being a puss or is this your life journey? I hate fucking Liberals who try to push their fucking rules on our way of life. You can bend over and keep taking it up the ass if you like.

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Actually, Bob, you amaze me with your blanket approval of unions.


Well Cal, we agree to disagree. I have been President of my Union for 12 years now, and understand the process between management & labor. I also hear the criticisms, and read plenty of them here on this forum.


I recently posted a comment regarding capitalism, and instead of people addressing that, it became a union hate-fest. I was kind of surprised nobody talked about it, because it seems some people in here are intelligent and pretty free-thinking.

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<br /><br /><br />


When are you going to wake up and stop being a puss or is this your life journey? I hate fucking Liberals who try to push their fucking rules on our way of life. You can bend over and keep taking it up the ass if you like.


Lol...far from a Liberal am I.

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<br />Lol...far from a Liberal am I.<br />
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Bob806 don’t listen to Cysko he is on a ton of SSRIs so he is able to cope with all of his paranoia.


So you head up a Union? Question for you then; With 23 million unemployed the Chicago School teachers Union goes on strike? How does that strike ya?


Would you be in agreement that we live in a entitlement age? Where everyone is wanting the tax payer to burden the load for a bunch of freeloaders in our society, whatever happened to self-reliance and freedom of being able to keep what you have earned? Those who take the risks of owning corporations should not be bludgeoned of their abilities to create a profit to pick up for all of these slackers in society.

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<br /><br /><br />


Bob806 don’t listen to Cysko he is on a ton of SSRIs so he is able to cope with all of his paranoia.


So you head up a Union? Question for you then; With 23 million unemployed the Chicago School teachers Union goes on strike? How does that strike ya?

That certainly looks horrible from an outside perspective, but I don't have any info on why they are striking, I haven't been following that. I don't think public employees should be able to strike.


Would you be in agreement that we live in a entitlement age?

Yes, I agree with you there.

Where everyone is wanting the tax payer to burden the load for a bunch of freeloaders in our society, whatever happened to self-reliance and freedom of being able to keep what you have earned? Those who take the risks of owning corporations should not be bludgeoned of their abilities to create a profit to pick up for all of these slackers in society.

Nobody likes freeloaders. Remember one thing though regarding corporations- some of them get tax breaks, such as abatement, and that means the average taxpayer picks up the slack for that corporation's lack of contributions into the pot. That happens here in Cleveland, and suburban Cleveland quite a bit.

I don't have all the answers, I wish I did. If our elected officials quit following their party lines and listen to the economic experts, we'd be better off IMHO.

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Bob -


If you are that involved in a union, let me say - I didn't want to say every single union is bad.


OTH, my Dad retired from a certain ...big company, and the front page of the local paper?


"Some retirees may lose benefits".


That isn't right. That union has, little by little, been dumping on retirees for years, in contract negotiations.


And, since the retirees don't pay union dues anymore... and those certain unions don't have much


influence or control over how they vote.....


Really bad. I hope NONE of those retirees lose their benefits.


That is the arrogance and lack of honor that I've been railing about with unions, Bob.

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Bob -


If you are that involved in a union, let me say - I didn't want to say every single union is bad.


OTH, my Dad retired from a certain ...big company, and the front page of the local paper?


"Some retirees may lose benefits".


That isn't right. That union has, little by little, been dumping on retirees for years, in contract negotiations.


And, since the retirees don't pay union dues anymore... and those certain unions don't have much


influence or control over how they vote.....


Really bad. I hope NONE of those retirees lose their benefits.


That is the arrogance and lack of honor that I've been railing about with unions, Bob.


That sucks big time. Nobody should ever dump on retirees, real bad policy/practice. Retirees deserve proper treatment, they paid their dues & then some.

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After reading more about it, it ..(for now?) only applies to salaried retired, who they say can simply go on medicare.


But my Dad's benefits are slowing dwindling, as his fees go up, all via the union negotiations.


Surely it's illegal to dump on any employee who has retired from a company. Isn't that a legally binding contract?


Corporate America has been going down an anti-family, anti-job security, pro-foreign consultant road for many years now.


And some unions' leadership have gone down the tubes at the same time. Like the SEIU. Richard Trumpke, AFL-CIO I think it is...


Lookin bad.

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